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My Picture Page!

Hello, and welcome to my picture page, featuring many photographs of me and people I know that are on the internet today.

This is a picture of (from left to right) me, as Knight #1, Anna, as Winnifred, Meagan, as the Minstrel, and Erika, as Lady Larken, as we appeared in our school play Once Upon a Matress.

This is one of my many senior pictures, although the only one on the internet right now. It seems to be one of the most popular pictures.

Hey, look what I found! Another one of my senior pictures! (Well, ok, it's been on my profile page forever, I just forgot about it)

Yet another picture from my senior year, except in black and white.

As if it couldn't get any better, I finally scanned my third and final senior picture. So here it is.

Here's probably one of the most famous images of me. Shane is jumping off his roof onto my head. And yes, he did kinda land on it :)

Prom 2000

This is a picture of Ashley and me. Although we didn't go together, we still managed to get this picture.

This is a picture of Dawn and me. Still not my date, but we're getting close....

Finally, a picture of Cassie and I. This picture was taken during the Grand March.

Yet another picture of us, except this one was our formal one, before the dance and everything.

Here's a picture of us at the A&W. We're standing in front of the Great Root Bear.

And this picture was taken up at the A&W. You notice it was pretty windy that day :)

Prom 2001

A picture of Ashley and I

Another picture of Ashley and I

A picture of Dawn and I

A picture of me with my wonderful date Landyn

formal picture

A picture of us at her house

And a picture at my house

Another picture of us at my house

A picture of us and one of my sisters

A picture of (from left to right) Scott and his date, Shane and Abby, Jarrid and his date, and Landyn and I

A picture of us at the high school

Here's a picture of Landyn and I with my parents

A picture of me and my sisters (who let them go to prom?)

And a picture of me, my sisters, and our dates

A picture of us during the Grand March

And a picture of us after the Grand March

Another picture of us after the Grand March

Landyn with her friends Maggie and Amanda (who was proposed to during the Grand March)

A picture of a bunch of senior girls (or "Let's Play Where's Waldo?)

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