Stephen has entered.
Stephen: HAPPY STUPID DAY!!!!!!1
Stephen: Dang. Nobody's here
Sam has entered.
Sam: Is that the problem? I've been wishing people in the chat room a Happy Stupid Day all day, and I was beginning to get really peeved that no one returned the greeting.
Stephen: That could be it.
(Stupid Day 2000)
Mousie: Go bowling and use tennis balls. Or play tennis and use bowling balls. - (Stupid Day 2000)
Mousie: Sorry. I got out some frozen orange juice to make and it said "concentrate" so I've been paying attention to that, not here. What's up? - (Stupid Day 2000)
Dave: Couldn't talk without me, could he? See, told you he was a total retard.
Job: Dave: He could talk. He said "gurgle" and "mrflngl." - (Group Therapy)
Stephen: The RinkWorks Rules of Engagement, clearly state that I have the right to sue you in a, ruled by you
Stephen: Dang. That doesn't seem very fair at all
Stephen: Oh, wait, it looks like I can appeal any rule in the RoE in an appellate court ruled by...erm, Sam again - (The Lawsuit)
Mousie: What'd I say? I'm suing famous for unlawful and unnecessary quieting.
RinkChat: User Mousie has been shrunken by famous.
Mousie: I'm still suing! I'll just do it in SMALL CLAIMS COURT! - (The Lawsuit)
Sam: "Enchanted Noodly Glop" -- A game in which you wander around a bowl of noodly glop. "You found a lima bean! You lose 20 HP." / "You found corn! (I didn't know there was corn in here!)" / "You get stuck in a wad of cheese! Lose a turn!"
Kaz: Wait. What does lose a turn do?
Sam: In a one person game? Beats me. - (Brainstoming)
Stephen: I like RinkWorks it's great! Sam is awesome too!
Stephen: The only person cooler than Sam is Leen, whose beauty and wit astound me on a regular basis! - (A Brief Change of Heart)
* Stephen thinks we should use some of sort of telepathic killer robot to solve this election problem
Stephen: First, the robot would use its telepathy to tell who really won
Stephen: Then, it would kill all the politicians
Stephen: It's a win-win situation
Stephen: Actually, I don't think we need the telepathic part after all. - (Top Five)
* Sam employs his wits. It appears you have bungled a /msg, and so I can clearly not believe it is false. But you knew I would see a bungled /msg, and so I can clearly not believe it is true. But you knew my wits were like a antelope, because I told you -- you would have counted on it -- and so I can clearly not believe it is false.
Faux_Pas: Are you done?
Sam: Your words were in English, which is the language spoken in Australia. And as we know, Australia is entirely peopled with criminals. And so-- HEY! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!
Faux_Pas: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Sam: (no, turn around)
* Marvin turns around.
* Faux_Pas turns around.
* Marvin is distracted.
* Sam switches Faux_Pas and Marvin around - (Top Five)
Stephen: Language is but a container, holding back the true wonder that are the people of this chat. - (Split Stephen)
* Sam carves into Stephen's chest and removes -- yes, I thought so -- a lambchop bone that went down the wrong way and got stuck in his right ventricle.
Brunnen_G: Whoa. He *has* a heart?
Sam: No. Just a right ventricle - (Split Stephen)
Mousie has entered.
Marvin: MosUiwer!
Marvin: Err, Mousie!
Mia: Okay, now that's an interesting typo....
Sosiqui: Nice one, Marvin. LOL.
Sundragyn: ROFL
Zarniwoop: One of the more bizarre ones we've ever had. Worthy of Sosiqui.
Sosiqui: Zarni: Eh, mine tend to be more embarassing than bizzare. ;)
Marvin: Hey, I was close. I had the first three letters right
How many microphones does the WWF own? - (Triple H, on an episode of RAW is WAR a couple years ago)
Mankind: Thanks for the ride, Rock! I had a little trouble breathing in there, though.
The Rock: The Rock lets you ride in the trunk of his limousine and you're complaining?
(On Smackdown!)
The Rock: And here it is... "To BE the man, WHOOO, you've got to beat the man...
Lawler: ...What?!
The Rock: No, that's not it. That's not it, jabroni. This is it: "OOOOhhhhh YEEEAAAahh DIG IT!
Lawler: No!
The Rock: No, that's not it either. This is it: "Whatcha gonna do, when the TWENTY-FOUR INCH pythons..." That's not it either.
(The Rock and Jerry Lawler on RAW)
Welcome to RAW is Jericho! - (Chris Jericho's first words on RAW)
It's true, it's true! - (Kurt Angle)
Look at the idiots that are in this ring right now. Chainsaw, Mosh, Cactus Jack-- I feel like calling Unsolved Mysteries and saying, "Hey! I found everybody! - (Lawler)
JR: Buh Buh's head has gone through two chairs... does that count for anything?
Lawler: It counts for a hell of a headache on Monday morning!
(Royal Rumble 2000)
JR: Well, Funaki's been eliminated, for about the eighth time tonight... - (Royal Rumble 2000)
I am bi a lot of things, but lingual is not one of them... wait a minute, did I just mean that? - Triple H
Nobody listens to me! Nobody gives a damn what I think! What the hell am I doing wearing this ridiculous outfit? I look like a damn road sign! What the hell am I? A school crossing?! - Jason Sensation impersonating Owen Hart
Mankind: Al, I'm talking about the results of the most devastating type of match in WWF history.
Al Snow: Yes.
Mankind: The Hell in a Cell.
Al Snow: I know. And I've been involved in some pretty devastating matches myself.
Mankind (laughs): Yeah, devastating for the fans to watch.
Al Snow: How 'bout a cup of beer, big guy?
Mankind: If you're going to make me watch another one of your matches, I think I need all the alcohol I can get.
Mankind: Let's talk about the most devastating group of WWF superstars ever assembled!
Al Snow: I know, I know... Joey, Rodney, and Petey!
Mankind: No, those guys are a bunch of possies! No, I want to talk about a force that strikes fear into the heart of man...
Al Snow: Steve Blackman's promos?
Mankind: I said a group, Al; Steve Blackman's only done two promos; that makes that a pair.
One runs the risk of weeping a little if one lets himself be tamed. - Aviator, The Little Prince
"You know - one loves the sunset, when one is so sad..."
"Were you so sad, then?" I asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunsets?"
But the little prince made no reply. - Aviator and Little Prince, The Little Prince
Then you shall judge yourself, that is the most difficult thing of all. It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. - The King, The Little Prince
Whomever I touch, I send back to the earth from whence he came. But you are innocent and true, and you come from a star - The Snake, The Little Prince
...I would like nothing better than to see you die, Mr. McKinney. However, this is the time to begin the healing process. To show mercy to someone who refused to show any mercy. If anything, that hardens my resolve to see you die. Mr. McKinney, I’m going to grant you life, as hard as that is for me to do, because of Matthew. Every time you celebrate Christmas, a birthday, or the Fourth of July, remember that Matt isn’t. Every time that you wake up in that prison cell, remember that you had the opportunity and the ability to stop your actions that night. You robbed me of something very precious, and I will never forgive you for that. Mr. McKinney, I give you life in the memory of one who no longer lives. May you have a long life, and may you thank Matthew every day for it. - Dennis Shepard, The Laramie Project
Don't put this in your notes...Whew...That was SO CLOSE. By the way, none of this is in your notes, especially not this stupid sun.
This map is perfect.
"Draw a picture." No, you'll throw a shoe at me!
What are you drawing in my picture? You put an extra animal in my picture. You put in pollutants in my picture! There are no pollutants in my picture!
I wonder if I press this 50 times fast, it will go.
No chalk. Class cancelled.
That's Long Island. "It looks like a fish." Well, it actually does. What does this part of Antartica look like? The fin of a fish.
Everything looks like a fish in this class.
Disregard everything I just said. Remember, you forgot that other thing I told you to forget.
Here's an experiment you can do at home, but it's less dangerous so you don't need the moon suit.
You are sworn to secrecy. If you tell you will be struck by a hot spring sometime in your life.
Prior to spring break, there was an evil answer key in there. So if you copied that key, you are now possessing evil and now need to be exercised.
I, in no way, shape, or form, endorse an answer key.
Why don't you muggs (that's a term of endearment) turn off the lights.
Collective guys with the baseball hats...shush.
Usually I use a stationary object, but I thought it would be good for class involvment.
Imagine if we didn't have class. It'd be like a day without sunshine.
Why is it stuck? I don't know except for this case because my foot is there.
Since its late in the semester, we can share personal insights. We can bond. I happen to be a coffee drinker. You didn't know that because I'm so calm. Every morning I probably have too many cups of espresso. Don't you?
Popadopolous is very close to Kennedy. I can see why you'd get it mixed up.
Lois Lane: woman of the 80s.
It's bullshit..oh shoot, I'm being recorded...sorry.
Why can people say,"I hate science" out loud and not get stoned?
As usual, I fly by the seat of my pants.
I have a system...My system stinks...Let's go back to the old system.
It is, in many ways, an outrage.
"You need to get out more." "No, I don't. It's best if I stay in."
But of course, the front row carries on its OWN conversation.
You guys are acting silly because you're excited about the exam.
I don't know what kind of rituals you have at the end of a course, and to be brutally honest, I don't want to know most of them.
Aaron, man, it's been like two weeks. You don't phone, you don't write. What am I supposed to think?
I didn't do it because of...because, and that's a good reason.
Aquafresh. Amerifresh.
Creep is a geologic term. You didn't know that. You thought it was just a term you used on a daily basis.
Some people frown on the word "goosh," so they call them mountains.
When I say "three," you say "magma..." Now you know why Dr. Evil says "magma" so much- because its fun to say.
Ooga pooga! That's the technical term for graveyard excavation.
There's an earthquake that's going to happen. Okay, let me get my gun.
The park rangers won't answer you, but just look at you, and they'll give off a smell.
What a view from the porch. The toe is coming, the toe is coming. I'd love to say that in my lifetime.
Not only was I burned, but I had a hole in me. And all my Boy Scout friends laughed at me.
Have you ever seen a nervous cow? How do they act?
I thought it was my dog fighting up in my attic, but I don't have a dog, and I don't have an attic.
When your town slides into the ocean, it's really bad.
An aquifer in Minnesota would kick that aquifer's butt, though I'm sure aquifers really don't fight much.
Ten percent of the world's fresh water is in Lake Superior, so don't do anthing nasty in it.
Water is the most amazing thing on this planet. Silly Putty is probably number two.
How did Rapid Creek get its name? It's a rapidly moving creek.
This series of slides is called "The Teton Dam Disaster," so you know where this one's going, baby!
Meander is a word that people use on a daily basis. "I think I'll just meander down the sidewalk. I think I'll just meander in a crowd." Streams do that.
For a short time, like 10 days, the Red River was the largest river in the US- even bigger than the Mississippi. So everyone had to change their geography books real quick- and then erased them back.
You aren't allowed to quote this. And you can quote me on that. - (Wes)
When there's a duck in your underpants, there's only one thing you can do. - (Monkeyman)
That's very interesting. Almost as interesting as that red, black, and yellow rope that's halfway in your shirt. - (Nyperold)
USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population. - (David Letterman)
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out. - (Rodney Dangerfield)
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he'd learned in seven years. - (Mark Twain)
I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was - an Arctic region covered with ice. - (Steve Martin)
I wish to be cremated. One tenth of my ashes shall be given to my agent, as written in our contract. - (Groucho Marx)
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams
If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either. - Dick Cavett
Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas. - Keppel Enderbery