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Item Cards


Jiichan (Grandpa Gohan) /
Makes 1 opponent miss a turn
Yajirobi /
Yajirobi attacks one opponent in battle(he's not worth it, trust me)
Lunch /
Allows one fighter to attack all opponents (sometimes the card does nothing)
Gokuu /
Turns 1 Battle Card's Attack and Defense to Z
Piccolo /
Makes 1 enemies' Battle Card have an Attack and Defense rating of 1
Umi Game /
Switches 1 Battle Card's Attack# with its Defense#
Bubbles /
No random encounters for a short time
Scouter A /
View all enemies' Battle Power, HP and KI
Scouter B /
View all enemies' Battle Power, HP, KI and Battle Cards
Bukuujutsu /
Returns you "home"
Vegeta /
Vegeta comes to help you in the current battle
Gohan /
During fight with Radittsu, enables Gokuu to grab Radittsu so winning is possible
Shippototsuki /
Gohan becomes Ohazuru (were-monkey) during the fight with Vegeta
Need all 7 to call dragon.

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