I graduated from the University of Minnesota in May of this year with a degree in wildlife biology.  I was a midshipman in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps unit at the University.   After graduating I was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. My next place of duty is The Basic School in Quantico, Virginia.

     Before starting college I was enlisted in the Marine Corps.  I was a member of 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion in the 1st Marine Division.  I used to operate and maintain Light Armored Vehicles (see photo) for a living.  I don't know what I'm going to do as an officer, maybe engineering or intelligence.  I really don't get to pick anyway, the Marine Corps does that for me.  I tell 'em what I want and they tell me what I get.

      I don't know if I plan on making the Corps a career or not.  If not, I hope to work for the DNR or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service in Montana or Wyoming.  Eventually I plan on starting a ranch and just doing what it is I like to do.  Be outdoors with nature.

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