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81 Minutes in Length (1974)

Antropologist Dr. Ernest Press is a renowned Yeti enthusist. In fact, his interest in the Yeti is so intense that he includes the subject in his collge courses. Four of Ernest's students (Keith, Tom, Lynn, and Karen) also find the subject of the Yeti appealing and the opportunity to capture one on film even more so.

Ernest's four apprentices decide to join him on a Yeti expedition at Boot Island. Ernest is pleased with the student's eagerness to accompany him to the island to find the Yeti. He is especially impressed with Keith, whom Ernest see's as the most promising of the four.

The night before they leave for Boot Island, Dr. Ernest Press takes young Keith to a prestigious restaurant and introduces him to a dish called Ginsung. What is Ginsung? It is a deliciousy that is served only to special customers. Keith finds the dish delectable.

While Keith fills his face with Gin-sung, the other three students attend a local party. There they run into Spencer St. Claire who accompanied Dr. Ernest on a Yeti expedition some years before. Spencer recalls his encounter with the Yeti and how it killed his companions. The experience was so tramatic that it caused Spencer to take up the bottle and become a chronic alcoholic. Before Spencer leaves the party, he warns them not to go to Boot Island. But his words fall on deaf ears.

Eventually, Ernest and his four students arrive at Boot Island. Upon their arrival, they meet Dr. Karl Werner and his house keeper Laughing Crow. (These are the only two people whom inhabit the island). After a delicious dinner consisting of Ginsung, the group discuss recent Yeti sightings and plan the next days search for the elusive Yeti.

They soon learn that not only is the Yeti living somewhere on the island, but that the Yeti is on the prowl. One by one, the students meet their demise at the hands of the Yeti. When their bodies are discovered by the rest of the group, they are found mutilated. In the end, the bodies of their slain comrades are used as bait to lure the Yeti in. This only results in more deaths. Eventually, the only student who remains is Keith who eventually discovers the truth about the Yeti and that wonderful dish called Ginsung.

This movie has it all. Bad acting, a Yeti outfit that resembles an Easter Bunny suit, and a twisted plot. Be prepared to sit through some dull moments if you decide to view this flick. You'll probably get a kick out of watching sceens that are suppose to take place in the night, but are shot in broad daylight.

If anything, this film offers a very unique and strange ending that you won't find in any other Bigfoot related film. If you like cheese, you'll love this movie. Not an easy movie to find though.

NOTE: The term Gin-Sung is actually used in the Himalayan region to describe a bigfoot type creature.