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Hi there. I’m going to introduce you to two new characters. They’re twin brothers and they have two slight problems other than the obvious one of being in my story. Their little problems are that they have pretty much no concept of any type of common sense and they have a very limited memory. Let’s go take a gander, shall we…

"I want a snail sandwich," said G1. (I’ll call them G1 and G2; short for Gustophson1 and Gustophson2)

"Make one then," replied G2.

"We’re out of bread," G1 said," Looks like we’ll have to take another trip to the hardware store and get some more."

"Hey, I just accidentally thought of something!" yelled G2.

"How did you manage that?" asked G1.

"Why don’t we just make our own bread?" G2 said.

"Well, let me think. Hmm, maybe because we live on a wheat farm," G1 said sarcastically.

"You’re right. What good is a wheat farm going to do us if we want to grow bread? We need a bread farm to grow bread. Sorry, I guess I wasn’t thinking straight. Where could we find a bread farm…"G2 thought a loud.

"Why don’t we sell this farm and with the money we make from that, we can buy a grocery store?" G1 suggested.

"Hmm. No good,"G2 said," We’ll need a driver’s license to push the shopping carts around and we always flunk those drivers tests. Although I don’t see why I do, I hit every cone, every time. Besides, it takes real God given talent to be able to push a shopping cart in the direction you want it to go. It always has that one squeaky, out of control wheel."

"Let’s just sell the farm for now, and figure out what to do later," G1 decided.

"Good idea,"G2 said.

So the very next day, the Gustophsons put signs all over their yard, but no one came.

"Why isn’t anyone coming?" asked G1.

"Well, we do live 3,000 miles from the nearest town…"G2 said, then began to think of a way to sell their house. G2 snapped his fingers and said, "I got it! A four letter word for not fast is slow!"

"Oh!" yelled G1.

Then they both slapped their foreheads and began to laugh at their stupidity.

"Ha, ha. Oh boy. But anyway, I know how we can sell our house too,"G2 finally said.

"How?" asked G1.

"We’ll buy a house that’s in town, then sell it!" G2 said.

"Yeah!" G1 shouted gleefully.

That very next year, they finally made it to town. They bought a house and put up signs in their yard, but again, no one came.

"Why isn’t anyone coming?" asked G1.

"I just don’t know. We got all the right ingredients. We live in town, we put up "beware of dog" signs in our yard, and we’ve been waiting for someone to notice them. I just don’t know, brother," G2 said sadly.

"Remember when we lived on the wheat farm?" asked G1.

"Yes. Yes, I do," replied G2.

"Really? I don’t," said G1.

"I used to love that farm,"G2 started," I wonder what it’s like now."

"Why did we move again? I liked the farm better than the city. It’s too crowded here," said G1.

"You know, the usual. We had to move for financial reasons. Always money, money, money. That’s all people seem to care about anymore,"G2 said looking around the room, misty eyed," We still have 75,000 more payments to make on this house. I feel so…trapped."

There was a long silence. Then G1 said, "Did you know the Kuala isn’t really part of the bear family?"G1 asked," It’s actually a marsupial." "Really?!"G1 excitedly said," You’re serious?!"

"No,"G2 said," I just thought I’d say that."

"Oh," G1 said, rather depressed.

"But we could try!" G2 said.

"Let’s!"G1 screamed.

G1 got a confused look on his face then asked, "But who’s going to pay off the rest of these house payments?"

"Hmm. I never thought of that,"G2 said, then got an idea," I got an idea! Why don’t we sell this house to pay off this houses bills, then move back out to the farm!?"

"Yeah!" G1 yelled.

The very next millennium, they sold their house and moved back out to the wheat farm.

"Oh, yeah. It’s good to be back home, isn’t it brother Gustophson?" said G2.

"Yeah, but…"G1 stopped his sentence.

"But what?" asked G2, confused.

"I’m getting kind of hungry," G1 said, "Could you fry us up a snail sandwich?"

"Sure,"G2 said.

He went into the kitchen then said… "That’s funny. Ha. We’re out of bread."

"There should be some in the freezer down stairs,"G1 suggested, while turning on the TV.

G2 went down stairs, then came back up with the bread.

"Found it," G2 said, "Now prepare your self for the ultimate snail sandwich!"

To sum it all up, the brothers both had a delicious snail sandwich. That’s it, they just had their sandwiches and went to bed. There’s no more to this story. That’s all there is. No more. They just ate those sandwiches and ran right off to bed. Yup. There’s no more to it. *sigh*

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