PinYin Symbols
vs. ZuYin Symbols
We have more than 3,000 high-frequency
daily-use characters, most of them sound dangerously close!
See following examples:
Xi Zi
Phonetics (PinYin and ZuYin) are
extremely low-efficiency methods!
Difficult to learn, easy to forget!!!
Google Pin Yin
谷歌 拼音
Besides, people getting older or not to use it daily
tends to forget how to PinYin or ZuYin.
"EFFICIENCY" of PinYin & ZuYin, in fact, are extremely low.
Therefore, they are "impractical" at all.
China should not use public funds to promote them!
Let "science" be SCIENCE,
and "education" be EDUCATION!
Chinese "Human Resource" is extremely precious!
It is the greatest "wealth & power" we have
to build up a modern nation.
Don't miss this CHANCE again!
Use it carefully, DO NOT ABUSE IT, please.
WHOEVER you are!