At one time I had created a rp guide for BJWC2, a developmental league I ran that several
of our graduates have come to be BJWC heavyweight champions. In the chaotic annals of
BJWC history, it was lost. So I started this mission scouring the inet for a great rp guide.
I found a lot of good rp guides, but no great ones. So now, I, prez Malice, present you,
hopefully with what I consider a great rp’ing guide.
Chapter One: Creating Your Wrestler
You can’t do anything until you have created a wrestler. Take a lot of time and figure out
what exactly you want to accomplish here. After all, you are bringing a new life into this
crazy world of efeding. A life that you are going to shape and mold through your own
experiences and imagination.
Imagination is the key word here. Because the sky is the limit. As a handler your
character is bound by nothing except for your own imagination. I am not here to tell you
what is right or wrong in developing a character. I am just here to guide you on that
A lot of people like to create a character that resembles themselves. There is nothing
wrong with that as long as you don’t restrict your imagination to within the limitations of
yourself. If you are your character, then take this opportunity to take yourself on a roller
coaster ride of possibilities. A lot of people starting out, like to take this route.
Other people choose to be a character that is the furthest thing from any personality they
could ever attempt to portray in real life. Weather that be the life of a gang banger, a
billionaire, or a dark and mysterious grave digger. I personally think these guys get more
out of the efed experience as they stretch their imaginations to living the role of someone
else. I once played a character named KAHN. KAHN was a deranged man with a third
grade intelligence level, that was unable to except that death existed. He kept the corpse
of his mother in the basement and visited her and talked to her like she was still alive.
KAHN was managed by his grandfather that had been very abusive his whole life. The
catch was Kahn’s grandfather had been dead for several years also. But to Kahn he was
real and still very abusive. As far as I know, a man like this had never existed until I
created him. When I wrote his rp’s, I became him. I saw the world through the eye’s of
There is another alternative that not a lot of people have at least labeled. Rp’ing is a good
method of taking those dark, secretive, and self destructive parts of your own existence
and unleashing them into your conscious (I watch a lot of Twilight Zone), so that you can
see what is really locked up inside that screwed up mind of yours. My long time character
has been Malice. Malice is a character that reminds me that if I don’t control certain
issues in my life, what the roads are that I could end up going down. Malice and myself
are raging alcoholics. And anyone that has drank too much on a regular basis knows that
there are a lot of bad things that could go wrong. Malice’s rp’s tells the stories of the
things that have gone wrong for me. And the worst possible scenarios of what could go
wrong in the future without a slowing down or showing a little restraint. His stories
usually portray a powerful attitude, and usually a broken down body.
I think one of the greatest character developers in BJWC history is Tyler Lee. He has
played himself. He has played a comedian. He has played a tag team of heavy stoners.
And several other characters that I can’t remember right now. But he got inside each
characters head and literally created a new person and excelled at it.
Well there you have it. Release that imagination and hit the rp boards with your new
character that is going to be your escape from the daily grind. Amaze yourself and
entertain the rest of us.
Chapter 2: The storyline:
I want to remind everyone that I am not one of the greatest wrestlers this federation has
every seen. I’ve managed two world titles in five years. If I’m lucky that might break me
into the top 25 wrestlers of all time in the BJWC. So take what I say with a grain of salt.
This is based on my opinion from toiling around in this business for six plus years. Now
saying that, on with the tutorial.
Some of our best wrestlers can think up an incredible rp from scratch everytime they step
up to the plate. They take their character in a new direction everytime they write. And I
believe it truly takes a great rp’er to be able to pull this off on a regular basis and be
I myself am an organizational freak. I like to have an idea of what I am rp’ing about
before I step up to the plate. I will have a rough timeline of what my character is going to
experience over the next 5 to 10 rp’s. For example my character Malice. #1rp will be
about him overdoing it in a dark underground bar. #2rp will be him recovering from the
hangover. RP#3 him drinking again and getting arrested. #4rp, a jail scene. #5rp, a scene
in rehab.
I am not controlling what he is saying about the world of BJWC, I am simply creating a
time line for my character development so I have an idea of what I am going to rp about.
The best storyline writer I’ve noticed, is the current Heavyweight Champ, at the time I am
writing this, Cyris Raven (I know that was a terrible use of comma’s, I am currently
enrolled in English Composition, the future will be brighter). Raven’s rp’s are simply put,
the efed’s version of a soap opera. He deals with relationships with friends, family
members, and his lovers. He faces his inner demons. He rotates from face to heal and
goes insane at times. You want a frigg’n saga. Read Cyris Raven.
This storyline method is a suggestion only. A tool that assists me, that maybe will help
you out also.
Chapter 3: The Role Play
There is no one right way to write a rp. There are a lot of different styles out there and it
is personally judgment that makes one better then another. As far as any story telling
goes. When you write, you are attempting to create a picture in the mind of the reader. If
JRR Tolkien did not create such a good picture in everyone’s mind on what he was
writing about, then there would be no basis for us to judge how good that movie was in
relation to the book. That was one of the few movies that left readers of the book, feeling
satisfied. When you write your rp’s, you are attempting to give us the same picture in our
minds that you are seeing in yours.
An important part of a rp that I see people liking to ignore at times, is the setting. The
setting could include any or all of the following and much more. Where you are at, what
you are wearing, what do you look like, what is the weather like, what time of day is, etc..
I see a lot of beginners go down this like a grocery list. It is better then ignoring it. But I
think these need to be added into the rp in a clever fashion that does not seem like a
deliberate insert.
Here is a brief example: “As Malice steps onto the rooftop, the cold touch of winter
causes him to pause. The blustery evening winds pound against his old, worn out BJWC
t-shirt, almost pressing the wrinkles from it. As he steps towards the ledge to get a better
view of the beautiful evening lights of the city, the howling winds take control of his long
flowing blonde hair and forces it into a chaotic dance.”
In a short paragraph, I have told you where I am at, what the weather is, what time of day
it is, what I am wearing, and my hair style. I have created a setting without forcing any
information on you. I could have been much more descriptive. But in my mind, it didn’t
really matter what else Malice was wearing, or what the particulars of the rooftop were.
But I think I gave adequate account and hope I developed a picture in your mind of what
my setting was all about.
This page is a work in progress. Hopefully I will be adding a little bit every day. As usualy questions and comments are always welcome.