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Playa del Carmen

Recently we visited Playa del Carmen and stayed for a week at the Continental Plaza. The hotel was okay for a Mexican hotel if you know what I mean. As far as the town, we got bored. It was like a large flea market with little else to offer. Lots of restaurants and shops. Lots of men in the streets constantly bothering tourists to come into their shops and look at their wares. The food left a lot to be desired at most of the places we ate as did the service. We have been to different places in Mexico many times and would place Playa del Carmen at the very bottom of our list of places to return to. We will never stay there again. The cost of food and souvenirs was higher than should have been. The cost of food in this town was higher than in the United States. Breakfast for two at least $20 US dollars without tip. A much better choise would be the island of Cozumel. As far as we are concerned the prices in Mexico are out of line with what the tourist should have to pay. No longer is Mexico a good value. I would highly advise tourists to find other destinations and if you must stay in Mexico stay far far away from Playa del Carmen.