April 1: ShaRp ImaGes is born.
April 4: ShaRp ImaGes WebRing is born.
April 25: The No Frames version is born.
June 8: Ear piercing section is born. How could we overlook it for so long?
June 29: 1000 visitors!
July 18: Got an imood.com indicator (under the counter on the home page, near the top)
September 21: Gave the site a new color make-over.
September 23: Added pass-it-onGear. check it out.
September 23: Created a bug report, it can be found in the welcome section.
September 23: Added another HTML fragment option to the webring section.
October 6: Made a javascript game page, wanna play?
October 8: General Care is now General Info. Info on metals was added to it.
October 9: More games.
October 15: 2000 visitors!
November 8: New Frame Layout and navigation
November 9: Added a Contact form
November 28: New 'simplified tables' scheme
August 2001
August 1: I am BACK! site re-layout complete.
August 9: Started work on some of the project page.
August 10: Added a new link www.darkfiregallery.com
August 24: Did a little work on my ear project page.
February 2002
February 6: Recalculated the site according to FrontPage.
Updated the aaron project.