Heart of Mine

 Roswell- "Heart of Mine" - Episode 216

April 16, 2001

Maria: Listen, just because you haven't seen an episode in quite a while does not mean that life on Roswell has stopped. Au contraire. It's been quite busy around here. All right, https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S1EP16.jpgreview. Max and liz, they've been in love, ever since Max saved liz's life at the crashdown 2 years ago. Max is an alien from another planet and he's destined to marry Tess, his former wife from that other planet. Now recently, she's begun helping him remember where he came from, so he's been feeling more distant from Liz. And Liz is getting closer to my lovable but loser cousin Sean. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S2EP16.jpgNow, let me explain to you why this is a really disastrous time in Roswell. (Maria writes the word PROM on the board) 

That's why. Prom. The ultimate 4-letter word. I mean...[Sighs] I better just get going. 

(Scene shifts to Liz writing in her journal)

Liz: It's April 27. I'm Liz Parker, and I think I've figured out why I haven't written in this journal for nearly a year. It's just ironic that I would figure something out really deep from, like, the least deep guy in America.


(Scene shifts to Liz and Sean talking in his car)


Sean: There's this baby https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S3EP16.jpgpolar bear, right, and he goes up to his mom, and he's like, "Am I a real polar bear...Or maybe just a fake polar bear?" She says, "Why would you think you're not a real polar bear?"

Liz: Ahem.

Sean: You wanna go bowling?

Liz: Um, uh, I think that the alley is closed.

Sean: To the public maybe.

Liz: Oh.

Sean: I have access.

Liz: Yeah. But, you know, it's a week night, so I probably shouldn't... You know... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S4EP16.jpgCommit a felony.

Sean: [Chuckles] Ok. That's cool. Maybe some other time.

Liz: Look, sean, um... You know, despite what people say... I think you're a really nice guy.

Sean: There's something about you, Liz.

Liz: What? I've just always thought there was something about you, you know... Something special.

Liz: Thank you, Sean. Thanks. 


(Sean leans over and kisses Liz)

Liz: Uh, good-- Good night, Sean.

Sean: Good night, Liz. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S5EP16.jpg  


(Scene switches to Liz and Maria talking)

Liz: No. One minute I was letting him down easy, and the next minute he was kissing me. What was I supposed to do?

Maria: https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S6EP16.jpgI don't know. A swift kick to the huevos comes to mind.

Liz: Do you know what the most annoying part of all of this is? I can't stop thinking what Max would think. I mean, why? Right? We're not even together. God, I have spent 2 years of my life involved in this thing with Max, and I don't even have a date for the prom. And now I feel guilty. All right, why should I feel guilty?

Maria: You shouldn't feel guilty. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S7EP16.jpg A non-kiss. It's not like you would kiss Sean back. Right?


(Liz smiles and kind of shrugs)

Maria: Eww, i'm gonna be sick. 


(Scene swithces to Max and Michael talking)

Michael: So, you actually remember our planet?

Max: Yes.

Michael: What are the chicks like?

Max: If you're not gonna take this seriously--

Michael: I seriously want to know what the chicks are like.

Max: It's not that literal. They're just these images. In one way I have this-- this really clear feeling about everything. In another way it seems ephemhttps://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S8EP16.jpgeral. You know, uh-- transient, fleeting, impermanent.

Michael: I know what ephemeral means, maxwell. It's my life.

Max: Michael, I remember everyone. You, isabel.MK} 'Cause we're wearing matching pants. Ha ha!

Max: For some reason, Tess is the clearest. 


(Scene switches to Isabel listening to a young couple in the library)

Boy: Uh, Allie.

Girl: Hmm?

Boy: Uh, I know we've been friends for a long time, and I wouldn't want to do anything to risk that... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/S9EP16.jpgBut I'm starting to feel like we're more than-- than just friends. You know?

Girl: You are?

Boy: Allie, yeah, well. Anyway, I-- I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me to the prom.

Girl: [Chuckles] of course I would. I can't wait to get a dress. 


(Scene switches to Maria and Michael talking) 

Michael: Just kill me now. I don't do proms. I don't believe in them.

Maria: You don't believe in them?

Michael: The whole thing is totally bogus. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/10SEP16.jpgIt's completely unnatural.

Maria: You--you know what? I--I find it to be really unnatural that you're half alien warrior and half Grandpa Dupree, but I make do.

Michael: I knew you were gonna make this thing into a whole issue.

Maria: Oh, my god. This is potentially one of the 5 greatest nights of my life. And if you're not gonna do your part in providing that for me, then... I'm just gonna-- https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/11.5SEP16.jpgI'm gonna seek other options, is what I'm gonna do.

Michael: So what are you saying? That we're seeing other people?

Maria: Oh, my god. You are so annoying. Fine. Then we're seeing other people.

Michael: Fine! 


(Scene switches to Kyle and another Jock talking)

Jock: Valenti.

Kyle: Malamud.

Jock: You still reading this Hinduism crap?

Kyle: It's Buddhism, and if you're asking about my spiritual journey, I'm touched.

Jock: Well, no, actually. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/11SEP16.jpgWondering if it's gonna help you get into Tess Harding's pants.

Kyle: Right.

Jock: No. I'm serious, man. How long are you gonna let that blonde little hottie live under your roof before you make your move? Dude, you got to ask her to the prom. 


(Scene switches to Max and Liz talking)

Max: Hey.

Liz: Oh, hey.

Max: There's, uh, there's something I've been wanting to tell you.

Liz: Yeah. The prom.

Max: Yeah.

Liz: Yeah. Seems like Michael and Maria aren't going. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/12SEP16.jpg

Max: I think that one might be a little too early to call.

Liz: It's really weird, you know. A year ago, I was so certain that the 4 of us would go together. I always pictured that moment, you know, walking in through those double doors together. I even bought a dress.

Max: You did?

Liz: Yeah. Well, you know, it was around that time last year when... We first kissed, and everything seemed so... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/13SEP16.jpg

Max: Simpler.

Liz: Yeah. Max, i know that we're not seeing each other, and I accept that. I do. But, um... This is my prom, you know. It really means a lot to me. I-I-I've put all of this thought into it.

Max: Well, you know, we can go.

Liz: We can?

Max: Yeah. I mean...

Liz: Ok. Fine. We're not together, but we're also not with anyone else. Right. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/14SEP16.jpgI mean, it doesn't have to be some life-changing thing. It can just-- you know, we can just go and have a good time.

Max: I would love that.

Liz: Me, too. Oh, um, so, was there something that-- that you wanted to tell me?

Max: Right. Um... I'm starting to remember things... About my planet, my life. My other life.

Liz: Wow.

Max: Yeah. Yeah. It's-- https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/15SEP16.jpgweird, like... For the first time I could remember things, you know, like what it smelled like, what it felt like to be there.

Liz: Yeah. Th-that's great.

Max: Yeah. I've been dying to tell you.

Liz: Yeah.

Max: Yeah.

Liz: That--that must be really exciting. Wow. So, um, do you remember, like, actual people, you know, like michael and isabel?

Max: Yeah. More like their energy than what anyone actually looks like.

Liz: Right. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/16SEP16.jpgAnd what about tess?

Max: Yeah. I remember her, too.


(Scene switches to Liz running after a bus)


Liz: Wait! Wait, wait, wait, driver! Driver, please wait!

[Panting] damn.

Sean: Need a ride?

Liz: No. I'm fine.

Sean: Parker, about the other night. I--i totally misread my cards, all right? I thought i caught a vibe.

Liz: Well, you didn't. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/17SEP16.jpg

Sean: Come on. Let me-- there's not gonna be another bus for half an hour. Let me give you a ride to school. Consider it my apology, all right?

Liz: Why--why are you stopping? The school's 2 blocks ahead.

Sean: This is as far as i can go... From a legal point of view.

Liz: What, are you kidding?

Sean: It's a condition of my probation. You know, like, I'm not allowed to be https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/18SEP16.jpgwithin 1,000 feet of the school. But, um, if you want a ride home, I could, uh, wait for you.

Liz: No. I just-- I think I'm gonna have to take the bus.

Sean: Fine. Ok. Hey. Hmm? Listen, about the other night, um... I--i know it was a mistake, what i did, ok?

Liz: Mm-hmm.

Sean: But I just want to say that when-- https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/19SEP16.jpgwhen we kissed, it was, um... It was the first time i ever felt... At home in this town, so--

Liz: look, sean, I'm--i'm going to the prom with max.

Sean: Oh. Well, you should've just told me you guys are back together. I mean, I don't feed off another man's taco platter, so...

Liz: We're not back together. We're just going to the prom.

Sean: Right. Mm-hmm. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/20SEP16.jpgHey, my hat's off to the guy.

Liz: What is that supposed to mean?

Sean: Nothing. It's just, uh, you know... Nice operation he's got going.

Liz: An operation?

Sean: Yeah. I mean, you know, he's free to play the field, and yet he's keeping you off the market.

Liz: That's not what's happening, sean. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/21SEP16.jpg You have no idea who max is, ok? Because if you knew him, you would know that he is above and beyond that way of thinking. He is an incredibly, incredibly honorable guy. 



(Scene switches to Maria and Michael talking in the hall)

Maria: So, missed your shift last night.

Michael: Alien business.

Maria: Well, we're both off tonight, so i'm willing to let you take me to dinner and a movie so you can make up for your asinine comments yesterday, which, um, by the way, I think https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/22SEP16.jpgis very big of me.

Michael: I can't make it tonight.

Maria: You can't make it?

Michael: No. I got plans. 


(Scene switches to Alex and Isabel talking)

Isabel: So, I think billy saroyan's gonna ask me to prom.

Alex: Billy, huh? Are you sure? 'Cause i heard he was taking amy greene.

Isabel: Well, the point is, I would've said no.

Alex: Oh.

Isabel: What about you, alex? Anyone special?

Alex: Not right now.

Isabel: Really? Maybe someone special from your past who's ready now, and before she wasn't? https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/23SEP16.jpg

Alex: Isabel... It would be my dream to take you to prom, but then we'd wake up the next morning, and you'd be onto the next thing, and I'd be right back where I was before sweden: You know, obsessed, pathetic, and lovesick. So, I think, amazingly, my answer is no. I'm not gonna take you to prom. Ok? https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/24SEP16.jpg



[Kyle knocks on Tess' door] 

Tess: oh, kyle. Hey.

Kyle: [Inhales deeply] hey.

Tess: What's up?

Kyle: Last year i went to the prom with trudy mckintyre.

Tess: Oh--trudy. She's cute.

Kyle: Yeah. And so, we went, and everything was ok, but...I didn't really know her. Uh, so we didn't really have much to talk about, much to say to each other. And so, I realized that... I feel like i really know you. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/25SEP16.jpgWhich is unusual for me with girls. And, uh, anyway, I just-- feel free to say no or laugh or be outraged or whatever, but... Would you want to go to the prom... You know, with me?

Tess: You know, I'd really like that, kyle.

Kyle: Oh. Thank you. 


(Scene switches to Maria and Liz entering Michael's apartment)

Liz: God, i can't believe we're breaking into michael's apartment.

Maria: Oh, believe it.

Liz: I just know that we're gonna regret this. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/26SEP16.jpg

Maria: Well, yeah, if we don't find any evidence.

Liz: Of what? That he's seeing someone else. Hello! 

(Maria finds a tablet, and begins rubbing a pencil over the impressions)


Liz: This whole thing came up yesterday. How could he already have another girlfriend?

Maria: That's exactly my point, liz. He obviously already had this bimbo on the side and was just looking for an excuse to break up with me, you know?

Liz: No. I just think that you are over-reacting.

Maria: Oh. Bastard. (Maria shows the tablet to Liz.  A name and address are on it.)

Liz: I cannot believe https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/27SEP16.jpgMichael is seeing another woman. I just--I won't.

Maria: Snap out of it, sister. Juanita--home-wrecker. 

Liz: I can't believe what is going on with you and michael, and me and max.

Maria: Liz, what are you talking about? You and max are going to prom.

Liz: I don't know. I just feel max and I are going in 2 different directions, like--it's like we're not able to separate. Makes you realize how, like, easy things change, https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/28SEP16.jpgbecause people meet other people. I could meet another guy, or max could meet another girl, and...

Maria: Or michael could meet another woman. 


(Scene switches to Tess and Max talking in his room, sitting on his bed)

Tess: Ok, just think about everything that you remember. What did it look like? https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/29SEP16.jpg

What did it smell  like? You're not concentrating.

Max: Yes, i am.

Tess: Something's getting in your way. What's going on with you?

Max: Actually, there is something I should probably tell you.

Max: Liz and I are going to the prom.

Tess: So? Max, i don't care about that stuff. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/30SEP16.jpg Not what's important here. This is what's important, and we can do it. Let's try again.

(Maria and Liz are back in the car)

Maria: [Sighs] I'm ok. I'm ok. Ok. Why? Uhh! Why, why?! https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/31SEP16.jpg Just don't understand. I wish--I wish that i hadn't seen that. I wish that I hadn't figured it out. I wish that i wasn't so smart!

Liz: Maria, we don't know for sure that anything happened. You know, we could be reading into this whole thing.

Maria: That's why you have to go and ask max.

Liz: No, maria. I do not think that's such a good idea.

Maria: Please. 


Tess: I see you. You're swimming https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/32SEP16.jpgback. The water's much thicker than the water here on earth... Heavier. It's not quite liquid, but not quite solid. As you swim through it, the water reforms around your body, and--and it feels like you're swimming in...

Max: jell-O. I remember. I remember. I remember the water.

Tess: Oh, my god, you did it.

Max: You made me remember.

Tess: This is just the beginning.  


(Liz is watching Max and Tess thru the window, as Max hugs Tess.  Liz runs off)


Liz: God, you are, like, ubiquitous.

Sean: I think I might have figured something out about you, parker. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/33SEP16.jpg

Liz: You know what? I'm not interested.

Sean: It might fix your problem.

Liz: Who said that i had a problem?

Sean: Well, look at you. You look like you're about to puke at the very least.

Liz: Hey, do you know what? I do not need this right now, ok? I do not want to hear any more of your stupid, inane comments. I do not want to hear any more of your little theories on life. And I do not want to write my freaking name in mushttps://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/34SEP16.jpgtard, ok? My life is falling apart.

Sean: You want to go somewhere?



(Scene switches to Liz and Sean in the bowling alley.)

Sean: Yes. Ok. Step, step... Step, bend... Roll, follow through. 

(Liz rolls the ball, and it goes into the gutter)

Liz: Ugh. I suck.

Sean: No. That was-- that was definitely an improvement. You want to split a beer with me?

Liz: No.

Sean: Um-- don't even finish the sentence. Here, um, https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/35SEP16.jpg coke.

Liz: Thank you.

Sean: So, um... Can I tell you my theory?

Liz: Can I stop you?

Sean: [Sighs] you and I are--are really different people.

Liz: That's your theory?

Sean: But the thing is... That if we're so different, then why do i feel so much every time i look at you? I mean, it's not completely one-sided, is it? This town... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/36SEP16.jpgEverybody's always looking at me, like, "there's sean. "Just got back from juvie. What's crazy sean gonna do next?" And that's what i figured out about you. You're not that different. I mean, this whole arrangement you have with max. It's like you're not together, but you're not apart. I mean, I bet you can't even talk to me without wondering what max is gonna https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/37SEP16.jpgout it. But meanwhile, you're not getting what you need from him. Are you? You're suffocating, liz. We both are.

Sean: Nobody knows what the game is like someone's https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/38SEP16.jpg I don't know, but you're there someone's listening, I know...


(Liz turns her back on Sean and rolls a strike)

Liz: oh, my god! How was that?

Sean: Nice roll, parker. You're a real prospect, you know that?

Liz: Thank you.

[Chuckles] what are you doing?

Sean: Lane walking.

Liz: Yeah. What's that?

Sean: There's this thing i used to do when i worked here. See, what the average american doesn't realize is that every lane in a bowling alley https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/39SEP16.jpghas about a million coats of oil on it. So, if you're wearing just socks, you can kind of... Slide forever. It's kind of freeing. You want to try it?

Liz: Maybe next time.

Sean: I'm gonna count on that. Whoo! 


Max: 3 moons--burnt orange, no clouds. Very surreal, like a--like a painting.

Tess: What else do you remember?

Max: I need a break.

Tess: It takes time. You know, everything's blurry at first... But eventually, the images just get clearer and clearer.

Max: How clear are your memories?

Tess: Most are still blurry, but a few, a few are clearer and more real to me than anything here in this world.

Max: Do you remember me?

Tess: Yeah.

Max: What was i like?

Tess: I remember when you used to reach over and touch me in the middle of the night https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/40SEP16.jpg

Tess: when you used to hold me.


(Scene switches to Alex Playing guitar- he hears a noise outside)

[knock on window]

Alex: hello?


Alex: who is it?


Alex: oh, god. Hey.

Isabel: Hey. Sorry.

Alex: It's ok.

Isabel: Can I come in?

Alex: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Heh.

Isabel: Last semester, miss ragsdale told me that i only needed to take one more class to graduate. So i did. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/41SEP16.jpg

Alex: So, you're graduating?

Isabel: You're the only person that knows that.

Alex: So, are you, like, going to college?

Isabel: Exactly. I have no idea. But what i'm sure of is that I'm graduating, and this is my last chance to have a prom...Ever. Alex, please don't make me just sit here.

Alex: Isabel evans... Go to the prom with me? https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/42SEP16.jpg

(Scene switches to the crashdown)

[music playing]

Maria: is he looking?

Liz: No.

Maria: Just concentrate. You and your idiot, I swear. I hope he's lonely tonight


Liz: so, uh... Beverage?

Maria: Yeah, yeah, please. I'm just gonna go and sit over there.

Liz: Good. Good. So i'll get you a beverage.

Maria: No. I think it looks hot, liz. No. Ok. I'm gonna-- https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/43SEP16.jpga go take 'em off.

Kyle: Heh. Hello. Hi. Can I get 2 cokes?

(Kyle and Maria are watching Valenti and Maria's mom getting cozy in a booth)

Kyle: [Sighs] I caught 'em making out on the couch.

Maria: Dude, I caught them making out in the pantry closet in the kitchen. It's just so embarrassing.

Kyle: I know, but there's nothing we can do about it. It's just raging hormones. And they're our chaperones.

Maria: Yes. Ugh. Hey, so are you and tess, uh, https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/44SEP16.jpgwow?

Kyle: I don't know, actually. It's like... She, uh, she's hot, and, uh, but... I feel really resistant for some reason that i can't quite put my finger on.

Maria: Maybe you're just gay.

Kyle: No. No. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/45SEP16.jpg

Max: You look beautiful.

Liz: Thank you. You look very nice, too.

Liz: [Chuckles] um, you know, maria's all alone tonight, so is it ok if she hangs out with us?

Max: Of course.

Amy: Oh, come on, kids. We have to take pictures. Come on. Let's go, guys. Oh, liz, you look beautiful. Maria, you look  perfect. Where is-- uh, isabel, alex, tess, come on. Let's take pictures. Who am i missing? Uh, michael. Come out here. Mm-hmm. Come on. Let's go now. Uh, jim, come on. Who am i gonna stand with? https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/46SEP16.jpg

. Oh, this is gonna be great. Um, sean. Can you take the picture for me?

Sean: [With funny voice] take the photo, mr. No prom.

[All laugh]

Liz: (voiceover) And there we were, all together... With everything we'd all been through over the last 2 years: The battles we had fought, the relationships that were formed, the feelings for each other, stronger than any feelings we had ever known could exist. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/47SEP16.jpgAnd somehow, in this moment, I had this really strong, really upsetting feeling that this was the last time we'd all be standing together. 


(Scene switches to Alex and Isabel)

Alex: [Sighs] you know, I got to say, objectively speaking, https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/48SEP16.jpgYou look  incredibly beautiful this evening.

Isabel: You don't have to say that.

Alex: I know i don't.

Isabel: Alex. Thank you. This means so much to me, and I know you didn't want to come, so thank you.

Alex: Well, you just got to promise not to be any more beguiling. Otherwise, i'll be right back where i was. I'm serious.

Isabel: Let's dance.

Alex: Let's dance. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/49SEP16.jpgOk.



Jock: valenti.

Kyle: Malamud.

Jock: This is it, big man: The big night.

Kyle: Yeah, this is it.

Jock: I envy you, valenti. All right. Look at that compact little body. All right. Bet she's a firecracker in the sack.

Kyle: I wouldn't know.

Alex: Yeah. Well, you will soon. Listen, what do you say https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/50SEP16.jpgyou throw her to me for a couple hours after you're done? 


(Kyle grabs his friend and throws him against the wall)

Kyle: Don't you ever talk about my sister like that.

Jock: Your what?


Max: Yeah. Do you want to dance?

Liz: Sure. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/51SEP16.jpg


Liz: max. I just want to say that i feel really weird.

Max: What do you mean?

Liz: I mean, I saw you with tess.

Max: You saw me what with tess?

Liz: I saw you with her. I came by your house yesterday to talk to you about something, and you were with her.

Max: We were just trying https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/52SEP16.jpgout... Things about where we came from, that's all.

Liz: Mm-hmm. I know. I know. I mean, you know, you keep saying that, but you, um... Keep on leaving out this really pertinent fact. That you were married to her. I feel like my whole life for the past year https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/53SEP16.jpghas been waiting for some really bad news. Like, "oh, you know, by the way, liz, I remember tess, and I love her." It's really paralyzing.

Max: I know it's not easy.

Liz: No, max. It can be. It can be really, really easy, you know, if we both just stop pretending.

Max: What do you mean?

Liz: You know, maybe we're both just holding onto something that'll never be. Max, maybe we should just let go. I've been in so much pain... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/54SEP16.jpgThis whole year. And it's like i'm just suffocating. 


Max: Liz.

Liz: Um... I should go, you know, for maria.

Max: Right.

Liz: Well, she's all alone tonight.

Max: Go ahead.  Go ahead. Go. 


Kyle: Um... Tess, uh, you... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/55SEP16.jpgYou're--you're beautiful.

Tess: Ok, kyle, please don't say that.

Kyle: And the thing is you're not just... Some girl. I care about you.

Tess: Kyle, I--i don't--

Kyle: but... I think of you as family... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/56SEP16.jpglike a sister. I don't think it could be a romantic thing.

Tess: I understand. You know, I'm disappointed, but I understand.




(Liz and Maria are dancing, and notice that Michael has entered.)

Liz: Go.

Maria: No. No! Me and you, we're a couple now.

Liz: Go!

Maria: What are you doing here?

Michael: I came here to dance.

Maria: Well, you should've brought juanita.

Michael: How do you know about her?

Maria: I followed you to your love pod.

Michael: Juanita's my dance teacher.

Maria: Your dance teacher.

Michael: Yeah. I can't dance. And I knew this was https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/57SEP16.jpga big deal for you, so i was taking dancing lessons.

Maria: Oh, my god.

Michael: Wait. Did you think juanita was some chick i was boffing or someth--

Maria: oh, my god.

Michael: How the hell did you find out about her in the first place?

Maria: Oh, my god! I am, like, the stupidest person alive.

Michael: Ok. Well, as it turns out, juanita declared me unteachable, but if you want to risk personal injury... https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/58SEP16.jpg



(Kyle and Tess notice Max sitting alone)



Tess: I'll meet you inside in a minute. Ok?

Kyle: Sure.

Tess: You look sad.

Max: I think it's really over.

Tess: You mean with liz?

Max: Yeah. I mean, I-- I realized that, I guess on some level, that things were headed in that direction. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/59SEP16.jpgI think it's really actually over.

Isabel: alex, I'm going to do something i said i wouldn't do.

Alex: Don't. I asked you not to do that.



Max: I remembered something else. I don't know how to feel about it.

Tess: What do you remember?

Max: Our first kiss. It was at a party... Late at night. And you-- I--i leaned in... And whispered in your ear.

Tess: And then you touched my cheek. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/60SEP16.jpg

Max: and then we just...



(Max kisses Tess, and she responds-  Liz walks out, sees them kissing, and runs out)


(The scene switches to Liz and Sean sliding in the bowling alley)

Liz: (Voiceover) We try to live responsible, logical lives... But we can't tell our hearts what to feel. Sometimes our hearts lead us to places we never thought we wanted to go. Sometimes our hearts can be the sweetest, gentlest things we have. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/61SEP16.jpg

Liz: Sometimes our hearts can make us feel miserable, angry, excited and confused all at once. https://www.angelfire.com/mn2/podsquad/SEpisodes/16EPS2Images/62SEP16.jpg

Liz: But at least my heart is open. And I'm writing again. I'm feeling. I'm breathing.