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<body background="ryuublue.gif" bgproperties="fixed" text="#00ff00" link="red" vlink="yellow" alink="blue">

*link-an unviewed link *vlink-a link that was viewed *alink-link being opened
*background-picture for background *bgproperties="fixed"-background doesn't move when scrolled

<script language="Javascript">
alert("Welcome\nto my html page\nFind anything good?")
*this was the pop-up message you should have seen when opening this page.
*the \n moves anything after it down one line.

<a name="here">

*Target location (targets part 1)

<a name="agah">

*Target location (targets part 1)

Go back <a href="html.html">Go back</a>
Highlighting text<span style="background-color:yellow">Highlighting text</span>

Highlighting text<span style="background-color:#0000ff">Highlighting text</span>

Go to target named "here"<a href="#here">Go to target named "here"</a>

*Link to target location (targets part 2)

Go to target named "agah"<a href="#agah">Go to target named "agah"</a>

*Link to target location (targets part 2)

If you want text to move across the screen over and over this is the thing for you. <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="1">If you want text to move across the screen over and over this is the thing for you.</marquee>
*scrollamount="#" (higher # for higher speed)
          <marquee direction="left" bgcolor="black"><img src="zerodash.gif">
<img src="zeroshi.gif"></marquee>

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