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My Photo Album

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I took this photo when I first entered the college.

Welcome to my online photo album. I hope that you will enjoy surfing my pages and album.

Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course! Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course! Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course! Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course! Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course! Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course! Hello!This_is_not_my_photo.Of_course!

A teenager

When I was in high school

This photo was taken at our High School's Prize-giving Ceremony in December, 1998. At that time, I was in Matriculation.

I was brought up in Myanmar until I finished my Matriculation study in Myanmar. After the exam, I left Myanmar/Burma to continue my further studies.Now, I am majoring in Computer Science.

If you want to know better about me, visit to my yahoo profile.

A Burmese girl

These two photos are quite small. There are only a few photos just now. But I will put some more photos soon. I've some cool photos of my motherlad. I am going to add them. If you want to know about my homeland, please browse official Myanmar Site on the net

Bye Bye!



<BGSOUND SRC="/mn2/myphoto/musicyu.mid" LOOP=infinite>