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On Sept 23, 2001, I recieved an e-mail from Frank Hansen containing the story and photo documented on the last page. Frank Hansen also sent it to several other Bigfoot/Sasquatch web-sites and investigators. However, to date, no other Bigfoot web-site is looking into this matter to the extent MINNESOTA BIGFOOT is. This could be due to thier lack of interest and motivation, or they fear that investigating this report publicly may result in future embarrassment if it turns out to be a hoax.

MINNESOTA BIGFOOT believes this alleged encounter and photograph are indeed worth looking into, at least for the time being. When researching and investigating alleged videos and photographs of Bigfoot, it is often difficult if not impossible to prove validity and legitimacy. Bigfoot researches still argue whether the Patterson/Gimlin footage is a depiction of a real-life Bigfoot, or just a man in a monkey suit. However, unlike the Patterson/Gimlin footage, the subject filmed in the Luxembourg photo is vauge and obstructed by brush.

MINNESOTA BIGFOOT is not yet ready to say whether the creature in the photo is real or an elaborate hoax. MINNESOTA BIGFOOT is however, willing to spend the time investigating this report and keep you updated as more information is gathered.


The Luxembourg sighting was reported by Frank Hansen of Luxembourg, Europe.

Frank Hansen was in a forest near Schouweiler when he had this encounter.

The encounter took place on 8/11/01 around 3pm

Frank Hansen says the creature was around 2 meters in height, dark haired, and very large.

Frank Hansen is 20 years of age and states that his real name is Frank Hansen (so as not to be confused with the Frank Hansen of Minnesota Iceman fame).

Frank Hansen filmed the creature with a Sony digital camera and produced a small mpeg file that is around 13 seconds in length.


I have recieved some e-mail over the last few days from various people telling me why they believe the Luxembourg photo is a hoax. Listed below are a few of them.

The photo is vauge. You can see the creature, but you can't see much.

The encounter took place in a country that is not renowned for Bigfoot encouters, nor seems to have had any in the past.

The name Frank Hansen is all too familiar with that of the Iceman, making most investigators skeptical off the bat.

Some have said that the fact that Frank Hansen's e-mail address has the handle bond007 in it, made them skeptical.

UPDATE 9-26-01
I recieved another e-mail today from Frank Hansen relating his account with more specifics.

"Hi Joe!!, Here I tried to write the whole story again with more details. I sent it to some other people too".

"Here are all the details, information, and descriptions".

10th August, 2001 at abut 3:00PM. The weather was quite good: only a few clouds in the sky, no rain, and the sun was shining. My cam is a Sony digital handycam with a picture function. All happened in Luxembourg (in Schouweiler), a very small country in Europe.

What happened:
I decided to go out for a walk, I drove to a big forest (in Schouweiler). There are no streets or noise near the forest, I had to walk 1km to reach the forest. I took my cam with because I wanted to film the nature in that great weather. I started to film, then I made a few picsshots with my cam. After some time I decided to go home because I was really deep in that forest".

"My cam was turned off so I wasn't ready to film. First I heard the noise of breaking branches, I looked around but I didn't see anything. Then suddenly I saw it".

"First it was a moving shadow in the distance, it looked like another person walking around, I approached carefully. It was about 2 meters big, very huge, dark haired (I think it was black or very darkbrown). It didn't make any noise and there was no particular smell".

"I only saw his back side, I couldn't see his face clearly. It was moving away from me, not running but still fast with great steps. I felt like paralized, unable to move or to think clearly. My cam was turned off and still on picture mode. I quickly turned it on and made that snap (look at the picture)".

"After that snap I think another minute passed "it" was nearly disappeared in the far forest".

"I switched my cam to film-mode and tried to film it. I started to film 3 times because I needed to stop several times to follow it".

"The whole thing was filmed with a far zoom. Because of that zoom, it's not filmed very straight. I tried to walk while filming and I didn't look through my cam because I prefered to watch that creature with my own eyes. After the third time I filmed it, I couldn't follow anymore, too much trees, I couldn't see it anymore. I tried to find any footprints but the ground was too dry".

"I only have that one snapshot and 3 short videosections. I will try to get a better quality of one part".

"Feel free to ask for more details. I give you the permission to publish the picture and the video on your page or to show them to other people. I send this mail to some other people because I think they could be interested too".
Frank Hansen

Frank Hansen has also stated that he HAS been back in the woods where this incident took place. However, he stated that he is having trouble locating the exact location where he filmed.

I'll keep updating this page as more information is gathered.

UPDATE 11-23-01

MINNESOTA BIGFOOT has further updated information regarding the Luxembourg photo and films.


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