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Tisthammerw's Links

Tisthammerw's rainbowline.

General Stuff

  • The Internet Archive—The Internet Archive has an “Internet Library” of sites and web pages that have existed in the past, even if those web pages no longer exist on their original servers. A fellow by the name of Jim Kalb e-mailed me about this website and I was thus able to restore some of the lost data I had in one of my web pages.

  • Ten-Percent Myth—Did you know that humans only use about ten percent of their brains? Well you're wrong. (Don't feel too bad, I once accepted this myth as fact also.) This web page discusses the origin of this myth and evidence against it. Come to think of it, the myth should’ve sounded fishy from the beginning. Have you ever heard a doctor say, “Yes he was shot in the head with a .44 Magnum, but he’ll be okay because luckily the bullet only damaged the 90 percent of his brain he didn't use”?

  • The official U.S. time—You can get the nearly exact (usually within 0.2 seconds) official U.S. time. Perfect for those who want to synchronize their watches to the second. Cool huh?

  • Merriam-Webster Online—Want to go look up a word? A quick and easy way to do it is to go to this website and enter in the word. As you might suspect, it also offers a variety of other word-related things.

  • rhyming dictionary and thesaurus—Be sure to click on the down arrow if you want to switch the “Find rhymes” to “Find synonyms” or something else (You also have the option of finding homophones, definitions, and similar spellings among other things.)

  • Bible Gateway—This is where you can find a nifty online Bible. You can easily look up a passage (just type in the book, chapter etc.) and have the option of seeing it in many different versions.

  • Free—This remarkable website allows you to enter in words, click on a few buttons, and then translate those words into one of various languages. This section of the website can even translate an entire web page.

  • InterTran—Yet another translation website. It translates in even more languages than Free

  • Ben's Message Board—This is a science/religion/philosophy forum that I have participated in. Anyone can post a message and do so without waiting for a moderator to approve your message. However, you are asked to comply with the rules (no profanity, bigotry, racist remarks etc.).

Origins, Theism, and the Like

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