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CHAPTER 8 - Prince Cess

I take you from brain teasing mysteries to a prince with a problem! Wow, this book really covers a lot of topics. Anyhow, we get to bum around with Prince Cess, the Prince of Shopping-Cartsville. Just recently Prince Cess’ princess was abducted by a dragon who cast a spell on her, cursing her with infinite sleep! The princess was safely returned to the castle but the only way the princess can be awakened is with the kiss of a man who can spin straw into gold. Sounds exciting, and strangely familiar, but let’s take a look…

"Father, I must go and find this one who has the power to spin straw into gold," Prince Cess begged his father.

"I understand. She is your true love, that was proven when she kissed you and you turned from a frog into a prince! Go and do what you must my son," Prince Cess’ father said as he accidentally touched his wife and turned her into gold, "Oh drat! I wish I never would have wished that everything I touch turn into gold! Son, before you go meandering about for this mystery man, could you fetch me the hammer and chisel, I seem to have turned your mother into gold again."

Prince Cess did as he was told and set off to save his sleeping beauty.

Prince Cess found the man who could turn straw into gold at a nearby market stand.

"There you are Mrs. Bellybutton, I hope you enjoy your new golden ski mask," the man was saying as he handed a large golden mask to an elderly woman. She didn’t have the strength to hold the heavy object and she was rolled down the hill by the weight of the mask.

"Sir, my name is Prince Cess, I am the prince of Shopping-Cartsville," the prince said proudly as he stood tall with dignity.

"A princess huh? You look more like a man to me," the straw spinner responded.

"No! I’m Prince Cess, not A princess, but I have come to ask a favor of you. You see, my princess, she was abducted by a dragon and had a spell cast upon her cursing her with infinite sleep. The dragon said the only way to wake her up would be if a man who could spin straw into gold kissed her. I guess what I’m asking is will you kiss my wife?" Prince Cess asked.

The man looked shocked, "You want me to kiss your wife?"


"OK, I will," the man said, "but only if you give me your first child."

"I’m a man," Prince Cess responded, "I can’t have children."

"I thought you said you were a princess," the gold weaver said.

"No, sir, I am Prince Cess, princes are men, and my princess is under a terrible curse and I was wondering if you’d kiss my wife to break the spell."

"I’m still confused about who’s a princess and what not, but OK, I will kiss your wife. Under one condition, you have to guess my name. You get five guesses."

"That’s not fair! Sir, my wife can’t wake up, my mother is currently being chiseled out of the gold my father accidentally put her in, and I had to learn how to walk just to find you! Usually my servants get everything for me so I never have to walk and in return I lost the ability to walk. Now sir, are you so cold hearted? Will you not help your great prince in his time of need?"

"Since you’re having such a hissy fit about guessing my name, I’ll cut you a break."

The prince was relieved.

"Instead of guessing my name, you can get me the old shoe that a women and her children live in"

"What? A shoe? Sir, my wife could…"

"Ah ah, either give me a child, guess my name, or get me the shoe, it’s your choice, or my name isn’t Rabbletapsmith."

Prince Cess gave a depressed sigh and ventured off to find the shoe that a woman and her children were living in. After looking in several shoes, Prince Cess finally came across a shoe with an old lady in it.

"Ah, I’m so glad I found you!" The prince said with a smile.

The old lady sprang out of bed and attempted to eat the prince.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" the prince yelled out as he shoved the old woman off of him.

"Hey, you aren’t little red riding hood!" the wolf said, "Get out of here buddy, I’m waiting for a little girl to come walking through that door so I can eat her!"

"That’s all fine and good, but I was wondering if you’d mind if I stole your shoe ma’am?" Prince Cess said to what he thought was an old woman.

"This isn’t even my house, I ate the lady who owns it and her granddaughter is coming over today and…wait," the wolf started to see how he could use this to his advantage, "well, I’ll make you a deal. If you get me a little girl in a red hood with a basket, I’ll give you this shoe. She’s my, ah, granddaughter…yeah…that’s it, my granddaughter."

Once again the prince was off on his next task. After days and days of no luck finding a girl with a red hood and a basket, the prince decided there was no hope and sadly made his way back home. He went to the place where his princess was eternally resting, and he suddenly noticed something that made him jump with joy…she was wearing a red hood and there was a basket sitting on a night stand next to her bed!!! The prince got so excited, he snatched his princess off the bed, grabbed the basket, and jetted off toward the shoe. Once there, he traded the "grandmother" of the shoe the girl with the red hood and basket for the shoe and headed toward the man who could spin straw into gold. He gave the shoe to the gold spinner and the man agreed to kiss the prince’s wife. The prince sprinted back with the straw spinner being drug helplessly behind him. Finally, his princess would be able to once again awaken, smell the flowers, dance with him, play tag with him, joust against him, have intense Frisbee contests against him, sword fight him, and enjoy life being together again! But there was sad news when the prince returned to the castle…his princess was missing.

Oh Good Lord, don’t tell me that’s the end of this story…oh great, it is. I cannot honestly say any part of this book makes me proud. This is terrible, how much worse can this book get? Not much. Well, we’re almost to chapter 10 so there’s some good news. Chapter 10 will be the end of this depressing sequel.

"Well, if you don’t like the book so much, you could let me write it," Mr. Literature said.

YOU AGAIN! You know, I’m getting really sick of you trying to steal my book! Mr. Literature, you’re a house! You can’t write books!

"Apparently you can’t either," Mr. Literature said.

That’s beside the point! This is my book, as degrading as that is for me to say, and I don’t like you interrupting me all the time!

"OK Shane, that’s the last draw!" Mr. Literature continued, "I tried to be nice but yet you refuse! Either you let me write this book or I will smash you! You have one chapter to decide! After chapter nine, I demand your answer! Choose wisely…muh ha ha ha ha!!!" Mr. Literature hobbles away and trips over a passing sheep. Mr. Literature quits laughing, stands up and continues to hobble away with only half of his pride.

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