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Undoubtably the best Bigfoot movie ever made. The Legend of Boggy Creek is based upon a number of bigfoot sightings that took place in Fouke, Arkansas years ago. Many of the characters in the film are the actual witnesses of the accounts portrayed throughout the movie. The Lgend of Boggy Creek also utilizes the actual locations of witness encounters.

In the begining, the creature seems curious about the people in the Fouke area and is witnneses a number of times. He appears so often that some characters such as Willie Smith, who at first denied the creatures existence, soon believes after a close encounter outside his house.

Other characters in the movie ofter more interesting accounts of the Fouke Monster. John Hixon states that he saw the creature walking on two legs while clutching its right hand to the chest area due to some unspecified wound. John Oates falls victim to the creatures hunger when two of his prized hogs (weighing 200 pounds a piece) are taken and killed. John testifies that the hogs were carried over a fence near the pen. After this discovery, John moves the hogs' corpses to an area where the acrid scent of rotting flesh wouldn't be so disturbing. The next day the hogs' bodies are gone. "What kind of creature can carry two 200 pound hogs?"

Other benign sightings are by Fred Crabtree and James Crabtree. Fred, while out hunting spotted the creature by the bank of the creek apparantly washing its feet. Fred states that if he had his rifle with him rather than his shotgun, he could have shot the creature. However, Fred Crabtree states he doesn't think he would have shot it anyhow because its characteristics resembled a man's. James Crabtree's account also took place while hunting in the swamp bottoms. He states that while he was hunting, a strange silence fell over the woods. No birds or small creatures were anywhere to be seen. Shortly thereafter, James witnesses the creature step right out in front of him in a casual and curious manner.

Other accounts include a boy who shoots the Fouke Monster while hunting. (Pretty scary scene). Blood was later found in the area, but no creature. Another scene focuses on the creature prowling outside the home of three women. One of the girls, Marybeth sees the creature outside the window and becomes terrified. The following morning the girls find their cat dead on the porch. Apparantly dying from fright!

Needless to say, after all the commotion this creature had been stirring up, the town decides to hunt it down. The best hound dogs in the surrounding area are gathered up to help sniff the creature out. Upon picking up the Fouke Monster's scent, the hounds cower, cry, and down right refuse to follow the creatures scent any further. This hunting party must have had a profound effect on the Fouke Monster. It was not seen or heard from for eight years.

IT RETURNS! After eight lonely years of roaming the desolate swamp bottoms, the Fouke Monster returns to do what he does best. Scare people. However, not everyone is afraid of the Ol' Fouke Monster. Herb Jones who has inhabited the swamp bottoms for a number of years states that there is no monster. Other testimonies state otherwise.

The once gentle creature is out for vengence. In the last half of this movie it attacks a trailer home, steals chickens, kills a beloved dog, and jumps in front of on coming vehicles. The movie reaches its climax when the creature, who had been stalking the home of two couples, attacks one of the husbands. Needless to say the moved away shortly afterward.

This movie has it all. Humor, drama, and plenty of good scares. It also supplies the viewer with plenty of bigfoot facts. For example, the Fouke Monster tends to be nocternal, three toed (trait common with Southern bigfoots) smelly, and bipedal. The movie also includes plenty of information associated with witness accounts. Strong odor, unusual silence in the woods before an encounter, and broken tree branches significantly large in diameter.

I strongly recomend this movie to anyone interested in watching an entertaining as well as informative film about bigfoot like creatures. If you can find a copy of the movie for sale I suggest purchasing it. I believe it is no longer in print.

I would also like to mention that throughout the movie the terms bigfoot and sasquatch are only mentioned once and that is by a reporter. Throughout the movie the mysterious creature is refered to as Wildman, The Creature, It, He, Thing, and, The Fouke Monster.


Want to read about the Legends behind the movie?Click here

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