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Hello, and welcome to my favorite RinkChat archives. RinkChat is part of the site It is one of my favorite sites. RinkChat serves as the chat room for RinkWorks. Often, Sam (the webmaster) saves certain RinkChat archives and saves them for others to see. These are some of my favorite archives. I participate in chat as Marvin.

The Banning of Sam - In this archive, Dave bans Sam from the chat room. The rest of the archives describes how Dave and the rest of the people react when Sam doesn't immediately show up afterwards....

More Wedding Ceremonies - Ah, the first archive that I'm in. In this one, I get "RinkMarried" to a girl named Slivercup.Too bad the marriage didn't last :)

The Great Ginger Ale Tragedy - Another archive I am a part of. Dave managed to spill ginger ale all over himself one night, and blamed it all on Darien. What happens afterwards is some funny stuff you must read.

Group Therapy - Another great archive, when Sam and Dave bring in their fantasy characters from their "book" The Duel of the Ages into chat one night. I particiapate as Marvin and as Ref in this one.

The Sting, Part 1 and The Sting, Part2 - I group these two together because they both revolve around one character, Radebur. You might have to read these two a couple times to comprehend it all.

Stupid Day 2000 - Rinkworks has its own little holiday called Stupid Day in January. This is one of my favorite archives.

The Admin War of the Ages - Another archive based on the characters from The Duel of the Ages, except with a little twist....

A Flash in the Eye - Another fun archive, Dave managed to flash his eye with the flash from his new camera. I have a couple good set-up lines in this one.

A RinkChat Retrospective - Why bother reading all the other archives when this archive compresses them all into one archive? :)

Crazy Insane Play Supreme - This archive was just total chaos from beginning to end. Another must read.

The Red Button - Another fun archive. Whatever you do, don't press the red button....

Mrs. Girlagong - Rinkworks resident "ahcker," Liface, gets RinkMarried to Mousie, or Mosuei.

Quest for Leen - A few of the RinkChat regulars go on a search to find Leen and her horse, Timmy, that takes them all around the world.

A Brief Change of Heart - Stephen, self-proclaimed Supreme Dictator of the Rinkworks Message forum, suddenly became very nice one day...

RinkLympics - Why watch the Olympics at home when you can particiapte in the RinkLympics in your own house? :)

How the Grishny Stole RinkMas - A parady of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, done RinkWorks style

The Flame War - A really fun archive to particiapate in: basically, everyone just started yelling at each other. It was really fun

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