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China The Graceful
Chinese Uses Less Resources
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Information Technology NEWS
GeoStroke TECH
GeoStroke V2.0 Installation on cwin95/98
SEARCHING is an extremely important FEATURE to Chinese Computing !
*** CHINESE computing ***
Online Chinese-English Dictionary 漢英, 英漢 無紙網上字典

/blog/geostroke 漢字電腦數字化 討論

Knowing CHINESE Computing

For downloading, send request email to GeoStroke

PinYin & ZuYin

What are the problems?

Radical Problems

What are the problems?

The Stroke Theory

in Chinese & in English     Stroke Chart

Chinese will become one of the international languages sooner than anybody
can predict.

  1. The functions of the current Chinese Computing Systems are not yet quite sufficient. We are still joggling on various PC entry methods.
  2. DataBase Designing is still in its infancy.
  3. eBiz software does not even get started yet!

Only we,Chinese, can help make all these more closely comparable to, or better than, others'. And, there are plenty of arenas for talented ones to explore and contribute.

For time being we do not have time or place for commercial-oriented-only arguments. People should raise more questions and contribute more answers, rather than criticize one another maliously based on personal preference. Objective analysis and item-by-item (facts only, not personal opinions) comparisons are healthful, should be encouraged. Minds should be OPENNED widely, facing the ever-changing competitive world! And, let everybody have an equal footing.

Product(s) / method(s) whatever eventually accepted by most users will be the right one(s) that general public really wants.

Various inventors can introduce and / or promote their achievements by presenting advantages if any. But, argumentation means nothing, it does not help at all. Academic world does not have to be a "slaughter field". Stepping one down does not erect another! "Mutual inspiring" is the KEY to make science & industry prosperous, quite different from other fields. Nobody can do it alone!

In the long run, MARKET ECONOMY will decide the outcome. It may take quite a while, Wang Yun-Wu's 4-Corner Method is a good example, and Chen Li-Fu's 5-Sstroke Method took 65 years to be recognized! Therefore,


We are going to be in this for a long haul.

Wider and deeper discussions are needed for making Chinese computing more usable and better for ordinary people.
