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Redemptorist Prayers Midday Prayers

Morning Prayers:

Midday Prayers

Novena Prayers

Table Prayers

Prayers at Domestic Meetings

Evening Prayers

Night Prayers

Prayers for the Renewal of Life

Solemn Renewal of Vows

Prayers for Canonical Visitation

Service for the Installation of Provincial and Local Sup

Suffrages for the Deceased


For those communities who choose to gather before lunch in order to pray in common, the following are suggested as options for Midday Prayer:...

a) Community Mass...

a. Community Mass

Some communities...

b. Little Hour

At the appointed time...

c. Particular Examen

The antiphon, "Come Holy Spirit" and the verse and oration are said, without an added "Hail Mary."

Sup.: Come, Holy Spirit.

All: Fill the hearts of your faithful and make the fire of your love burn within them.

Heb.: Send forth your Spirit and there shall be another creation.

All: And you shall renew the face of the earth.

Heb.: Let us pray. O God, you have instructed the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Grant that through the same Holy Spirit we may always be truly wise and rejoice in his consolation. Through Christ our Lord.


Let us pray. O God, all hearts are open to you and every wish and secret is known. Cleanse our thoughts by the inpouring of the Holy Spirit and grant us the peace to love you perfectly and praise you worthily. Through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Each one examines his conscience on the virtue of the month. The prayers are then recited as below. If the suffrages for the deceased confrere or another (Vice) Province are to be said at Midday Prayer, they are said in their proper place, and the notice of his death is announced by the Superior in the following manner:

Sup.: On (date) at (place) in the (Vice) Province of . . . . . . . . there died our confrere, Father (Frater, Brother) . . . . . . . .


Sup.: Lord, have mercy.

All: Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Heb.: Let us pray for the holy Church of God.

All: Bless your people, Lord. Shepherd them, and carry them in your arms for ever.

Heb.: Let us pray for our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, and all the bishops.

All: Help them to remain faithful to their office so that they may nourish the flock of Christ with their words and guide it with their love.

Heb.: Let us pray for our Congregation.

All: Under the guidance of Our Lady of Perpetual Help may it increase the holiness of the Church and serve to make known the kingdom of God.

Heb.: Let us pray for our sick confreres.

All: Save your servants who trust in you. Lord.

Heb.: Let us pray for ourselves.

All: Have mercy on us, O Lord. Heal us, for we have sinned against you.

Heb.: Let us pray for our benefactors, living and dead.

All: In you mercy, Lord, grant everlasting life to all who have been generous toward us for your sake. Amen.

In suffrage for a deceased confrere:

Heb.: Let us pray for our confrere (N)

All: Grant him, O Lord, pardon and salvation; reward him with everlasting life.

Heb.: Let us pray for our deceased confreres.

All: Lord, grant that they may have eternal rest for ever in the radiance of your light.
Our Father. . .

Then prayers are immediately added to ask the help of the blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, our monthly patron, our holy Father Alphonsus, and all the patrons and saints of our Congregation.

Heb.: Let us call upon the saints and holy patrons of our Congregation.

All: Mayour blessed Lady and all the saints intercede for us with the Lord.

Heb.: The Lord has glorified his saints.

All: He listens when they call upon his name.

Heb.: Let us pray. O Lord, may the prayers of the blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, of the holy apostle(s) (N), of St. Alphonsus, our founder, and of all your saints, protect us from every danger to soul and body and gain for us health and peace. Let them also overcome all adversity and error to that your Church may serve you in freedom from fear. Through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen. [...]

d. Spontaneous Prayer

e. Brief Scripture Service

f. Approved Vocal Prayers

*Used with the permission of the Redemptorists.

For information and amusement, check out the following links:

-Kevin Slator

Created on August 7, 2001.