This is a true story taking place in Florida that I have been following.  It is a story ripe with immorality, a desire to commit murder, greed, selfishness and self serving actions on the part of one party.  It is also the story of faithfulness and love for a victim who is not presently able to defend herself against a very evil individual.  That individual is Michael Schiavo.  

First, a bit of information about Terri.  She receives her food and water through a feeding tube.  She is NOT however, kept alive by life support.  She's breathing on her own, not artificially.  Her heart beats as yours or mine; independently.  The liberal rags, such as the Star Tribune in Minnesota add to the lies that Terri is in a "persistent vegetative state."  On the contrary, Terri smiles, laughs and cries.  She smiles when she sees her mom.  These are not involuntary reactions, but emotions and facial expressions spilling forth from a living human being.    She also makes sounds and tries to speak.  Michael Schiavo does not want anyone to know this of course.  Terri was awarded $750,000 from a malpractice suit and Michael received over $300,000.  This money was put in a trust fund, and intended to go for Terri's rehabilitation.  Michael Schiavo has NOT ALLOWED  Terri to have any therapy that could improve her condition drastically.  Twice, Terri has had potentially life threatening  infections, and Michael instructed her caretakers that they should not give her medicine for it.  

There are things going on that Michael Schiavo and all the immoral liberal media are keeping quiet about, in order to try to sway support in their direction.  Despite being married to Terri, Michael has a girl friend.  Her name is Jodi Centonze.  They have been engaged for over seven years and she has given birth to a baby girl; Michael Schiavo's of course.  When Terri dies, they are going to be married.  Also when Terri dies, Michael Schiavo will inherit what ever is left of her $750,000 medical fund.  He has withheld medical information from Terri's family.  He has also given her caretakers strict instructions not to reveal ANY medical or neurological information.  No doctor is allowed to examine Terri, except for the ones that he specifically selects.  As you can surely see, Michael Schiavo has several motives for wanting Terri dead.  He claims that he wants her to have a peaceful and painless death, but yet, he was able to get a judge to order her feeding tube removed, so that Terri would starve to death in 10 to 14 days.  This is not peaceful or painless.  Starvation is a terribly excruciating way to die.  This would be the equivalent of torture, allowing Terri to just slowly fade away, while going through complete shut down of one organ after another.  There's nothing painless about this, but Michael Schiavo does not actually care.  He wants her money and he wants to get married  to his long time girlfriend Jodi.  He won't get her money if he divorces her.  Terri's parents are willing to take care of her, and yet he continues to fight to have her murdered, legally.  Michael Schiavo has an agenda called greed.  He has support and backing from very bad people, with liberal agendas, one of those people being Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer.  Greer makes it all too obvious, he does not care what the majority of America wants, or what they feel is moral and just.  He is a judge so apparently feels he can let his will be done and forget what is actually just.  He must not think he has to answer to anyone, but I am here to say, some day George Greer will stand alone before God, and he will have to answer for his wrong doings, explaining why he was a party to attempted murder.  God willing, Terri will be allowed to live and her self serving husband will finally be declared unfit and unworthy of being her legal guardian.  IF Michael Schiavo truly had any sense of right and wrong, and IF he had any love for Terri at all, he would divorce her and turn the title of legal guardian over to her parents, where it should be in the first place.  Believe me when I say, I do NOT advocate divorce in most cases, but this is an unusual case.  

The circumstances that put Terri into her disabled state are questionable and peculiar, perhaps even suspicious.  Then in 1998, Michael Schiavo claims to have miraculously recalled a moment when Terri confided to him, that she would not want extra measures to be taken to keep her alive.  Incidentally, Michael was very much involved with his present girlfriend in 1998.  One must wonder, what measure would Michael Schiavo go to, to eliminate Terri, so that he could be free to marry Jodi, plus be much better off financially?  Would he or could he have done something to purposely cause Terri's disability?  Is he perhaps trying to silence her, because she has information that could put him away for a very long time?  When a person is so adamant, that his wife die, despite the fact that her death (through starvation) would be an excruciatingly painful one, one must question motives.  It is all too obvious, that Michael Schiavo has motives; motives for wanting Terri out of the way and silent; motives for wanting her dead.  

Can you imagine the potential implications if Terri is allowed to be murdered?  First off, the obvious is, Michael Schiavo would have blood on his hands, but he won't care, because he will have any money left over from Terri's $750,000 award.  The implications though are very serious.  If a person can not speak for himself, this could mean he possibly could be put to death by a spouse or family member who is declared legal guardian.  No handicapped individual would be safe.  It would start with those claimed to be in vegetative states, even if they aren't actually, like in Terri's case.  Who would be next?  Liberals would help it snowball.  Mentally retarded, autistic, blind, deaf, then physically handicapped?  No one would be safe.  As liberals deemed someone less then perfect, they would be able to pass a death sentence upon that person.  Where will it end?  I believe if Terri's allowed to be murdered, it will indeed snowball at an alarming rate, especially when there is a money motive.  We need to stand up for what is morally right before we totally destroy the entire world, and all of humanity.  Someday, each and every one of us will stand before God, one to one, and we will answer for every good and bad act we did in our life times.  If you stand with Michael Schiavo, I would not want to be in your shoes on judgment day.  If you stand with morality and Terri Schiavo, I truly believe God will reward you for your moral choice.  Life is about choices.  What is yours?



The information expressed here, is a combination of my OPINIONS AND FACTS that can be backed up.  If you disagree with anything stated above, hesitate to write me, as I am not interested in what you have to say anyway.  I am only interested in what is moral and right in the eyes of my Lord,            Jesus Christ.   Thank you Lord for freedom of speech.  May you touch Terri Schiavo with all your love, and if it is your will, allow a miracle to happen for Terri.  I pray that you will either heal her or call her home, but in a way that is your will, not the will of a human being.  You made us all Lord, breathing life into us, and you should be the only one to call us home into your glory.  In your precious name I pray,

Amen.     -CountryPoetŪ