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Wednesday Night Riot only on HBO Sports!

[The BJWC logo fades up from the sea of darkness.]







[Boom! Boom!]

[Boom! Boom! Boom!]

[Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!]


[Locked on the BJWC Tron.]

[Cyris Raven pushes David Dunn and Wrec Hannibal over the top rope.]


[Kid Ego Getting the 3 count on Brandon Lloyd!!]


[D.I. Raising their arms up in triumph!!]


[A close up shot of the BJWC title around the waist of Dan Dehart.]


[The screen illuminates.]

[Inside the arena.]

Crowd: Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!!

[Panning around the arena.]

Crowd: Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!! Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!!

Crowd: Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!! Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!! Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!!

[Signs everywhere.]

[**We want Tyler back**]

[**Cyris Raven is God**]

[**I'm the real ICON KILLER!**]

[**R.I.P. Jae Senastion**]

[**I am the real Legacy!**]

[The camera cuts up from the crowd to the announcer's booth where James Edgebrooke and Mike "Mad Dog" Timmons sit.] Edgebrook: Well hello, and welcome from the Arco Arena here in Sacramento California. We are going coast bound tonight. Joining me as always is the "Mad Dog" Mike Timmons

Timmons: RUFF RUFF BABY !!

Edgebrook: Well after a huge week last week, it seems that Algaurd is our president still and Shane Andrews seems to be wanting total control of the BJWC

Timmons: I think it is a great idea, the man is a legend, an icon, a king

Edgebrook: Whatever, all I know is if that happens, the BJWC will be an evil place to work..

Timmons: Better than being the guy who mops up at the peeps shows...

Edgebrook: Oh good god, this is a family show Mike, anyways, it seems that tonight certain wrestlers will feel the wrath of "The Legacy" and we also get the inring return of our former President Malice, so with that being said, lets get this show rolling...

Kick Your Ex Boss in the Teeth Hardcore Match


[Suddenly the lights go out.]

Timmons: “Not another power failure.”

[“Du Hast” by Rammstein begins to play as spotlights shine on center stage highlighting Nightmare as he rises up out of it. Nightmare waits on the stage as Serac Sindwale comes out from behind the curtain. The two walk to the ring and await the arrival of Malice.]

Edgebrook: “Here we go!”

[“Orion” by Metallica explodes over the speakers. Malice appears on the ramp with a wheelbarrow full of toys. He jogs down to the ring being careful not to spill the contents of the wheel barrel. He starts throwing chairs into the ring, Nightmare tries to duck the raining chairs as Malice slides into the ring.]

Edgebrook: “Malice didn’t wait for the bell. He charged right into the ring and attacked right off the bat.”
Timmons: “He went from mainlining cards to opening them. I think he has a chip on his shoulder.”

Edgebrook: “Malice is fresh out of the hospital. We don’t know how long he will be able to go tonight.”

Timmons: “I’m predicting domination by the former prez. Nightmare hasn’t known what hard-core was until now.”

Edgebrook: “What do you mean, he was our hard-core champion.”

Timmons: “Obviously you don’t remember Malice’s reign as our hard-core champion.”

[The bell sounds. DING DING DING]

Edgebrook: “Nightmare wasn’t caught off guard. He saw Malice coming the whole way. He took that chair that Malice threw in the ring and wrapped it around his head.”

Timmons: “The ex prez is already bleeding.”

[Nightmare goes to work on the fallen Malice slamming that chair repetitively into his back. Nightmare drops the chair and gets a headlock on Malice, but Malice whips him into the ropes. Malice leapfrogs over Nightmare. Nightmare bounces off the far ropes Malice ducks to give Nightmare a backdrop, but Nightmare jumps over Malice. In midair Nightmare reaches down and, grabs Malice by the head, and slams it backwards into the mat as he lands.]

Edgebrook: ”What a move by Nightmare. He pulled that out of nowhere.”

[Nightmare leaves the ring and lifts the apron looking for weapons. He pulls out a table and a ladder sliding them into the ring. A trash car and stop sign go in next. Nightmare grabs five neon light tubes and slides them into the ring. Malice is up and has grabbed a neon tube. He swings like a baseball bat and catches Nightmare in the gut. Nightmare doubles over in pain as Malice drills him in the head with the light, shateering it. Malice covers.]




Timmons: “How did Nightmare kick out?”

Edgebrook: “I have no idea. He looked like he was out cold.”

[Malice pulls Nightmare to his feet and hits a power bomb on the ladder. He lays the four remaining light tubes across Nightmare and climbs to the top rope.]

Edgebrook: “Malice isn’t usually a high flyer but he’s going to try now!”

[Malice dives off the top rope and hits a big splash on the neon tubes into Nightmare.]

Timmons: “My God! Nightmare was just sandwiched between those neon tubes and the ladder!”

Edgebrook: “Those tubes completely shattered too!”

[Malice covers.]


[Malice pulls Nightmare’s head up off the mat, breaking his own pin.]

Edgebrook: “Malice obviously isn’t done yet.”

[Malice slams the stop sign down on Nightmare’s chest and climbs to the top rope again. Nightmare grabs the trashcan and throws it at Malice. The can hits Malice in the head causing him to fall backwards off the top rope. Malice’s head lands on the steel steps outside the ring.]

Edgebrook: “Malice just landed on his head! He could be paralyzed!”

[Nightmare rolls out of the ring, stumbles over to Malice, and covers him on the steel steps.]




Timmons: “I guess Malice isn’t paralyzed James!”

Edgebrook: ”I guess not Mike! But I still don’t know how he kicked out!”

[Nightmare picks Malice up and drives his crotch into the ring post.]

Edgebrook: “Ouch. Malice just got his pills slammed into the ring post.”

Timmons: ”Pills? Pills! When are you from? The 60s? I know what pills you’re on!”

[Nightmare throws Malice into the ring. Malice slowly gets to his feet as Nightmare climbs into the ring.]

Edgebook: “Somehow Malice has managed to battle his way back into this match. Him and Nightmare are exchanging blows.”

Timmons: “Nightmare must not have done his homework for this one. No one has a harder right in this business then Malice.”

Edgebrook: “That is because it is the only move in his repitoir.”

[Malice starts taking charge. Several hard rights, drops Nightmare to the mat. Malice rolls out the ring to check his wheelbarrow for a new weapon. He picks out a 2x4 and slides back in the ring. By this time Nightmare is up, but his charge is met with the 2x4 to the midsection and then Malice breaks it over his back.]

Timmons: “Our opening match tonight is starting to get violent.”

Edgebrook: “These two are putting on a hell of a show.”

[Nightmare is in serious condition after Malice broke his 2x4 over his back. Malice picks Nightmare up in the firemans carry position.]

Edgebrook: “It appears Malice is going for the Hang Over already in this match.”

Timmons: “Malice simply tosses Nightmare over the top rope. You would think that would hurt more then his finisher.”

Edgebrook: “Nightmare landed a little awkward also.”

[Malice slides to the outside and goes to his wheelbarrow. But rather then grab a new weapon he dumps it out. All the usual tricks of the trade, trash can lids, cookie sheet, fire extinguisher, staple gun.]

Edgebrook: “Malice has Nightmare up again and slams him into the wheelbarrow.”

Timmons: “What is he doing? He is taking Nightmare for a ride backstage in the wheelbarrow.”

Edgebrook: “What could he have planned for him back there “

[Malice continues to push Nightmare, who is laying in the wheelbarrow to the back. Malice stops the wheelbarrow and dumps Nightmare onto the floor like a pile of dirt. Nightmare turn around and kicks the wheelbarrow up in Malice’s face, busting his nose.]

Timmons: OUCH! That had to break his nose!

[Nightmare trips Malice with his leg, Malice falls to the dround and Nightmare applies a dragon sleaper.]

Edgebrook: “This is it! Nightmare’s got it locked in! The Deep Sleep is locked in!”

Timmons: “Malice is fading here! This could be the end!”

[The referee lifts Malice’s hand into the air, and it falls straight down. The referee checks Malice again with no response from the former president. On the third try Malice pulls his hand back up. Malice fights his way to his feet and whips Nightmare into a bunch of pipes and spare metal doors. The scene suddenly pans over to an arriving limo as Malice goes after Nightmare, out of the picture.]

Timmons: “James we have someone just showing up for the show in a limo.”

Edgebrook: “Who could that be? I thought everyone was accounted for.”

[Suddenly the body of Malice goes crashing through the winshield of the limo. Nightmare jumps up on the hood and pulls Malice back out. Malice barely looks conscious, but he is awake enough to jam a shard of glass from the wreckage in to the face of Nightmare. Nightmare falls off the hood. Malice collapses from the hood on top of him.]

Edgebrook: “Malice for the cover.”

Timmons: “Wait, where did the ref go?”

[Malice gets to his feet and looks around, pondering the whereabouts of the referee. Malice gets to his feet and gives Nightmare a quick boot to the head before taking off and looking for the ref.]

Edgebrook: “That’s not very smart on Malice’s part. He’s giving Nightmare time to recover.”

Timmons: “Where’s he going? Did he smell some whiskey or something?”

[Nightmare recuperates and follows after Malice. After about five minutes, white no sight of either wrestler, the fans start becoming restless.]

Edgebrook: “It appears we have lost the whereabouts of the our two competitors. If someone doesn’t find them soon, we might have to continue on with the show.”

Timmons: “Wait James, look. They are up in the rafters!”

[Scaffolding, the lighting system, and an elaborate electronic network crisscross the roof of the arena. And amongst it all is Malice and Nightmare throwing blow after blow. Blood droplets rain down on the frenzied crowd.]

[Nightmare manages to wing a wrench at Malice catching him square in the chest. Malice collapses limply against the railing barely keeping his balance from toppling 90 feet to the arena floor. Nightmare charges, but Malice somehow manages to spin a spotlight into the charging Nightmare. Not only is he temporarily blinded but the nasty blow from the large light sends Nightmare tumbling over the railing.]

Edgebrook: “This has gone way too far.”

Timmons: “I have to agree with you on this one.”

[The crowd is terrified as somehow Nightmare’s arm got tangled up in some electrical wires as he hangs helplessly in mid air.]

Timmons: “I don’t think those wires can hold him up very long. Someone call the fire department.”

Edgebrook: “Oh my god! Malice is trying to untangle the wires and send Nightmare to his death.”

[About ten referee’s charge the rafters pulling Malice away and attempting to help Nightmare. Brandon Lloyd comes out to try and calm down Malice so the officials can untangle Nightmare. Malice pulls his fist back, until realizing that it is his friend in front of him.]

Edgebrook: “Thank God! Someone needs to calm that man down!”

[Nightmare manages to untangle himself and the officials begins to guide him away from the rafters, Brandon has his arm around Malice, guiding him also, keeping the two met apart until they get to sold ground.]

Timmons: “Don’t tell me the match is over!? It was just getting good!”

[Once on the stairs, near the back, Nightmare begins leveling all the refs, knocking them off one by one like they’re mosquitos. He charges at Malice from behind, jumping on Malice and Brandon. The two men go tumbling down the stairs as Brandon looks on.]

Edgebrook: “Wow, Nightmare still has a lot in him!”

[Brandon backs away, not wanting to interfere, knowing Malice needs to prove he can defeat him on his own, but stand to the side, observing the action. The two men continue to battle in the back.]

Edgebrook: “The refs have tried to call an end to this match on several occasions, but neither competitor will hear of it.”

Timmons: “Well at least they are not on the ceiling any longer.”

Edgebrook: “That doesn’t change the imminent danger they both face as they are battleing their way to the top the BJWCtron.”

Timmons: “That is the DIWCtron James.”

[Nightmare throws a clumsy right hook. Malice ducks under the blow and pulls Nightmare into a firemans carry position. Malice leeps from the BJWCtron.]


Timmons: “Both men went crashing through the stage. Do we have a ref on the scene?”

[Malices body lies strewn over the top of Nightmare. Brandon Lloyd comes flying out from the back and begins to make the count.]




Edgebrook: “Malice has pulled off a victory to open up a very exciting Riot card.”

Timmons: “Even I have to wonder if that victory was worth the cost. Malice will only be spending another great deal of time at the hospital if he is still alive


{{We see Jackson Dane backstage, he’s got on his wrestling tights and black H.A. shirt, and is on his way to the ring.....Jack Trades stops Dane and get set for a quick interview}}

Trades: Jackson....Jackson Dane!! Hey, a few quick questions.......

Dane: Whats up stinky?

{{Trades looking taken aback but not wanting to get into this discussion}}

Trades: Jackson next you take on “The natural” Shawn Kearns for the Riot belt, your comments on the match and the NO DQ stipulations for Kearns?

Dane: Look Trades, they can do what they want to hold me back, but VP Andrews knows it’s not going to be enough to stop me from taking that belt, it’s mine damnit and Kearns is just a little roadblock that I’m gonna bust through tonight.

Trades: Thoughts on “Kid Ego” and Numbers match?


{{Jackson pushes his way past Jack Trades, looking a little disgruntled, he makes his way down the hall heading towards the ring}}


(The backstage camera crew looks around in the backstage area until it comes up to a locker room door that has the lettering…”David Dunn”. The camera crew peaks into the door to find the room empty. But as the crew was going to leave they turn to a chair to see a stack of NeWA/BJWC contract forms.)

EDGEBROOK: That’s just a little strange!

TIMMONS: What the hell is Dunn doing with contracts!

EDGEBROOK: That’s just a little strange!

TIMMONS: He could be plotting to take over the BJWC again as President like before!

EDGEBROOK: That’s just a little strange!


Riot Title Matchup

Jackson Dane
"The Natural"
Shawn Kearns

Never again, hits by Nickelback and out walks Jackson Dane in his new black Hardcore Annihilation shirt and wrestling tights with the words "Main Event" down the left leg and "Jackson Dane" down the right. He makes his way to the ring and climbs through the middle ropes, into the middle of the ring where he raises his fists in the air and flames shoot out of the turnbuckle.

Edgebrook: Here's the newest member of the Annihilation "The Main Event" Jackson Dane, ready for his first shot at BJWC Gold, the Riot Title.

Timmons: The prick.....Joining the H.A. along with the dick "Kid Ego" and Joey Numbers.....I hope he gets what he deserves for attacking Andrews, a good beating with a Chair by Shawn Kearns.....

Edgebrook: Don't hold back now Mike.......

(Lights go out)

(The sound of a neon light getting clicked on is heard, and up on the BJWC Tron you see a green neon light that says "The Natural".)



("Stand Up by Ludacris starts blaring over the speakers and the BJWC Tron starts showing clips of past matches as "The Natural" Shawn Kearns makes his way out to the top of the ramp, with a baseball bat in hand.)

"When I move you move, just like that" "When I move you move, just like that" "When I move you move, just like that" "Hell yeah, hey DJ bring dat back!"

(Shawn starts walking down the ramp to a chorus of boos. He ignores all the fans on his way down, and even threatens to swing the bat at a cameraman who gets in his way.)

EDGEBROOK: Jackson Dane's opponent, Shawn Kearns is on his way to the ring!

TIMMONS: Is he crazy? Allowing Dane to have the NO DQ rules as well?

EDGEBROOK: Well, that bat oughta help him out with those odds.

TIMMONS: Yeah, but if they seperate him from that bat, it's lights out for Kearns.

(Shawn rolls under the bottom rope into the ring, and makes his way over to the turnbuckle. He gets up and raises his arms, and the crowd starts booing LOUDER!)

EDGEBROOK: The bell sounds, and we are underway.

(Dane and Kearns are talking back and forth. Shawn drops the bat, and they start trading right hands. Shawn backs Dane into the ropes, IRISH WHIP, and as Dane bounces off the ropes, Shawn grabs the bat, and............)


TIMMONS: Oh my god! Homerun by Kearns, and the bat broke in half!

EDGEBROOK: He tried to knock Dane's head off!

(Shawn rolls out of the ring, and reaches under the ring and grabs a trashcan with trashcan lid. He slides it into the ring, and then he slides back into the ring.)

EDGEBROOK: Shawn with a trashcan now. He sets the lid down, and grabs the trashcan.


TIMMONS: He dents the trashcan over Dane's head!

EDGEBROOK: He throws the trashcan, grabs him.......FISHERMAN BUSTER ONTO THE TRASHCAN LID! This match could be over already! The COVER!




He kicked out.


Kearns pulls Dane to his feet and whips him into the ropes. On the way back Kearns hits a belly to belly suplex and Dane lands flat on his back. Kearns pulls Dane up and whips him into the ropes again, but Dane reverses it and on the come back nails Kearns with a spine buster}}

Timmons: Oh my god, he's a speck, a absolute stain on the mat!

{{Dane and Kearns lock up and Jackson gets the advantage and picks up Kearns and nails him with a perfect Sidewalk slam}}

Edgebrook: And Kearns is down again, just getting flat out beaten this match......

Timmons: No DQ and still the "Natural" is nothing more than a Natural punching bag.....

{{Dane and Kearns outside the ring....standing toe to toe, blasting each other back and forth....Kearns lays out Dane, and Kearns goes for a chair, he cocks back to blast Dane and Dane ducks it and pushes Kearns into the ringpost, his momentum knocking his head into the chair}}

Timmons: No DQ Huh? Really helping yourself there "Natural boy".....

{{Dane with Kearns in a headlock, he runs toward the turnbuckle....Tornado DDT!!}}

Edgebrook: Oh boy here it comes, it's beginning now.......

Timmons: What the hell are you talking about??

Edgebrook: It's Main Event time!

{{Kearns goes for a clothesline and Dane ducks it, on the recovery Dane nails Kearns with a spear and just flattens him, Dane is up.....he picks up Kearns and hits the "Spotlight"}}

Edgebrook: He nails it again, the third time in so many matches and we know how this ends....

Timmons: Damnit.....he's gonna win the Riot title, Damned H.A.........I hate those cocky bastards.





Dane pulls Kearns to his feet.

EDGEBROOK: Dane grabs Kearns, IRISH WHIP into the ropes. CLOTHESLINE..........NO.......

(Shawn slides under Dane's legs, gets right up behind him...........)

TIMMONS: GERMAN SUPLEX! Shawn kicks over him, rolls Dane onto his stomach, AND LOCKS IN AN STF!

EDGEBROOK: Dane is WRITHING IN PAIN! I think this is the end!

(Joey Numbers enters the ring with a chair, and)


TIMMONS: NO! Joey Numbers hits Shawn Kearns RIGHT IN THE HEAD with the CHAIR!

EDGEBROOK: Dane rolls over, and covers..........





Shawn gets a shoulder up!

Dane pulls Kearns to his feet, but Kearns cuts him off with a low blow. Kearns hits a huge DDT planting Dane. Kearns climbs to the top rope.

(Dane stumbles to his feet as Shawn awaits on the top rope. He leaps, and hits with a Top Rope Cross body block)

EDGEBROOK: Cross body block by Kearns, BUT DANE ROLLS IT OVER. PIN!




Shawn barely kicks out!

TIMMONS: Yeah, that's the same way Shawn lost his Modified Pure Hell match against Cyris Raven back when Shawn first came around. Glad to see he's learned from mistakes.

EDGEBROOK: Both men pop right back up...OHHHHHHHHHH! Dropkick to the knee by Kearns on Dane!

(Shawn rolls out of the ring and moves the table into position near a corner. He rolls back into the ring, and rolls Dane out of the ring, onto the table. Shawn goes to the corner......)

TIMMONS: No..............I thought he wasn't "suicidal" anymore!


(Shawn climbs to the top, and jumps!)



TIMMONS: That was incredible!





NO! Kickout!!!

Timmons: How the hell did Dane kick out?

Edgebrook: I don't know, but he did!

Kearns goes to pull Dane up, but Dane breaks away! Dane hits the spotlight ontop of the trash can! Its over. Dane covers.




{{Jackson grabs the Riot title and stands on the middle turnbuckle, raising it in the air, the fireworks go off}}

Edgebrook: He's done it! Dane is your new Riot champ!!

Timmons: So what, he'll lose it in a week........

Edgebrook: Wait, who is, no....

(( Down comes Dan Dehart, Dante Calavria and Shane Andrews. Dane turns around and sees the three men staring at him. Dane drops the title and puts his fists up...))

Edgebrook: This doesnt look good..

(( Like a pack of wolves, Dehart, Calavria and Andrews attack Dane. Dane is helpless. Dehart and Calavria hold Dane up as Andrews picks up the Riot title and hands it to Shawn Kearns..))

Edgebrook: What is going on..

Timmons: History, shhhh

(( Kearns looks down at it....))


(( Kearns just leveled Dane with his new Riot title. Kearns drops the title on the motionless Dane and walks out with Dehart, Andrews and Calavria as all four men raise their arms up high...))

Timmons: Devastation Inc. has just expanded baby !!

Edgebrook: Oh no..


[Jeph Phillips catches up with Dante backstage.]

Jeph: Dante, this has been a very big week for you. You somewhat beat Kid Ego, then Shane tells you that Warren will be your new partner. You have a match with Jay Moreno tonight. You have "Kid Ego" breathing down your neck. You have David Dunn breathing down your neck. And to top everything off, you've got a HUGE NWA Tag Title Match this weekend with your new partner do you...

[Dante can't listen to this anymore...]

Dante: Yo, enough. I know that's going on in my life and in my career. If you've got a freakin' question, ask me. If not, get outta my face Jeph.

[Without hesitation.]

Jeph: What are your thoughts on "Kid Ego" Diesel Warren being named your new partner by Shane Andrews?

Dante: Shane really screwed me over with this one. I want nothing to do with this jackoff. I don't know if he's gonna fight with me or cry about me. He just better hold his own against The Sindicate, or there are gonna be some big problems.

Jeph: David Dunn has had some big comments for you. Saying he gave you a bunch of shots and you could never win. Saying that you will never, ever be able to beat him.

Dante: First things first. David Dunn is just another cabrone. He's all talk, no bite. He can run down a list of guys that he's beaten, but I don't see many big names on his list. He never took the World Title from Dehart. He never did half the stuff I've ever done. Now, as far as him bein' a good President? He's so full of crap his eyes are brown. And I'll beat him, you can forget about that.

Jeph: What about The Sindicate in Acadian Wrestling?

Dante: You got me, man. Just a couple of punks that think they're hot stuff. To make things worse, the fight in Canada. The only thing worse than Canada is Mexico, man. Me? I'm an Italian and you know how Italians do.

Jeph: Yes, sure, I know what Italians do... Tonight, you have a big match with Jay Moreno. One of the biggest matches of your career. So far, you've had mild success in the NWA. You've beaten Darrell Besolve. You're one half of the NWA Tag Champs. But beating Jay Moreno is going to take more than that.

Dante: Moreno is stupid man. He doesn't get it. This is the biggest night of both of our careers and all he can think about is, "Guys with belts get chicks?" He's about to find out that guys fighting to fight for HUGE World Title shots think about more than chicks. Me? I think about bustin' heads and gettin' my money. No one messes with my freakin' money Jeph.

Jeph: Anything else Dante?

[Dante rips the mic from Jeph's hands.]

Dante: First it's Moreno. Then it's The Sindicate. Then it's Dunn. Then it's YOU Shanahan. You hear me Trenton. The hits have been ordered.

[Dramatic pause.]

Dante: Forget about it.

[Dante tosses the mic to Jeph who makes an awkward catch as Dante walks away.]


[As we go backstage we see a shot of Trek. He is standing in with Stephanie...]

Stephanie: We have you at 10 Instant Replays since you have started your count. You owe the ICU for burnt victims $100,000.00. How long are you going to continue this madness?

[Trek looks at Stephanie with a smile...]

Trek: The madness will never end in me. And the will for me to want to help these people out, will never end either.

Stephanie: Tonight, you take on Jamal Brooks? Are you at least a bit concerned of how tough he might actually be to beat? He might just be the next best thing to pass by through here in the BJWC.

[Trek smirks...]

Trek: He won't be nothing and he will pass through the BJWC quickly. Jamal Brooks, no matter how hard you hide, your number 11. And there is hell to pay, when I do a Instant Replay.

[Trek then takes off walking leaving Stephanie behind...]

"Catch The Aloe Match"
"The Impact Player"
Jamal Brooks
Triple "666" Trek
Special Guest Ref
President T.A. Alguard

[The lights turn out as the BJWC arena is now a pitch black...]

Timmons: The lights are out!

Edgebrook: It's time for the man who claims he is the greatest wrestler to ever walk to come out!

[Suddenly a shear of light hits the ramp as mist of smoke comes about in the entrance way...]

I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface I don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure, of walking in your shoes (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

Timmons: It's the shit gobblin himself! Triple Six Trek!

Edgebrook: And he is coming out with the precious Diamonds, his personal trainer.

[Trek is wearing a black pair of tights and boots. He is wearing his new t-shirt that just came out, "The $10,000 Move" that helps support the kids down at the ICU for burned victims. Diamonds is wearing a silver top with silver wrestling tights that have the diamond cut outs go up and down the sides of her pants...]

Timmons: I am going with a slobber knocker here tonight!

[Chorus:] I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired, so much more aware I'm becoming this, all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me? Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control 'Cause everything that you thought I would be Has fallen apart, right in front of you (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)

An' every second I waste is more than I can take

[Finally the eight time world champion appears through the mist. For so many years the fans have screamed and yelled for him. Most of them still do even know he is a heel. As the crowd erupts, Trek begins to walk down the aisle with his vengeance attitude...]

[Chorus:] I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired, so much more aware I'm becoming this, all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know I may end up failing too But I know You were just like me With someone disappointed in you

[As Trek approaches the ring he stops and awaits at ringside to kneel down and pray as Diamonds stands behind him...]

Timmons: When your a God, why worry about praying!?

Edgebrook: What an entrance! This is amazing.

Timmons: Let's get this match going, I can't wait to see it!

[Chorus:] I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired, so much more aware I'm becoming this, all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you

I've Become so numb I can't feel you there I'm tired of being what you want me to be I've become so numb I can't feel you there I'm tired of being what you want me to be

[Trek then stands up and leaps onto the apron snagging the ropes quickly as flames burst from the ringpost and the lights come on...]

Timmons: That was amazing! Do it again!

Edgebrook: I highly doubt he wants to do that again for you.

[Trek walks into the ring through the ropes and tries to make his way over to his corner, constantly slipping on the Aloe...he grabs the ropes and guides himself over, T.A waist outside the ring for both wrestlers to enter}

Edgebrook: This should be rather interesting, Trek is already having trouble standing in the ring, how can these two wrestle in this.......this........Aloe?

Timmons: Gotta repress the urge........

[Edgebrook gives Timmons a sideways look and The lights in the arena dim out and “We Go Hard” by DMX and Cam’ron hits the sound system, Jamal Brooks makes his way to the ring...he walks up the steps and into the ring...slipping on aloe as soon as he enters, the fans point and laugh and for a few second Brooks struggles to get up]

Timmons: Oh this is going to be interesting........

[T.A stands outside the ring and tells the men to go at it......Trek charges Brooks and loses his balance halfway across the ring, making him slide on his belly right out of the ring, he regains his composure outside and slides back in......halfway across the ring, by now Brooks is on his feet and makes his way toward the bottle of aloe, he goes for it and Trek is up....he grabs Brooks and tosses him into the ropes, on the comeback Brooks hits a high cross body block and takes Trek down to the mat.....both men slide a couple of feet right into the ropes]

Edgebrooks: This is ridiculous, neither man can stand nor fight and it appears T.A is doing the smart thing and staying out of the aloe.

Timmons: Thats because he’s a p.......

Edgebrooks: Punishing right hands by Trek.......

[Trek is hitting Brooks with left and rights. Trek begins to whip Brooks into the ropes but reverses it. But Trek catches himself on the ropes as Brooks comes running at him to do a clothesline. BUT NO! Trek ducks down and tosses him over the top rope. Brooks smacks the outside hard as Trek jumps onto the top turnbuckle quickly leaping off. He hits him with a splash landing as Brooks back centers up well on the guardrail. The two are in alot of pain as Brooks squables all over the ground...]

Edgebrook: Both men are in pain.....Oh my lord, that was something else

Timmons: He broke him! He broke himself too!!!

[Trek gets up and grabs brooks by the hair, he tosses him into the ring, and Trek follows Trek and Jamal Brooks are really going at it fist by fist. Brooks soon gets the upperhand as Brooks drops to a knee and low blow's him. Shortly after Brooks is nailed with a right hand to the face as he falls back to the ropes. Trek is now on his feet as he whips him into the ropes and comes off with a spear!...Now Trek goes for the bottle of aloe, he grabs hold of it.....T.A with the count....]




[Brooks breaks it loose by tackling Trek from behind........Now brooks is on the offensive]

Edgebrooks: Oh so close........

Timmons: Nope not gonna say it.......

[Brooks nails Trek with a right. Trek drops down as Brooks tries for a powerbomb. In mid air Trek wiggles out and lands on his feet. Right when he lands he brings his knee up and guts Brooks in the mid section. He sets him up on his shoulders and then BANGGGGGGGGGG!. Trek just nailed the Instand Replay...]

Edgebrook: Instant Replay!!!

Timmons: Money in the bank!!!

[Trek is up.....he goes for the bottle of aloe, it slips away and Trek scrambles after it, its outside the ring.......Trek has it, climbs up on the turnbuckle.....]




Edgebrook: Trek wins! Trek wins!

Timmons: Got Aloe? There I said it..........damage!

Edgebrook: What did you just say?

Timmons: Nothing........crap!

Edgebrook: Trek is helping Brooks up as he places him in the corner as the ropes prop him up.

Timmons: No Instant Replay?

[Trek begins to exit through the ropes as he gets halfway out. The fans begin chanting. The arena is rocking...]


Edgebrook: MY GOD! Can you hear this arena rumble!?

Timmons: I certainly can.

Edgebrook: He is re-entering the ring as he looks at Brooks.

[Trek hoists him up into a firemans carry...]

Edgebrook: HE IS GOING TO DO IT!

[Brooks face hitting Trek's shoulder: SNAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!]

Timmons: THE INSTANT REPLAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edgebrook: Never in my career have I seen a match like this.......

Timmons; And I never hope to again!

[Trek with the bottle of aloe......he takes a huge swig and spits it out right into Brooks face, then exits the ring and makes his way backstage, the fans going nuts]

(All titles on the line. One title will be vacated)

"The Hardcore Pizan"
Dante Calavria
"The Jayster"
Jay Moreno

Edgebrook: Its time for the finals of the BJWC tournament here on Riot. Winner of this match up gets former BJWC superstar, and current NWA champion Trent Shanahan one on one for the WORLD title.

Timmons: Please god don’t let it be that Jayster guy.

Edgebrook: Yea Mike, god forbid we let the entertaining guy represent us. Anyways, Jay Moreno is already in the ring, waiting on the arrival of DI member Dante Calavira…

[Cue up: "It's Over" by Run DMC]

[Opera music starts and white pyros fizzle down from the rafters onto the ramp.]

[Jermaine Dupri] Uh huh

ah hah ah hah

See when y'all heard that All I'm doin is laughin' at all y'all niggers that been frontin' On my man's in there man, these niggers started this shit man

[Green pyros fire up from underneath the stage and Dante walks out onto the ramp carrying the Hardcore Title, wearing his NWA Tag Title, dress pants, a sport coat, and his DI T-shirt.]

[Run] When I come to the show that I rock And the flow that I drop Y'all know Run kills the mic Can't forget about the olds that I got And the rolls in the spot Ya'll know I'm still the right How ya gonna take an old song been around so long So so def the name is tight Done went from a DJ to an MC to the REV like overnight Everybody lookin' players get shook when Rev Run walk up in the spot Even though the crooks that Be livin' up out in Brooklyn Just can't help but point and laugh

Everywhere I go now People say "oh wow" Cause they know how I get It don't matter if it's motown All the way to your town You can't slow down my game

[Dante's walking down to the ring slowly, clearly taking his time, letting the fans go nuts and he's playing it up to them, showing off his titles.]

[Jermaine Dupri] Can't slow it down man Think about this From 1983 to 2000, its 2001 And these niggas are still on the run Y'all niggas just crazy Ya'll out here tryin' to front Like y'all niggas went and bought a pair of shell toes The f*ck is wrong with y'all

[Dante gets down to the ring and circles it. He slowly climbs into the ring.]

[Run] People wanna hear Rev Run say Cuz I got dough that I must be a type of fraud But you know that the thing that's funny This garden ain't money, how rich is the lawn Went and got JD , made me crazy play me up in the club Got a brand new mercedes for my lady Bustin me I'm older To a Bentley and all that come out the garage On the side of a grand prestigious home Y'all ask if I'm blessed, By God player what you thought, what Rev do you see on Gotta make these dollars, comin outta Hollis Got my collar on two, I got the rhyme on the beat and the vibe in the street and now the rest is on you.

[Dante's music ends and he stands in the middle of the ring.]

Edgebrook: This one if for all the marbles my friends

(Dantes goes for the collar and elbow tie up, but Jay ducks out of the way, playfully smacking the back of Dante’s head. The Pizan looks surprised, going for another tie up. Jay ducks out of the way again, this time messing up the hair of Calavira)

Edgebrook: Oh this could get UGLY real quick!!

Timmons: You don’t mess with a goomba’s hair

(Dante is furious while Jay looks quite pleased with himself, pandering to the crowd. Dante charges at Jay, attempting a clothesline, Jay ducks, hitting The Pizan with a drop kick on the bounce back. Dante fires back up, this time meeting a clothesline from the Jayster. Dante rolls out of the ring, pounding his fists on the apron while Moreno is bouncing around the ring)

Edgebrook: Dante, ever the veteran, rolls out of the ring to break Jay’s momentum.

Timmons:(Almost whispering) Jay knows this is Riot right?

Edgebrook:(Perplexed): Of course Mike!!

Timmons: But Jay doesn’t dominate the action on Riot, he gets his butt kicked most of the time

(As if on cue, Dante makes his way back in the ring, hitting Jay in the back with two forearm shivers, then drops him with an inverted DDT)

Edgebrook: Way to jinx him there Timmons

(Calavira picks up Jay by the hair, hits a quick knee lift to the stomach, doubling Jay over. Dante drops to a knee and hits an uppercut right to Moreno’s throat, staggering Jay backward. The pizan follows that with a clothesline, knocking Jay off his feet)

Edgebrook: Dante firing back with a vengeance, showing he’s not messing around

Timmons: Probably learned that from Goodfellas

(Dante drops a knee across the throat of Jay. Lays the boots to him while Jay is down. Dante plays to the crowd as Jay slowly gets to his feet. Calavira turns around, charges at Jay. The Jayster drops his head, sending Dante high in the air.)

Edgebrook: Some offense finally by the Jayster

Timmons: Make mine a 747!

(Dante gets to his feet, but quickly met with a cross body by Jay. Jay drags Dante up, hitting two quick right hands before catching the Hardcore champ with a jaw breaker. Jay puts Dante in a boston crab, Calavira is screaming in pain)

Edgebrook: Jay not backing down, wrenching back on that crab as Dante is straining for the ropes

Timmons: Are you sure he knows this is Riot?

(Dante finally gets to the ropes as Jay breaks the hold. Jay heads to the top rope)

Edgebrook: Moreno taking a big chance here

(Jay leaps, going for a cross body as Dante calmly side steps it, Jay goes crashing to the mat)

Timmons: Good thing he got that 19.95 from Craig, cause that move didn’t pay off!

Edgebrook: Weak Mike

(The Pizan takes advantage, dropping a knee, than another into the lower back of Jay. Jay slowly makes his way to his feet, only to be whipped into the ropes. Dante catches the Jayster in a HUGE power slam)

Edgebrook: Is this the one mistake that always happens?




Timmons: Too soon!

(Unphased, Dante grabs Jay, peppering his mid-section with rights and lefts, stunning Jay. Dante grabs Jays neck, snap marring him over his shoulder. Calavira follows with a nasty kick to Jays back)

Edgebrook: Spinal tap on Moreno, he is really softening up that back

Timmons: What a great movie!

Edgebrook: Huh?!!?

Timmons: You are so un-hip James

(Dante helps Jay to his feet, grabbing Moreno’s head, driving his head into the mat with a high impact pile driver)

Edgebrook: Dante is on fire!

[Dante drops a series of rights and lefts on the skull of Moreno.]

Timmons: Cheater!

Edgebrook: Oh put a sock in it.

[With Moreno stunned, Dante grabs him for a belly to belly suplex.]

Edgebrook: BELLY TO BELLY! Technical wrestling at it's finest.

Timmons: And greasiest.

[Dante pulls Moreno up again. Moreno takes a swing at Dante and he ducks under and catches Moreno under the arm. Perfect for a T-Bone Suplex.]

Edgebrook: T-BONE SUPLEX! Another beautiful suplex from Calavria!

Timmons: Wow, that was actually pretty cool.

(Dante playing to the crowd as Jay uses the ropes to get to his feet. The Pizan rushes Jay, but Jay uses his momentum against Dante, giving him a hot shot off the top rope. Dante staggers on his feet, turning away from Moreno. The Jayster leaps, driving Dante’s head into the mat with a bulldog head lock)

Edgebrook: Jay still has some fight left in him

Timmons: Who cares, where Dunn??

(Calavira is on his feet, takes a swing at Jay, but its blocked and Jay fires back. Stunned, Dante tries another right, blocked again as Jay connects with another right, then another. Dante stumbles as Jay grabs a front face lock, hitting a vertical suplex on Dante. Quickly pulling Calavira back to his feet, Jay kicks Dante in the middle, then dropping the Pizan with a double arm DDT)

Edgebrook: Moreno is really taking it to the Pizan!

Timmons: Yeah, whatever, both of these two are pussies.

[Moreno drop kicks Dante, sending him into the corner. Moreno backs up and charges the corner, jumping up for a splash, but Dante moves.]

Edgebrook: HE MISSED THE SPLASH! DANTE MOVED! Can Dante capitalize!?

[Dante grabs him from behind as he staggers backward out of the corner. German Suplex!]

Edgebrook: GERMAN SUPLEX! Dante has used any number of suplexes tonight!

Timmons: What's next from this "technical" wrestler? A submission hold?

[Dante hooks the leg of Moreno and applies an STF, which Dante calls "The Mafia Stretch".]


Timmons: predictable...

[Dante has the submission hold locked in, but somewhat close to the ropes.]

Edgebrook: Moreno pulling toward the ropes, Dante is losing his grip! Moreno is clearly in pain, though...he's hurting!

[Moreno continues to pull toward the ropes.]

Edgebrook: Moreno is close, but he's hurting. If he doesn't get the ropes now, he's done!

[He makes one last lunge...]

Timmons: He made it! Break the damn hold!

[Dante breaks the hold, as Moreno lay on the mat.]

Edgebrook: WHAT A MATCH!! The winner of this will represent the BJWC proud!!

Timmons: They still aren’t David Dunn

(Dante kicks Jay in the ribs twice, before dropping an elbow on Jays lower back)

Edgebrook: Dante really trying to break the back of Jay Moreno

(Calavira pulls Jay to his feet, hitting Jay with a back elbow. Dante goes for a scoop slam, but Jay blocks it with an axe handle smash, than another. Jay whips Dante into the ropes, charges…)

Edgebrook: SPEAR!! Jay just about tore Dante in half!!

(Jay taking advantage kneels next to Dante, powdering his face with right and left hands. Dante is dragged to his feet but quickly lifted into a northern lights suplex)

Edgebrook: COVER!




Edgebrook: BARELY!! What a back and forth match by these two men!!

(Jay, looks a tad frustrated, charges at Dante, but Dante leaps and connects with a Lou Thez press, clobbering Jay with rights and lefts)

Edgebrook: The pizan is FAR from done, going to town on the face of Jay Moreno

Timmons: How long til I get to see Shane Andrews?

(Dante goes for another pile driver, but Jay flips Dante over his back. Dante quickly up as both men stand in the middle of the ring, exchanging haymakers)

Edgebrook; Its like a prize fight out there. NEITHER MAN is backing down

(Jay takes the advantage, picking up Dante and hitting a rib breaker)

Edgebrook: Dante felt that one. His side im sure hasn’t recovered from the match he had with Kid Ego.

Timmons: I hate that punk

(Jay drops a leg across the throat of Dante, and then quickly heads to the top rope. He is perched, waiting for Dante to get to his feet)

Edgebrook: Hopefully this works out better than his last aerial attempt

(Jay flies through the air as the flashbulbs go off in the thousands. Dante sees him, backs up a step and)

Timmons: Same result

Edgebrook: Dante just BLASTED Jay across the face with that savate kick. Jay isn’t moving much

EDGEBROOK: Dante picks up Moreno and throws him into the ropes…OH! Moreno just backed into the ref and knocked him out of the ring!

TIMMONS: Dante rolls up Moreno from behind with a pin…

(David Dunn runs out from the back and slides into the ring.)




EDGEBROOK: The match isn’t over. Dante thinks he won! Uh oh…Dante just realized it was Dunn who counted the pin and he doesn’t look too happy!

(Dante walks over to Dunn as he is about to climb out of the ring. Dante grabs David by the shirt and swings him around.)

TIMMONS: Dante looks pissed.

(David looks like he doesn’t want any part of Dante at all. Dante pushes him to the ropes! David bounces off and nails Dante with a big right hand! David hammering Dante back to the ropes.)

TIMMONS: He can’t do that to Mr. HP!

EDGEBROOK: Dante’s coming back!

(Dante starts nailing Dunn making him back off. Dante tries for a big boot but David ducks and slides behind him. Dante swings around just in time to get a kick in the guts…Dunn picks up Dante over his head…Reality Check!)

EDGEBROOK: …the Reality Check!

TIMMONS: David Dunn is my hero!

(David spits on Dante as he reaches outside the ring and grabs a mic.)

DUNN: I told you pal…what you thought was the ending…was just the beginning! Let the games begin.

(David drops the mic and slowly climbs out of the ring. Moreno seizing the moment, rolls up Dante as the ref slides back in..)




Edgebrook: SO CLOSE!!

(Dante staggers but quickly brings Jay to his shoulders, angles him down and….)


Timmons: Where is the voice over guy when you need him??





Timmons: I hope he doesn’t blind Trent with that Aloe

Vacated Hardcore Title Matchup

Joey Numbers
"Kid Ego"
Diesel Warren

Edgebrook: Well here we go, VP Andrews has set this match up with hopes that this puts a line between Hardcore Annihilation

Timmons: Yea I love it, what a mastermind. I see the ring management placing the newly vacated BJWC Hardcore title on the line now….yup, there is goes up in the air and the only way to get it, is the LADDER !! Nice….


(( Just then, the lights go out…))

Timmons: Oh what the hell, who forgot to pay the bill

(( On the BJWC tron, you see the name…))


(( Then the lights come back on, and out strolls Joey Numbers. Numbers stands at the top of the ramp, shaking his head as the fans cheer. Joey looks around and slowly makes his way to the ring and steps through the ropes. Numbers takes a hard long look at the hardcore title above and swings his arms around to get loose, before making his way over to the corner and awaiting his opponent ))

Edgebrook: Joey doesn’t look too happy about this match..

Timmons: We will see how happy he is if he wins…gold is everything in this business, it gives you stroke..

(( I like the pants around your feet ))

Edgebrook: Here comes Warren.

Timmons: He really needs to change this son..

(( I like the dirt that’s on your knees ))

(( “Kid Ego” Diesel Warren steps from the curtains looking down the ramp at Joey Numbers with his hands at his sides. Numbers looks back intent but not happy.

(( And I like the way you still say please while your looking up at me, you’re like my favorite damn disease ))

(( Ego strolls down to the huge roar of the crowd wearing the new “Got Aloe” T-shirt. Still sporting the stylish black tights with “Da Kid” in gold down the sides and the aforementioned “EGO” across his butt in neon green tights. Ego steps onto the apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring. Numbers stays motionless as Ego looks up at the hardcore title hanging above and again shakes his head as he makes his way to the other corner…))

Timmons: This is great.. Andrews has already won.

Edgebrook: Speaking of the Vice president..where is h….

(( Let the bodies hit the floor))

(( Let the bodies hit the floor))

(( Let the bodies hit the floor))

(( FLOOR !!))

(( Then a huge explosion as “Step Up” By Drowning Pool blares over the audio system..))

(( 1, 2, 3 - Go! ))

(( Broken, Yeah, you've been living on the edge of a broken dream. Nothing, Yeah, that's the only thing you'll ever take away from me. ))

(( I'm never gonna stop, I'm never gonna drop, Ain't no different than it was before. ))

(( Out walks “The Legacy” Shane Andrews, draped in his new striped referee shirt for tonight’s event and is also carrying the ladder for the match.))

(( Timmons stands up and starts to clap ))

Timmons: There he is, the man..

Edgebrook: Shut up and sit down Mike..

(( So take some good advice, You better stop and think twice, Before you take your first step, Out that door.

If you wanna step up (step up), You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down). If you wanna step up (step up), You're gonna get knocked down. ))

(( Andrews raises his arms in the air to the booing crowd as he smiles and walks around with the ever-cocky stagger. Andrews sets up the ladder at the top of the ramp and climbs it, throwing his arms up in the air. Andrews then looks down at the ring where he sees the pissed Numbers and Warren now standing side by side. Andrews puts his arms around himself and shakes as if he pretending to be scared before laughing them off. Andrews then gets off the ladder, and opts to leave it at the top of the ramp before he starts to make the slow stroll down to the ring…))

((You had your chance to walk away. Live to see another day.

If you wanna step up (step up), You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down). You're gonna get knocked down...


Suffering, Yeah, that's the only thing here that's left for you. Nothing, Yeah, that's the only thing you're ever gonna – do ))

(( Andrews gets to the apron and Warren and Numbers lunge for him, as Andrews steps back pointing to his shirt and waving his finger.))

Timmons: HEY, IDIOTS, HE IS THE REF…you can’t touch him

(( Andrews makes his way to the announcers table and asks for a mic…))

Edgebrook: Well here is the VP of the BJ….

(( Timmons grabs the mic out of Edgebrook’s hand and hands it to Andrews..))

Edgebrook: Hey I was using that..

(( Andrews enters the ring, slowly, keeping an eye on the two men, and smiles as the crowd boos. Both men start to advance towards Andrews and Shane points up the dangling hardcore title above…and again waives his finger…))

Andrews: Hello boys, nice to see you again.

(( Numbers starts to move, but Ego holds him back…))

Andrews: Ahh Ah Ahh Joey. Temper, temper. I would hate for this match to end because of little old me already. So here we are boys, the infamous Hardcore Annihilation about to rip at the seams. Listen kids, the fact is this, you mess with the bull, and you get the horns. I told you , NO ONE gets over on “The Legacy”. I am the all knowing and smartest person to EVER walk through those doors of the BJWC. Did you honestly think I was going to be showed up by a pack of nobodies such as yourself because you chose to align with that moron Alguard. Well truth is, I felt bad…

(( crowd boos…))

Andrews: I did , I did. Joey you lost your title to Moreno and Kid…you lost your shot to my boy Dante. So I decided to make it up to you by having you two fight one another for the vacated hardcore title. See who says I am not a caring person. Let’s also get one thing straight here….if EITHER of you decided to take me out or not wrestle one another to the fullest extent…you are


(( crowd boos…))

Timmons: I like it, I like it…

(( Warren and Numbers toss their hands up and look more pissed than ever…))

Andrews: With that being said, good luck and let the best man win…

(( With that Andrews tosses the mic out of the ring and calls for the bell. ))

(( Numbers and Warren look at one another, both look up and then shake hands. Andrews comes to Numbers and then shakes his hand and slaps him on the back. Warren looks confused but Numbers shakes it off…..))

Edgebrook: Is Numbers aligned with Andrews ??

Timmons: It would be in his best interest..

(( Andrews then makes his way over to Warren and extends a hand. The crowd shouts “NO” but Warren, the man he is, extends as well. Right when they are about to touch, Andrews slaps Warren across the face, much to the displeasure of the crowd…))

Crowd: BOOOOOO….

(( Warren raises a fist, but Shane again points to his shirt. Warren turns his back to Andrews and Shane pushes Numbers into Warren. Ego turns around pissed off and notices he was pushed by Numbers. Both men start to square off…))

Edgebrook: Andrews is creating some friction here….

(( Both men lock up and roll around the ring, before breaking the lock. Not really realizing each other’s strengths. They lock up again, and Numbers tosses Ego into the ropes. Numbers drops as Ego jumps over and then as he returns, Numbers tosses him over his back and Ego lands on his feet. Numbers nods his head in approval and the two lock up again. This time Ego tosses Numbers into the ropes. Ego drops and Numbers jumps over and again as he returns, Ego tosses him over his back and Numbers lands on his feet. Both men look at one another and nod…))

Edgebrook: I think both men got more than they bargained for tonight….

(( Both men again lock up, Numbers give Ego a knee to the gut before bringing him down to an arm bar. Ego drops to a knee and gets back up. Numbers again wrenches the arm bar, sending Ego back down to a knee. Ego counters with a flurry of punches to Numbers, allowing him to break the hold. Ego runs to the ropes and shoulder blocks Numbers as he falls to the ground. Numbers makes his way up as Ego does it again, and again and again, before finally hitting Numbers with a dropkick. Ego runs around the ring with his arms up…))

(( The crowd goes nuts…))

(( Numbers slowly gets up and again locks up with Ego. Numbers whips Ego into the turnbuckle face first HARD. Ego stumbles back and Numbers is there from behind with a belly to back suplex, which send Ego crashing down on his neck. Numbers jumps up and raises his arms and also get a huge applause…))

(( Numbers grabs Ego by the hair and locks him up for a standing suplex. Numbers hoists him up and holds him…))

Edgebrook: What strength being shown here…

Timmons: Ehh, he is juiced….first Major League Baseball, now this, WHEN WILL IT END !!

(( CRASH !!! Numbers drops Ego the mat. Numbers works quickly by now attacking Ego’s legs with a barrage of knee drops. Andrews walks around the ring and again slaps Numbers on the back in a sign of approval. Numbers turns around to look at Andrews and Ego seeing this, jumps up and leg sweeps Numbers. Ego is pissed now and grabs Number’s limbs and sets him up in a surfboard. Numbers is screaming in pain as Ego slaps on more pressure before finally dropping him. Ego climbs the ropes and raises his arms to the crowd before going airborne. Andrews, then pulls Numbers out of the way allowing Ego to crash to the ground….))

Edgebrook: WHAT THE HELL !!

(( Ego is rolling around in pain as Numbers stumbles up, not realizing it was Andrews who pulled him to safety. Numbers get up, and takes advantage of the opportunity. Numbers grabs Ego’s legs again and locks in a figure four. Ego jumps up screaming and drags the two men to the ropes in an effort to break the hold. Ego starts to crawl as the fans begin to chant…))

Crowd: HERE WE GO EGO, HERE WE GO !! (Clap , clap )

(( Ego makes the slow crawl as the fans press on…))

Crowd: HERE WE GO EGO, HERE WE GO !! (Clap, Clap..)

((Ego trying with all his might, reaches out, so close…almost there….))

Crowd: HERE WE GO EGO, HERE WE GO !! (clap, clap ))

(( FINALLY, Ego makes it to the ropes, now the hold can be broken, but Andrews KICKS Ego’s hands from the ropes and yells at him…))


(( Ego pissed off, reverses the hold onto Numbers and then releases and goes after Andrews who scampers out of the ring and again points to his shirt. Ego looking pissed as he shouts down at Andrews and points to him. Numbers taking advantage of this situation, comes from behind…))

Edgebrook: Kid, behind you…

(( too late, Numbers tosses Ego out of the ring as the crowd boos. Andrews grabs Ego by his hair and and tosses him into the stairs outside…))


Timmons: OOOO…baby…

(( Ego is hurt as Numbers comes up, look at Andrews and shakes his head. Numbers though again taking advantage, grabs Ego and picks him up and slams him to the outside surface. Ego writhes in pain as Numbers again picks him up and whips him into the ring post, but Ego reverses and tosses Numbers into the post…))

Crash !!!

(( Numbers slides down in pain as both men remain on the floor…))

(( Andrews stands there with his arms crossed and then makes his way to Numbers and helps him up. Ego again seeing this, spears Numbers onto the floor and both men roll around throwing punches at one another as they rolls towards the entrance ramp..))

Edgebrook: This is an outstanding contest…

Timmons: Surprisingly so..

(( Ego gets up and tosses Numbers into the apron and Numbers is paralyzed in pain. Ego then jumps up the apron and leaps onto the top ropes and waits perched. Numbers stumbles up and Ego does a shooting star press onto Numbers down below as both men lie motionless….))

Crowd: BJWC !! BJWC !!! BJWC !!! BJWC !!!

Edgebrook: OH MY GOD !!

Timmons: Yea, what a total disregard for the body..

(( Ego stumbles up and makes his way up the ramp towards the ladder that Andrews set up. Ego, is slowly making his way as Numbers slowly gets up. Numbers sees Ego and runs at him and bulldogs him onto the metal ramp. Ego is down..!! Numbers now continues towards the ladder and finally reaches it. As soon as he turns around, Ego attacks Numbers. Both men ascend the ladder, punching at one another until they reach the top of the ladder, still punching one another. Andrews makes his way, looks up at both men, and topples the ladder over. Both men look down as they come crashing down to the concrete…CRASH !!!))

Edgebrook: OH MY LORD…He is only supposed to be the ref…what is he doing, someone is going to get hurt…

Timmons: yea but it isn’t going to be Andrews…haha

(( Paramedics race out to tend to both men as they lay motionless in a sea of carnage. Andrews calls for a mic and a studio hand races out and brings one to him..))

Andrews: Well due to the recent…well, slip and fall, this match surely cannot continue. I am doing this for the best interest of the BJWC fans and of our this match is a no contes…..

(( Ego places a hand on the ramp as a shocked Andrews looks on….))

Edgebrook: YEA BABY !! GO KID !!

Timmons: SHUT UP…you look stupid…

(( Andrews steps back as both Ego and Numbers climbs to their feet and look at Andrews. Ego grabs the mic from Shane….as Shane still looks like he seen a ghost…))

Ego: Shut the HELL UP Andrews….we are finishing this match and so help me god, after this, I am going to kill you !!

(( Andrews throws a tantrum as Ego helps up Numbers and Andrews walks back to the ring. Andrews waives his arms around…))

Edgebrook: What is he doing ??

(( Just then Dan Dehart and Dante Calavria come out and attack Ego and Numbers…))

Crowd: BOOO!!


Timmons: D.I.W.C. baby !

(( Numbers and Ego just cant hold up against Dehart and Calavria as they lay the boots to both men…))


(( Jackson Dane and T.A. Alguard rush out to the rescue. Dane attacks Dante as Alguard attacks Dehart. It is free for all as Andrews jumps on top of Ego and starts to pummel Warren. Warren then can’t take it anymore and fights back…))

Timmons: That is it, he is done….he hit the ref…

(( Both Andrews and Warren trade blows and make it back to the ring as Numbers breaks free and hits Dehart with the ladder, sending the big man crashing down. Numbers grabs the ladder and brings it back towards the ring. Ego tosses Andrews into the ring and not squares off against him…))

Timmons: HE cant do this…

Edgebrook: HE CAN AND HE IS !!!

(( Ego attacks Andrews with a flurry of fists, you can see all the hatred coming from Ego now as Numbers grabs Ego and pulls him off Andrews in an effort to calm him. There stand both Ego and Numbers, beaten and bloody, then turn their back and just then…))

SMACK !!!!

(( Andrews levels Ego with a steel chair, sending the phenom crashing down. Andrews drops the chair and raises a mic..))

Andrews: Warren, I specifically told you, if you hit me, not only will no one win this match but also you will be BANNED FROM THE BJWC FOREVER !!

Crowd: Boooooo!!

Edgebrook: HE cant….is this the last of Kid Ego ??

Timmons: Bout damn time….stupid song…stupid name…

(( Just then Prez Algaurd emerges….as the crowd erupts….))

Edgebrook: Finally, the sheriff is in town…

Alguard: Andrews…this match WILL CONTINUE and NO ONE is banned from the BJWC. I allowed you to make this match but I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU to ruin this company….let the match continue !!

(( The fans erupt as the match will carry on and Andrews is leaning over the ropes shaking his fist at Alguard, as T.A. smiles and leaves…))

Edgebrook: I love that Aloe loving bastard…

(( Ego gets up and looks at Numbers and then both men look at Andrews. Shane, shrugs his shoulders and jumps out of the ring. Both men look at one another, wipe the blood from their brow and shake hands…))

Edgebrook: Here we go again, round two..

(( Both men start going punch for punch, until finally Numbers gets the upper hand and drives a knee to the gut, followed by a HUGE POWERSLAM !!! ))

Timmons: OO, that might be it…

(( Numbers exits the ring and grabs the ladder and slides it into the ring and sets it up against the turnbuckle. Numbers grabs Ego and whips him into the ladder….))


(( Ego is hurt as he is dazed. Numbers steps back and goes for the spear, but Ego side steps and Numbers goes head first into the ladder. The ladder falls forward and lands on top of Numbers…))

Edgebrook: god, talk about pain..

Timmons: Yes ??

Edgebrook: Yes what??

Timmons: You were calling me right, I mean you did say god ??

Edgebrook: Oh shutup…

(( Ego drags himself up and sees Numbers hurt. Ego drapes himself to the top ropes and looks down on the motionless Numbers as the crowd chants on. Ego raises his arms and …SWANTON BOMB !!! on the ladder, which is on Numbers….))

(( Ego is flopping around like a fish as the move devastated both men…))

Timmons: OK…that was sick !!

Edgebrook: We may need first aid out here, I think I heard Ego’s ribs crack….

(( First aid comes out to ring side and Ego rolls out of the ring onto the floor. He is screaming in pain as the carnage in the ring is indescribable. The first aid place Ego onto a stretcher and put a neck brace on him for good measure…))

Edgebrook: This may have cost Ego the title…what a way to lose…

(( Secured in, they wheel Ego up the ramp and behind the stage…))

Edgebrook: There we have it, looks like Ego is down and out. Tough loss for the Kid, all Numbers has to do is climb the ladder and get the belt….

(( Slight movement on Numbers part., finally he pushes the ladder off of him and rolls to his side. Numbers spits out blood and looks around dazed and confused. Numbers staggers up, but immediately falls to the ground. Andrews enters the ring and looks on. Numbers makes his way to the ropes and pulls himself up. Numbers looks around and doesn’t see Ego anywhere, he looks to Edgebrook…))

Edgebrook: They took him out on a stretcher Joey, you won the match…just climb the ladder and get the belt..

(( Numbers drops his head in disappointment and sorry for his friend. Numbers limps to the ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Numbers takes a breath and looks up before starting the long climb up. Andrews looks on, ready to call for the bell. Numbers starts the slow climb one rung at a a time…))

Timmons: He is almost there….

(( Numbers is close now…within reach of the title. He reaches up to grab it, but it is just slightly out . Numbers continues up….and makes it to the top, exhausted, bloody and beaten as he looks out to the crowd who are chanting…))

Crowd: EGO !! EGO !!! EGO !!!

(( Numbers grabs the title and is trying to figure out how to unhook it as Andrews has his arm raised to call for the bell…))

Edgebrook: WHAT THE !!

Timmons: NO WAY !!

(( Here comes “KID EGO “ ))

(( The crowd goes absolutely NUTS !!))

((Ego steps out, his ribs wrapped in tape and stand at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand…))

Ego: Joey, is this how you want to win that title…Let’s go bro, round three…

(( Numbers looks at Ego and looks at the title as Andrews is screaming for Numbers to get the title down. Numbers shakes his head and waives for Ego to return to the ring as Numbers climbs down the ladder…))

Edgebrook: OH MY GOD..Not since Willis Reed returning to save the Knicks have we seen heroics like this…

Timmons: More like stupidity…Numbers had it…

Edgebrook: Round three….here we go !!!

(( Ego limps to the ring as Numbers holds the ropes open for him, allowing him to enter the ring. As Ego gets in, Numbers jabs Ego in the ribs, sending Ego to his knees…))

Timmons: Those rib are sensitive right now..

(( Numbers continues to work on the ribs of Ego as Ego cannot even put up a defense. Numbers grabs Ego by the hair and gets him again for a powerbomb..but Ego REVERSES it and flips Numbers onto the ladder, sending the ladder crashing down against the ropes. Ego drops to his knees, surely he is pain. Ego gets up and picks Numbers up and whips him into the steel ladder against the ropes. Numbers screams in pain as Ego now grabs Numbers and DDT’s him as he stumbles back towards him. Both men lay on the ground, beaten. Ego is the first to get up, slowly making his way to the ropes…))

Edgebrook: WHAT a match huh Mike ??

Timmons: Yea, it is ok..

(( Ego gets up and grabs the ladder and sets it up in the center of the ring an starts to climb up. Ego makes it towards the top slowly and reaches for the ladder…but Numbers crawls up and pushes the ladder-sending Ego crashing down face first onto the turnbuckle below. ))

Edgebrook: Ooo that had to hurt…

Timmons: Whoever wins here tonight, Andrews ultimately wins because both men will be severely injured…

(( Numbers now sets the ladder up as Ego in down and out. Numbers starts the climb up. Ego comes around and sees and also makes the climb up. It’s a race between Numbers and Ego as they reach the top of the ladder and exchange blows. Ego ducks a blow from Numbers and leapfrogs the top plateau of the ladder and lands on Numbers back but with his head facing the mat. Ego shakes off Numbers and lands in a SEATED POWERBOMB FROM THE LADDER !!!))
Edgebrook: OH MY…that is a lot of damage to both men’s spines….

(( Both men roll in pain as Andrews looks on. Ego rolls around as Numbers rolls to his side. There is blood everywhere as both men gave there all here tonight. Ego slowly rises up and grabs the ladder, dragging his feet behind him as he climbs up. Slowly making that journey up…))

Edgebrook: Go KID !!

Timmons: Get up Joey

(( Ego continues, with each rung, the pain is that much greater. Finally Numbers makes it to the ladder. Numbers quickens the pace and gets to just about even to Ego. Ego kicks at Numbers which sends him down a few rungs but still on the ladder. Ego climbs up and finally reaches the belt. Andrews is shouting and shaking his head. Ego grabs a hold of the belt and Numbers finally reaches the belt as well. Both men have the belt in hand. Andrews seizing the time, kicks the ladder out from both men, leaving them dangling above the ring…))

Edgebrook: this is ridiculous…

(( Ego and Numbers kick at one another until finally Numbers falls but grabs a hold of Ego by the waist. Numbers writhes around in an effort to make Ego drop the hold. Both men start to swing, then Andrews jumps up and grabs a hold of Numbers, hoping the intense weight will make Ego release the hold. Three men, holding onto one belt….))

Edgebrook: If I was a betting man, I would say that Andrews doesn’t want Ego to win…

Timmons: Nooo..what makes you say that…

(( All three man start to swing….))

Edgebrook: I think Numbers is losing his grip…

Timmons: HOLD ON JOEY !!

(( Ego wincing, sweating, bleeding, holding on for dear might, starts to kick at Numbers…over and over and over again..until….FINALLY!! Numbers lets go and him and Andrews go crashing down below…))

Edgebrook: Finally….Come on Kid, just get the belt off…


(( Ego one hand falls off the title now and he is dangling with one arm…))

Edgebrook: No…!!

(( Ego then looks up, closes his eyes and wrenches…))




(( Andrews pushes Numbers off and yells at Ego, pissed off. Ego is not moving too much.))

Announcer: Your winner and NEW CHAMPION….”KID EGO” WARREN DIESEL !!!!

Edgebrook: YEA!!!

Timmons: BOOOO

(( Andrews jumps on top of Ego and starts to lay the boots onto the bloodied Warren. ))

Edgebrook: This isn’t right..we need someone out here….

(( Andrews really going to school on Ego and looks for the chair. Andrews finds the chair and hoists it above his head, then from behind, it is held. Andrews turns around as the chair is pulled from his hands from Joey Numbers !! ))

Edgebrook: Go JOEY, level him !!!

(( Andrews backs up and points at his shirt…..asking for forgiveness…))

SMACK !!!!!

(( Numbers levels Andrews as he slumps down to the mat to the roar of the crowd. ))

Timmons: He cant do that…

Edgebrook: He can and he just did !!

(( Numbers drops the chair, and Kid Ego off the mat. Numbers and Ego hand in hand, Numbers points to Ego and gives him the number one sign as a bloodied and beaten Ego has gone the distance…))

Edgebrook: There is a real man, and a real champion. Kudos to Joey Numbers for this great showing..

Timmons: You have Kudos, you been holding out, I am starved.. ??

(( Ego walks up the ramp with the assistance of Numbers and quickly turns around and raises the Hardcore title above his head to the approval of the crowd…))


(The cameras fade backstage once more in front of Shane Andrews office. David Dunn walks over to the door and slides the stack of papers under the door. David smiles briefly.)

DUNN: Hope this is what you wanted Shane, enjoy it while you can….punk…

(David walks away.)

TIMMONS: Okay, what the hell is going on here!

EDGEBROOK: That’s just a little strange!



Brandon Lloyd
"The God Damn F*cking Franchise"
David Dunn

(The Lights Dim on the Arena, Frantic by Metallica starts playing over the arenas PA system.)

%#*If I could have my wasted days back Would I use them to get back on track? Stop to warm at karmas burning Or look ahead, but keep on turning?

Do I have the strength To know how I'll go? Can I find it inside To deal with what I shouldn't know?

Could I have my wasted days back Would I use them to get back on track?

You live it or lie it!

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle

Keep searching, keep on searching This search goes on, this search goes on

Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock*#%

(Slowly a spot light hits the entranceway as a man stands looking in the crowd. David Dunn walks out of the back wearing a long black trench coat.)

%#*I've worn out always being afraid An endless stream of fear that I've made Treading water full of worry This frantic tick tick talk of hurry

Do I have the strength To know how I'll go? Can I find it inside To deal with what I shouldn't know

Worn out always being afraid An endless stream of fear that I've made

You live it or lie it!

Keep searching, keep on searching

This search goes on, this search goes on

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle

Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock*#%

(David runs from the entrance way and slides into the ring. He looks at the crowd then throws his coat over the top rope.)

%#*My lifestyle (Birth is pain) Determines by deathstyle (Life is pain) A rising tide (Death is pain) That pushes to the other side (It's all the same)*#%

(David climbs on the second rope and raises his arms into the air as the crowd boos the roof off. The music fades away.)


Edgebrook: Shut up you tool, let’s see if has some ring rust , cause here comes the real man !!

[Suddenly the light go out in the arena. Eerie music comes over the speakers. The fans stay quite, unaware of what to expect.]

[Voice over.]

"The threat to the world is not over."

[The arena is in dead silence as they listen to the deep voice echo through the building.]

"As we speak, our futures in grave danger."

[Pause. Bass.]

"Brandon Lloyd."

[The fans erupt in cheers as the name rolls off the mans tongue.]


[The fans get loud again, not giving them a chance to calm.]

"A group of organized street thugs turned business men."


"Through out the western hemisphere reckless cells have been Multiplying faster then anticipated."

[Fans pop, anxiety takes over.]

"World domination is a true reality we must face."

"It is..."

"..Upon us."




"And Imperialism."

"Our world must never fall in the hands of.."

"Reckless Endangerment."


"So what the f**k we gon do now?"

[Voice heavier. Deeper. Pure anger.]

"What the f**k are we gonna do now!?"

[Silence. Dull cheers come from the fans. A while three seconds feels like and hour. Finally, it kicks in - "Call 9-1-1 by Westside Connection".]

"This right here is considered a banger."

"Delivered With anger, your life is in danger"

"Beware of them strangers, holdin' them flamers"

"Them naggers were swagger, cuz they keep it gangsta"

[Brandon Lloyd steps out onto the ramp and the fans go absolutely nuts.]

"Just face it, I blaze shit"

"Your shit is basic, my shit is matrix"

"Make you erase shit"

[He stands on the ramp like he's the king of the mountain. His chain from training still in his hand, dragging along his side. He takes his "Reckless

Endangerment" jersey off and throws it into the crowd and then takes off down the ramp after Dunn.]

Timmons: I love this guy!

[Brandon slide in the ring and connects with a huge clothesline to Dunn.]

Edgebrook: A nice welcome back card from Brandon to Dunn, eh Mike?

Timmons: Very nice of him!

(( Both men square up and look each other down. Dunn as cocky as ever gazes upon the mammoth known as Brandon Lloyd. Dunn and Lloyd appear to be jaw jacking at one another. Both men are really in each other’s faces now, the crowd is eating it up. Finally Dunn pushes Lloyd…))

Edgbrook: Oooo, I dunno..

(( Lloyd smiles and walks back, Dunn smirks and this time pushes the big man again…))

Timmons: Yea that’s it, he is the REAL FRANCHISE !!

(( Lloyd steps back again and Dunn this time hauls off and smacks Lloyd across the face…))

Edgbrook: Oo, not a good idea…

(( Dunn turns his back as Lloyd rubs his face and makes his way over to Dunn. Dunn turns around and Lloyd picks Dunn up by his throat with both hands and holds him above his head. Dunn’s feet are dangling..))

Edgebrook: Don’t say I didn’t tell you so…

Timmons: Shut up !!

(( The ref is trying to get Lloyd to break the hold, but it isn’t working. Finally Lloyd drops Dunn to the mat as he starts to roll around, gasping for air, and holding his throat while Lloyd speaks to the ref. ))

Edgebrook: Welcome back Dunn, HAHAHA

(( Dunn slowly starts to get up as Lloyd turns around and KICK TO THE GROIN, sends the big man to his knees. Dunn then runs at the ropes and bulldogs Lloyd from behind. ))

Timmons: Ring rust, you were saying ?

(( Dunn starts to lay the boots onto Lloyd as the ref attempts to pull Dunn off. Dunn pushes the ref to the ground and continues laying the leather. The ref gets up and grabs Dunn. Dunn pushes the ref, and the ref stumbles back. Now the ref pushes Dunn back right into the awaiting Lloyd who rolls him up for the early pin…))




Timmons: WHOA!!

Edgebrook: Man that was close

(Dunn is furious, charges at Lloyd, who drops Dunn with a wicked clothesline as the crowd goes bonkers. Lloyd picks up Dante, putting him back on the mat with a devastating power bomb)

Edgebrook: This could be one short return match




Timmons: Too soon. Get him Franchise!!

(Lloyd pulls Dunn up, but Dunn his a low blow, doubling Lloyd over with pain)

Edgebrook: ANOTHER cheap shot by Dunn

Timmons: What cheap shot??

(David throws Lloyd into the ropes, he bounce back, David connects with a hard clothesline.)

EDGEBROOK: That almost knocked Lloyd’s head clean off his shoulders!

TIMMONS: Lloyd’s getting to his feet. David takes him the rest of the way up. David pushes him back into the corner and places him on the top rope…what is he doing?!

EDGEBROOK: David’s climbing up with Lloyd…my god he put him across his shoulders! Oh no…not this…David jumps off the top rope!

TIMMONS: FINAL CHAPTER!!! That’s it! That’s it! Lloyd has to be finishes after that move!




Edgebrook: Half of Reckless Endangerment isn’t done yet!!

(Dunn is clearly frustrated, yelling at the ref for a slow count. Lloyd is slowly getting to his feet, Dunn turns around, only to be met with a stiff right hand, then another, then another!)

Edgebrook: Dunn is reeling here

(Lloyd grabs Dunn in, pulling him in for a short arm clothesline. Brandon starts stomping a mudhole in Dunn as the crowd goes nuts)

Timmons: SHUT UP!!! David is TRYING to concentrate!!

(Lloyd is relentless, driving an elbow across Dunn’s chest. Lloyd is stalking over Dunn, almost daring him to get up. Dunn finally gets to his feet as Brandon charges at him)

EDGEBROOK: Lloyd running against the ropes now…David ducks and grabs Lloyd’s leg as he passes by!

TIMMONS: Lloyd falls flat on his face! He looks like he really hurt his ankle!

EDGEBROOK: David kneels down and grabs on Lloyd’s ankle again…PROBLEM SOLVER! David locks on that bone breaking ankle lock on Lloyd’s already hurt ankle!

TIMMONS: Lloyd screams in pain trying to get out of the move but he just too far from the ropes to get anything done! Dunn’s going to snap his ankle, this is great!

(Lloyd refuses to give up, struggling to get to the bottom rope)

Edgebrook: Is he going to make it???

Timmons: Just tap you loser!!!

(Goliath finally makes it to the ropes, forcing Dunn to break the hold. And Dunn ain’t happy)

Edgebrook: Dunn SCREAMING at the ref! What a low life

Timmons: I know I saw Lloyd tap!

(Lloyd limps to his feet, Dunn quickly moves over, stomping the tender ankle of Lloyd. With Lloyd doubled over, Dunn plays to the crowd as the boo their lungs out. Dunn flips the bird and runs at Lloyd, drilling him in the face with a running knee lift.)

Edgebrook: It isn’t looking good for Brandon Lloyd right now

Timmons: DUNN RULES!!

(Dunn gets on the mat, next to the face of Lloyd, just SCREAMING at him, telling him to stay down. Lloyd slowly gets to his knees, only to be met with a hard kick right to the face by Dunn)

Edgebrook: NO remorse by David Dunn

(The GFF grabs Lloyd’s neck, trying to pull him to his feet, Brandon counters with two quick back elbows to the stomach, he grabs David’s head and plants it into the mat with a last ditch DDT)

Edgebrook: STILL SOME FIGHT left in Lloyd

Timmons: Why wont he die???

(Both men slow to get to their feet, they finally stand, exchanging hay maker after haymaker)

Edgebrook: WHAT A MATCH!!! They WILL NOT back down from each other!!

Edgebrook: Looks like if Brandon is going to throw him to the ropes…reversal! David pulls him back, kick to the gut…


EDGEBROOK: What a last second move by the GFF and now both men are down. I think that took more out of Dunn that it did to Lloyd

Timmons: COVER!!!



2 and half……

Edgebrook: CMON BRANDON!!!


Timmons: HOW?!!? HOW DID HE DO THAT???!!!?!

(Dunn is IRATE, screaming at the ref. He pushes the ref into the corner, Brandon slowly gets to his feet. Dunn charges recklessly at him…..Lloyd grabs him by the throat....) ??


Timmons: NOOOOOOO!!!!




Edgebrook: ITS OVER!!! Brandon did it!!!

Edgebrook: What a hell of a match, what a way to go into Goldfest !!

Timmons: Dehart is going to have his hands full

Edgebrook: Oh I can't wait.. I thi...

(( Let the bodies hit the floor))

(( Let the bodies hit the floor))

(( Let the bodies hit the floor))

(( FLOOR !!))

(( Then a huge explosion as “Step Up” By Drowning Pool blares over the audio system..))

(( 1, 2, 3 - Go! ))

(( Broken, Yeah, you've been living on the edge of a broken dream. Nothing, Yeah, that's the only thing you'll ever take away from me. ))

(( I'm never gonna stop, I'm never gonna drop, Ain't no different than it was before. ))

(( Out walks “The Legacy” Shane Andrews,the crowd boos as he walks down clapping his hands at Lloyd .))

(( Timmons stands up and starts to clap ))

Timmons: There he is, the man..

Edgebrook: Shut up and sit down Mike..

(( So take some good advice, You better stop and think twice, Before you take your first step, Out that door.

If you wanna step up (step up), You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down). If you wanna step up (step up), You're gonna get knocked down. ))

(( Andrews circles the ring and looks up at Lloyd who is pissed at seeing Andrews. Dunn looks down at Andrews and both men glare at one another.))

((You had your chance to walk away. Live to see another day.

If you wanna step up (step up), You're gonna get knocked down (knocked down). You're gonna get knocked down...


Suffering, Yeah, that's the only thing here that's left for you. Nothing, Yeah, that's the only thing you're ever gonna – do ))

Andrews: Ok, cut the music.

Crowd: Boooo

Andrews: Shutup...

Crowd: BOOOO!!

Andrews: I SAID SHUT UP !!


Andrews: YOU SUCK !!


Andrews: Call me what you will , but from this moment on, you can also call me The President of the BJWC !!

Edgebrook: Huh ??

Andrews: From this point on, "The Legacy" Shane Andrews is now the President of the BJWC !!

Crowd : BOOOOO!!!

Andrews: And since I am, well god, I call the shots. So I decided one thing for your match against my dear friend Mr. Dehart there Brandon. You are going to need someone important to make sure that the match is called RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE !!
(( Andrews shrugs his shoulders...))

Andrews: And I can't think of anyone better than.. ME !!

(( Lloyd is pissed as the crowd boos heavily..))

Edgebrook: Aw, come on, give him a decent shot

Andrews:Don't worry Brandon, I will call it right down the middle. But let's not wait till Goldfest, let's get this show on the road...

(( Like a light switch, Dan Dehart, Dante Calavria and Shawn Kearns come running down to ringside and slide into the ring and immediatley start to decimate Lloyd, Andrews also slides in and starts to lay in the boots..))

Edgebrook: Ahh come on, we need help...

(( Andrews calls for a chair as Kearns and Calavria hold up Lloyd. Andrews grabs the chair and hands it over to Dehart. Dunn ironically, just sits back and watches....))

Egdebrook: Dunn, do something..

(( Dehart raises the chair high when all the sudden......HERE COMES MALICE !!))

Edgebrook: YEA !!

(( Malice starts to clean house, he clocks Kearns, then Dante, before going to Andrews until...))

CRACK !!!!!!

(( Chair shot from Dehart, and Malice is down...))

Edgebrook: Good GOD !!

(( The four men start to work on Malice who is now belly down as Dunn sees his chance. Dunn grabs the chair....))


(( Dunn cracks Calavria over the back as he send the pizan to his knees...))

(( Here comes JACKSON DANE AND KID EGO !!! ))

Edgebrook: Now we are going to even the odds...

Timmons: SHUT UP !!

(( Ego goes right after Andrews as Dane chases after Kearns. Dehart and Lloyd going toe to toe as it it chaos everywhere..))



Malice vs Nightmare : Brandon Lloyd
Jackson Dane vs. Shawn Kearns : Nightmare
Jamal Brooks vs. Trek : Jackson Dane
Dante Calavria vs. Jay Moreno : Kid Ego
Joey Numbers vs Kid Ego : Shane Andrews
Brandon Lloyd vs David Dunn : Kid Ego

Thank you all who helped me