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"Dan Paz-Israel"

Here we'll present activities for the period 2009-2010.


As a tradition, every year during July, in all the different countries around the world the Change of Gavel takes place. Last July 8th almost all the Dan Paz Club's members met in the usual site for this important event. The ceremony was attended by more or less, one hundred participants in order to celebrate the Change of Gavel to Alberto Modak , who will be the president for the period 2009-2010. He will have the privilege of leading the Club during its tenth anniversary and semicentennial of the Israel Lion Clubs foundation. ( District 128).
The ceremony was headed by PGD Tzika Lubovich with his professional sympathy , presenting a very nice evening. There were two dissertions . The first , in the name of the Club's Government ,VGD2 , Mr. Yaron Goldman (the present Club's Governor Mrs Pnina Efrati is know abroad), and the second CL Victor Vaisman who talked about the events and aspects, happened during his cadence and the member's joy for being designed the "Most Prominent Club during 2008-2009".
Afterwards CL. Berta Lipovetzky took her oath as a new member of the Club as well as the Lion Club International Association.
The ceremony continued with the Change of Gavel, between both Presidents.conducted by PGD Shuka Tamir that in a few words remarked the importance of the event.
Closing the new President CL Alberto Modak, with emotive words enumerated part of the goals he wants to achieve during the present year , with the help and collaboration of all the Club's members.
Finally, Maia, Alberto's daughter, in a few words described her father's personality and wished a big success in the honourable task he is going to realize. during the next twelve months.
The Singer Nofar Ganor, with her privileged voice, delighted the audience, singing calid songs.
Attended the ceremony the Club's founder and next period Lions Israel Governor, VGD1 Touvia Goldstein and his wife an other members of the Governor's Directive, Presidents and Personalities from other Clubs.
The ceremony finished by singing "Hatikva".

Fotos del evento.


On Tuesday September 1st took place in Beer Sheba the period first Governor's convention. First of all the participants met in order to inaugurate the " Lions Square" in the city. The event was attended by the City Major and a big visitors group. After the Club's Governor's words CL Pnina Efrati, the Major and two different Beer Sheba club's presidents, were opened , in the place, commemorative plates.
After the diner and a toast for our Rosh Hashanah festivity, the group entered to the building were the convention was going to take place.
The Governor presented her projects for the year, as , too, made a description of North American meeting when she received her nomination.
During the event were delivered nominations to the members en charged of the different Government's departments and afterwards members of three southern clubs ( 2 from Beer Sheba and 1 from Arad) talked about the club explaining their activities.
The event was accompanied by musical presentations.
Dan Paz Israel Club participated with 12 members, the largest number of all Club's delegations.

Fotos del evento.


After almost five years meetings in the Eshkol Pais building located in Rocach Street-Ramat Gan. , the club moved to a new place, hoping to have as many success as they have had till to day. The new one is located in Hahadar Street 20 Kiriat Ono , as usual, during the first Wednesday of each month.
After reading the Pray Mrs Paula Epstein lectured about "youth using drags, running the risk of psychopathy danger-treatment.
Afterwards the President CL Alberto Modak informed that during March 18th and 29th 2010 , during the next year the Pan Paz Israel former President Mr Touvia Goldstein is going to be elected Governor. for the period 2010-2011.. He said , too, that on March 11th starts the Holy Land peregrinate in Spanish and the club will receive the visitors in order to celebrate a confraternity toast.
All the different commissions informed about the activities and at the end were celebrated the birthdays and marriage anniversaries.


Since a few years the Club has been receiving computers from different enterprises, that have been changing their cybernetics equipment, although in good shape are not the most moderns. After examining the condition , the Club send it to different institutions or persons recommended by the Town Council Well Being department or by determination of the Club's Commission dealing with it. This years have been delivered : 14 computers: 3 to an Elder Residences in Kyriat Ono, 1 to Ramle, 3 to needy persons in Herzlia and Ramat Hasharon, 3 to children recommended by the Kyriat Ono City Hall , 3 to children in Ganeim Tikvah ,1 to a Kyriat Ono kindergarten. It is necessary to squeeze that each computer includes operative service, screen, keyboard and mousse.


On September 13th. The Club was invited by the K.K.L in order to be honoured for its community volunteered help.. Twelve Club;s members attended the event in the mythical and emblematic Keren Kayemet building in Jerusalem,. and were received by Dra. Any Zaidenberg, encharged of the Latin American department. .Afterwards and once in the Meeting Central Hall, the group was received by Mr. Mordejai Dayan, former co-president of the global K.K.L. Mr Dayan is the only one latin- american who reached this important task.
After the welcome words, a film was projected dealing with the Keren Kayemet s importance in the Israel State's developing. Afterwards Mr. Dayan in a few and light words made a description of the new fond's challenges for the next future.
The goal is to increase his assistance in the Neguev , the land requested for his waste forestation plans. He appeals to the Lions, and specially to the Club, to continue working together in order to achieve the requested goals. In this event he gave the certificate is included herewith.
The CL President Mr. Alberto Modak, thanked the distinction and in name of the Club he promised to continue with this important task.. This activity is the first promise the Club is going to fulfill during its ten year's existence.


Continuing the visit to Jerusalem on September 13th, the Club 's delegation visited the Hadassah Hospital in order to deliver the donation prepared for children borned during our Rosh Hashanah festivities. It necessary to accomplish that this Institution gives service to people from all nationalities and credos, meritorious precedent of Jerusalem , origin of the different religions.
Arriving to the Maternity, the group was received by missus Nava Brawerman, head of the maternity institution.
The visit was prearranged in order to deliver socks, caps and blankets for children, knitted by a group of the Club's members , that are going to be delivered to babies who were born during the first day of our festivities Each present, nicely packed, contained, too, a Club's greeting. The idea, direction and, leading belongs to the C.L.. member Sara Donskoy who was congratulated by the Club. Thanks, too, to the whole group knitters.
The visit started in the Hospital Synagogue, with the twelve glass window that Chagall developed specially for the Hadassah Hospital. The exhibition included a very interesting explanation of each one of the different art piecesrepresenting our twelve Israel tribes.
Afterwards and guided by Misses Brawerman, the group visited de Maternity,who explained the importance of this department. and the use of new techniques dealing with child's births as natural as possible.
The 57 package-gifts contained: new year congratulation to the staff, our banner and and explanation of the club's Lions all around the world, were given by the CCLL president Mr. Alberto Modak. The maternity department's head thanked for the visit.


On September 23rd , in the City Hall Library, Koter Pais in Kiriat Ono, was opened the exhibition of Eliana Schkolnik's paintings. The event was sponsored by: important Institutions as: : the Chilean Embassy was represented by its Ambassador Irene Bronfman , Kiriat Ono by its Mayor Mr.Yossi Nishri , Lions Israel and the Cultural Chilean Institute by Mr Touvia Goldstein vice governor of Lions Israel and President of the Institute, Dan Paz –Israel Lions Club by its president Mr Alberto Modak.
The event was attended by , more or less, 150 assistants. The Chilean Ambassador congratulated the artist for the quality and colour of the different works and said that the exhibition is one of the first activities celebrating the Bicentenary of the Chilean Independence and 70th anniversary of Kiriat Ono foundation.
The Mayor extolled the picture's quality , congratulated the artist and thanked the Ambassador for the visit and gave her a present in name of the city.
The participants had eulogy words for the 81 paintings, oil and acrylics , and were surprised to know that this one was her first personal exhibition and ask her to continue with her aptitudes.
Eliana informed that she was going to donate one of her paintings to the Dan Paz Israel Club in order to organize a raffle with beneficence purposes.



As always the meeting started by reading the prayer. Afterwards the Club President Cl. Alberto Modak with emotive words reminded the beloved member of the Club CL Menajem Torchin ( Z.L.) who passed away last september. He made a description of Meni's personal qualities , his behavior in the Club and his capacity of giving and improving needy people. HE gave to Menis' wife, Hinde, a Keren Kayemeth diploma for trees the club bought in the Lions International Wood under Meni's name.
The President continued informing about the club's activities , giving emphasis to the Hadassa Hospital Maternity donation.>BR> During the meeting the Club members had the opportunity of hearing CL Victor Vaisman explanation of the Sucot festivity and CL Mosche Barbaras in Leonistic Instruction.
The members were informed that the commission dealing with the personage of the year elected Mrs Rivka Feldman to represent the Club. Mrs Feldman has been teaching, voluntarily, music by her system " Therapy by music" and received the Arthur Rubinstein prize. She kept the diploma and donated the money in benefit of handicapped children. She was born in Argentina and the Club continues its tradition by supporting spanish talking candidates.
Also the members were informed that 14 computers were donated to different organizations and heard the secretary and treasury information.
As always the meeting was closed by delivering flowers to the new grandparents, great grandparents birthdays and anniversaries.


During two lectures , on October 13th and 20th 2009, took place a "Debate Workshop" under the Government organization. It was, specially, dedicated to the art giving the Lions specific tools to.extend , easily, the different tasks the organization is doing.
The lectures were given by Mrs Adi Balderman, who showed ability and professional experience.
Finishing the event the lecturer informed that her parents were argentinian residents. He was born in Israel and she adopted, too her parents nationality She was very interested to hear about the " spanish talking club's" activities because she did not know about the existence of. a club with such characteristic in the country.
Six club's members attended the first workshop and seven during the second one.


On October 24th, almost all the Club members and few guest visited Jerusalen. The millenary town, Israel's Capital City has, no doubt, a numberless attractions to walk around. In this opportunity the goal was a visit the Catholic's Holly places , and, once in the old city the Christian and Armenian quarters.
Once in the Holly City the group was received by Leonard , who was going to be the guide. The first visit was the Olives Hill in order to see the wonderful panoramic city view. Afterwards , along the walls, entered the Old City through the Trash Gate and visited the Western Wall, the Judaism holiest place.
The visit continued by running over Christian religion interested places in the old city. They passed through intricate streets full of history and remembrances. They had the opportunity of entering hundred of stores in the Arabic market finishing in the Holly Grave Basilica.
Leonard showed an extraordinary knowledge about the visited places , and explained that he was a professional guide acknowledged by the Vatican. and usually guides Christian Peregrines groups.
The visit finished by having a nice lunch in Notre Dame Hotel, governed by the Vatican.
After lunch they listened a one hour lecture, hoping the continue in the next future.
The event was prepared by the Club members: Hilda, Raúl and Moshe that together with their mates worked hard in order the organize the visit.


In October 28th, a Club's delegation visited the Maynei Heyeshua Hospital- Petach Tikva , in order to deliver a grant approved by the former Governing Board that, by unexpected reasons, was not delivered on time.
The delegation was received by Mrs Raquel Gerzner, hospital's public relations lady. She guided the group through all the departments explaining the different functions that each one performs.
Afterwards the group visited the neonatology department and were received by Dr. Irit Tavori, who explained the different tasks the department, under her heading, is doing. She said that during the last month, a record number of 900 delivers and 88.5% were normal births, were attended. The group visited, too, the premature unity where the donated equipment, that automatic inserts H and O to the incubators, was destined. She emphasized that 10% of the births belong to premature newborns.
Finally they were received by Dr Yaakov Landman, Institute Director, who thanked for the important grant. Dr Landman said that during , almost 20 years, in the Hospital, were born 120.000 children and that this number is growing up, thanks to the functionaries dedication and the high level achieved in the department.
Another proud mission the Dan Paz - Israel Lion's Club members are performing.


This heading does not belong to a "suspense novel", but to the vicissitudes a group of the Dan Paz - Israel Lions' Club members lived during the traditional blood donation . As usual, twice a year, together with the Red Magen David, the Club organizes a blood donation campaign in order the gather volunteers to contribute by donating this important element to the Blood Bank the Institution maintains.
This time the weather did not contributed to the objective. The morning was very cold and rainy. In order to recruit volunteers, the task started at nine o'clock in the morning, in Rishon Letzion, in the same Square they used to be. The weather was unpleasant and people walked fast expecting a hard rain and they did not want to stop their activities. The rain started with a few drops and , at mid day, became a hard storm .
In spite of all, 30 donators were recruited, more or less 70% of the usual expectations with a nice weather. The task finished before the plans because nobody walked in the street.
Finally the task was finished by eating lunch in an area's restaurant and expecting that, next time, the weather will be nicer.


On November 4th, during the present period forth meeting, the club had the opportunity of receiving the visit of the Governer Mrs.CL. Pnina Efrati who attended the event with her husband Mr. CL Rami Efrati.<.br> . As every year the Governor's visit was a special festivity. After the lionist instruction, done by CL Moshe Barbaras who explained the Governor visit to the different Clubs, CLPnina Efrati talked about the responsibility of being Governor .Started by presenting her personal developing in the task and afterwards gave a vision of the Government projects for the present year. Afterwards she answered different questions asked by the Club's members.
Her husband, as president of the Government LCIF talked about his department's actions.
The Governor was very interested of knowing the Clubs activities and decided to read it Hebrew the Commission's informs through the translation made by the club's secretary CL Berta Lipovetzky. Thirteen reports were presented describing the different department's activities. She was surprised of hearing of such a lot of action and asked some questions to the members in charged of the different departments.
The Governor expressed her satisfaction and recommended the club's members to spread out the wonderful work Paz Dan has been doing. She asked the club's spokesman to be in permanent touch with the Government in order to be informed about the different operations done or to be done.
As a tradition in the Club, the Governor delivered the leonistic symbols to he new members attending the event. In name of the Club, Mrs Efrati received a present. She thanked and was very happy and touched with he gift.
The meeting finished by delivering flowers to the birthdays and anniversaries

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Webmaster:Touvia (Teddy) Goldstein
Actualizada:November 12, 2009.