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10 Basic Strokes

GeoStroke abc
10-keypad to input Chinese
Chinese Computing
Internal Code

Ideographic Languages
Simplified & Traditional Chinese

(A) Anybody with little knowledge of Chinese, such as:

1. a 6-year-old pupil,
2. an old retired person who is a Chinese-computer illiterate,
3. a working-class people who has never been computer-trained in school years,
4. a foreign student who is just arrived in China, or
5. ..........

(B) Even those with good knowledge of Chinese, such as:

1. people with heavy accent from a dialect-speaking province,
2. people from a minority group,
3. ..........

Except (A)4, they are the majority computer user of Chinese.

All can use a Chinese Computer (Traditional or Simplified)
to process Chinese after just some 5 minutes' learning GeoStroke,
a 10-key "digital method".

It is an Intuitive Method,
no any memorizing or finger-skill involved.

It can make your life much easier :

An outstanding portion of a NUMBER Digit
is geometrically similar to
the corresponding STROKE it represents.

Seeing or thinking of a STROKE, you know by intuition its
corresponding CODE
immediately, and know how to code the "character" exactly.

No any "reference book" is ever needed.

Corresponding Stroke
a NUMBER represents

GeoStroke Basics

enlarge  ACTUAL


How to code a Chinese character ?

GeoStroke CHART in Chinese

The Logic of Chinese Character

For REFERENCEs, see:

Chinese Unicode