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Radittsu /BP-1500
Radittsu is the first boss you face in the game. He can't be hurt unless you use the Gohan item and have Gokuu hold him. To beat him you got to sacrifice Gokuu. Piccolo fights Radittsu again on Kaiousama's planet as training.
Kaiousama /BP-4000
Kaiousama isn't really a enemy but you do have to fight him when you train on his planet with Gokuu. Kaiousama can use EnergyHa.
Nappa /BP-4000
Nappa is tough to beat without Gokuu in your party and can kill your weaker characters easily. He makes you fight his Saibamen before he will fights you himself. When you beat him he tries to kill Gohan but Piccolo gets in the way of the blast. Piccolo fights him again on Kaiousama's planet with Radittsu for training.
Vegeta /BP-18000
Vegeta is very powerful and isn't easily beaten. If you try to beat him with Osaru Gohan he will cut off his tail, so only Gokuu is really effective against him. Even with Gokuu he can be a challenge so make sure to have useful item cards with you that heal or restore Gokuu's ki.
Vegeta /BP-6000000
Vegeta as a Super Saiya-jin. If you beat the game with Vegeta still alive he will fight you after the credits are done rolling for a final battle. He is very hard to beat and you should have an "elder Namek" item card to use on Super Saiya-jin Gokuu. Vegeta is stronger then Freezer and uses a new Ki attack.
Kui /BP-18000
Kui is hard to beat because your characters aren't normally strong enough to beat him easily unless you spend time working your fighters up levels. The best way to beat him is to use "grandpa Gohan" cards if you have them and attack him with your best ki attacks and best fighters. You could use the "Vegeta" card but you should save it for later.
Dodoria /BP-22000
Dodoria is usually very strong compared to you when you fight him. Your best bet to beat him is the "Vegeta" card and/or the "Grandpa Gohan" card if you have them. If you have none you should use "Kaiousama" cards on your strongest fighters. If you have none of these items you will have a low chance to win unless you worked your guys up many levels beforehand.
Zarbon /BP-23000
Zarbon is strong but with Vegeta in your party he shouldn't be too much trouble. Have Vegeta and your strongest fighter attack him each turn because if Vegeta is the only one attacking and he refuses to fight another fighter is forced to replace at random and doesn't get to attack Zarbon back.
Zarbon /BP-30000
Zarbon in his second stage with increased power. Vegeta should still be effective against him. Continue to have your strongest fighter other then Vegeta (probably Gohan) attack to but be sure to use a BP raising item card on him first.
Gurudo /BP-13500
Gurudo, although not very strong physically, he can make the battle hard for you because he has the ability to freeze one of your fighters in their tracks. It is best to attack him with more then one fighter because he might freeze a single fighter before they can do anything.
Rikuum / BP-65000
Rikuum is the toughest Ginyu member next to Ginyu. He is usually stronger then your fighters at this point in the game. It is best to have BP increasing item cards used on Vegeta and Gohan and have some healing cards as well. Rikuum has a very powerful mouth beam which is very devastating and can take away over 100 HP from your weaker characters or it could just kill them.
Jiisu /BP-64000
Jiisu is a strong fighter. He fights you with Baata and if you beat Baata he will run away and team up with Ginyu. Jiisu is a well rounded fighter and shouldn't be too hard to beat with Vegeta. Jiisu can use special team-up attacks if Baata is in the battle with him.
Baata /BP-62500
Baata is the fastest member of the Ginyu Team. He fights you with Jiisu and if you beat Jiisu he will run away and team up with Ginyu. Although Baata is weaker then Jiisu it is best to beat Jiisu first not Baata so the battle against Ginyu and the remaining Ginyu member is easier. Baata can use special team-up attacks if Jiisu is in the battle with him.
Ginyu /BP-120000
Ginyu is very strong and Gokuu using the Kaiouken technique can really be effective against him. Once beaten to near death he will attempt a "Body Change" like he did in his fight with just Gokuu. He will usually try to "Body Change" with your best fighter gaining their body and stats, and the person who got switched gets Ginyu's body and stats including low HP.
Freezer /BP-530000
Freezer in his first form. Freezer is very powerful and can easily defeat your weaker fighters. Have your strongest fighter attack Freezer and have Dende heal him every turn. It is best to use a BP raising card. When Freezer gets too weak he will transform.
Freezer /BP-1000000
Freezer in his second form. Freezer is now even more powerful then before. Use the same strategy on him that was used on him in his first form. Once you have Piccolo make only him attack and don't use a BP raising card on him because you don't need it, also make sure to have Dende heal Piccolo each turn. When you defeat Freezer he will take off and you will have to find him. When you meet him again he transforms to his third form.
Freezer /BP-1500000
Freezer in his third form. You will fight him several times where he will just leave during the fight. After encountering him a few times while flying around he will take you to an island were he fights you to the finish. It is best to have only Piccolo attack him and have Dende heal him each turn. In between the fights where he runs you have the opportunity to go to a store and buy cards. When weak he will transform to form 4.
Freezer /BP-???????(Freezer can increase it)
Freezer in his final form. He is very strong and has many deadly ki techniques like the Kienzan which follows you if you dodge it. If you have Dende Freezer will kill him at the begining of the battle. It is best to have someone weak die to make Gokuu go super so you can put up a good fight.

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