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Pretty Bird's Homepage

This page is devoted to the memory of my cockatiel, "Pretty Bird".

You're filled with anger and disbelief
you ask why take your pet; she never hurt a leaf
Nothing makes sense; as you sit down and cry
but only the good Lord; can really say why

Into all our lives; a little rain must fall
and we must be strong; to answer that call
It usually happens; when our guard is down
then your feelings go on; a merry-go-round

You must hold on tight now; with all your might
because it's always darkest; before the light
Stop and take a look; down deep in your heart
it's there you'll find the strength; to make a new start

Your little one is now home; in Heaven above
cradled in God's arms; covered with his love
This isn't the end; you'll see her one day
and on that special day; you'll be together to stay

~John Quealy~

Pretty Bird
"Pretty Bird"

ATTENTION! I have found my new bird! He is a beautiful eight year old Senegal
parrot named "Nacho". I adopted him from a very nice family who just didn't have
enough time for him. He is very affectionate and extremely intelligent.
Please check out Nacho's page

Have you lost a pet? Visit the Rainbow Bridge

More of my favorite Links.

Here are some photos of Pretty Bird.

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