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The arena goes dark as the BJWC tron lights up.

The scene is Malice standing in the ring with a microphone. The date at the bottom of the screen reads February 7th, 2004.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” shouts Malice, “Welcome to the return of Storm!”

The response is phenominal.

“With any new era, you must always look back and remember what has come before. What is the reason you are here. Who, what, and how was the foundation laid? And the foundation known as the BJWC was laid on Storm. And thus to remember our legends, to remember our roots, we have returned to what originally made this company great, to use it as a platform to propel us to new heights.


[The BJWC logo fades up from the sea of darkness.]







[Boom! Boom!]

[Boom! Boom! Boom!]

[Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!]


[Locked on the BJWC Tron.]

[Tyrone Alguard delivering the Total Annihilation to Blitz.]


[Kid Ego Getting the 3 count on Brandon Lloyd!!]


[Dante Calavira raising the BJWC Heavyweight title!!]


[Cyris Raven hitting Twisted Minds on Nightmare!!]


[The screen illuminates.]

[Inside the arena.]

Crowd: Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!!

[Panning around the arena.]

Crowd: Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!! Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!!

Crowd: Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!! Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!! Bee-Jay-Dub-Yah-Cee!!

[Signs everywhere.]

[**I’m a Green Family Cousin**]

[**Cyris Raven is God**]

[**Jacked to the CORE!!**]

[**I know KAHN’s Grandfather**]

[**I am the real Legacy!**]

Edgebrook: Welcome back to the return of Storm!

Timmons: I remember that cheasy speach by Malice. He thinks a little gimmick will win him some support.

Edgebrook: The last time Storm aired, it kicked off a new era for BJWC. In fact our current heavyweight champion debuted at that event.

Timmons: Hmmm.. Interesting!

Edgebrook: And this card could be the beginning of a huge war between team NWA and the Core. Storm is a history maker Mike.

Timmons: Enough with your history lesson James, let's get to some action.

Edgebrook: Very well, in the ring now we have the newcomer Tyler Vols taking on James Knight.

Timmons: I thought Knight would be up for title contention by now but he has been on quite the downward spiral lately.

Edgebrook: Let's go down to the ring.

***** Dark Match *****

Both men came to the ring looking like they havn't slept in a couple of days. The match was slow and sloppy. In the end, James Knight showed some of his flash of brilliance we've seen in the past and put an end to Tyler Vol's debut.

{Scene cuts to the back where we see BJWC reporter, Nathan Hallfonte. The camera zooms out and we see Cyris Raven right next to him, putting up a poster. He moves away and we see the poster is of Cyris Raven pointing at the viewer like the old Uncle Sam posters. Above him, it reads 'The CORE wants YOU!!!'}

HALLFONTE: Mr. Raven, do you believe you can lead The CORE against the dominant Team NWA?

{Cyris looks at Nathan, oddly}

RAVEN: Not only do I believe it, Nathan, I promise it. I promise that The CORE will step in front of the surging wall known as Team NWA...and stop them dead.

{Cyris looks at the camera}

RAVEN: I will not stand by and let them control the Alliance all by themselves. If they expect to have complete control of this place...they will have to go through The CORE.

{Cyris' phone rings}

RAVEN: One second.

{Raven pulls the phone out and puts it to his ear}



RAVEN: You are kidding?


RAVEN: That's great, man. It's good to have you on board. Welcome to The CORE! I'll come to your region and you, me, and Kid Ego can talk. See ya, then. Bye.

{Cyris hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket}

HALLFONTE: Who was that?

RAVEN: The newest member of The CORE. Every day we grow strong, Nathan. While Team NWA sits there and parades around, The CORE is building behind the walls...ready to attack. Soon, Nathan...soon.

{Cyris picks up a duffel bag that is on the floor next to him. He reaches into it, pulls out a T-shirt and tosses it over Nathan's shoulder}

RAVEN: Now if you excuse me...I have some posters to hang.

{Cyris walks away. Nathan opens the T-shirt and it reads 'The Coalition Of Wrestling Excellence...wants YOU!!!'}

HALLFONTE: Well it looks like I got myself a souvenir.

{Nathan smirks as the scene cuts back to Edgebrook and Timmons}

***** Dark Match *****

Steele and Bruce both showed why they were both great competitors trading blows, power moves, technical locks, and a plethera of cheating. In the end, the experience of the Money man paid off and Steele ended up raising his hand in victory.

[As the commercial break ends, the show comes back with an white archway in the middle
of the ring, in the shape of a steeple. There is also an altar under the archway. A
generic church organ song plays through the arena as Jason Stallion steps through the
curtain. He is wearing a dark blue suit with a red tie as he walks calmly down to the
ring, stepping through the ropes.]

Edgebrook: What's this? I thought we had a match next?

Timmons: I guess not. Jason The Reborn Stallion is going to delight us with his words.

Edgebrook: *snickers* Great, this should be 'uplifting', huh?

[Jason stepped behind the altar and motioned for the crowd to be quiet. A few people
continue to boo, but most quiet down out of sheer curiousity.]

Jason: Greetings my brother and sisters, and welcome to Storm, live from in Rochester

[The cheap pop gives him a few scattered cheers]

Jason: It's true, the BJWC has the best wrestlers in the world, the greatest matches
great fans...well, as decent as a group of rejects and losers from Minnesota can be.

[Those cheers quickly turn to boos as Jason smiles.]

Jason: But there is one thing the BJWC has been missing,and that's a moral conscience.
That is why, my brothers and sisters, I am here to save you all. *taps the altar*
That's exactly what I will do here in my new weekly segment, the Altar of Glory.

[Jason pauses to marvel in his new props.]

Timmons: A weekly dose of Jason Stallion? I'm stoked, aren't you?

Edgebrook: *grumbles* oh yeah, i'm thrilled.

Jason: But I'm not here to impart my words of wisdom, oh no. I'm here to share the
Lord's words, and today I will teach you all about modesty.

[A few groans]

Jason: You see, one of God's teachings is that we mustn't be vain, and who is more vain
then the guy that calls himself Kid Ego...and that's Diesel Warren.

[Some CORE signs are held up and a small cheer breaks out.]

Jason: You see, people like Kid ego and his cronies in the C.O.R.E will forever be
second-class as they choose to be boastful and egotistical and they will never know the
true advantages of spiritual and personal acheivement. I on the other hand, am humble,
and my humility will be what carries me above such wrestlers, for I am here to teach.
By beating The CORE tonight, I will teach them humility, and they will appear before
you changed and defeated men...

[Jason thumps his fist on the altar, leaning forward as his face gradually turns red.]

Jason: Not to mention broken and bloody men, because now that Jackson Dane had aligned
with me, I will teach EVERYONE in the BJWC some life lesson they will never forget!

[The crowd begins to boo as Jason regains his composure, starightening his tie and
stepping from the altar, taking the mic with him.]

Jason: And that, my friends, is my message to you. This has been the Altar of Glory,
thank you and God Bless..

[The organ music plays again as Jason step through the ropes and back up the aisle,
while the ring crew takes down the set for the next match.]

***** Dark Match *****

KAHN and Numbers bloodied the ring, ringside, the locker rooms, the rafters, and the parking lot. Numbers received the win after delivering a high voltage shock to KAHN at the paramedics station with the crash cart.

Edgebrook: Time for our weekly dose of weird, staring Triple Six Trek, this time facing off against the equally odd Logan Outlaw

Timmons: Equally odd? Close, but not equally

Edgebrook: Argeed. Both grapplers are in the ring right now, so lets get to the action

(The two men are circling each other, feeling each other out. Finally, they met with a collar and elbow tie up, with Logan quickly switching it to a headlock, gaining the upperhand)

Edgebrook: Good God! A wrestling move

Timmons: You know James, you can usually tell how a match goes by the opening moment. Good start for Outlaw

(Trek responsds quickly, lifting Logan off of his feet and connecting with a belly to back suplex)

Timmons: Oh, yea maybe that isn’t so good

(The King of Aloe quickly reacts, attempting to drop an elbow on Outlaw, but Logan rolls out of the way)

Edgebrook: Both men are quickly back on their feet

Timmons: Oh goodie

(Trek goes for another lock up, but Outlaw side steps him, hitting a quick forearm to the kidneys, sending Trek to the mat)

Timmons: Busting out the old rabbit punch, whatever it takes baby

(Logan connects with an elbow drop to the back of Trek’s head before appling a rear chin lock, pulling back, straining the neck of Trek)

Edgebrook: Logan is focusing on the head and neck area of the number one contender

Timmons: Always an efficient place to target, since you can’t do much without your freaking head

(Outlaw breaks the hold and taunts the crowd, as they shower him with boos. Trek is still on the mat, holding the back of his neck. Logan delivers two quick kicks to the aforementioned reason, before dropping a knee on the neck of Trek)

Edgebrook: Picking him apart with textbook precision.

(Outlaw slooooowly drags Trek to his feet, applying a front face lock and lifting Trek high in the air)

Edgebrook: Is he EVER going to come down??

(Dangling Trek for just a bit longer, Outlaw drops Triple Six to the mat with a DEVASTATING brain buster)

Edgebrook: GOOD GRIEF!! You can almost feel that impact that must of compressed some of Trek’s vertebras.

Timmons: That sounded just sick

(Outlaw just smiles as Trek is laying still on the mat. The ref goes to check on Trek, but Outlaw pushes him away, dropping an elbow across the face of Trek as the crowd booos)

Edgebrook: This is just sick, lets get this man some help

(Trek is brought to his feet, Logan grabs his head and sets up for a pile driver)

Edgebrook: Stop the damn match! If he hits this Trek’s career could be over

Timmons: Maybe this will jolt Trek’s memory for a bit

(As Outlaw once again plays to the crowd, Trek digs deep, countering with a back body drop that sends Logan to the mat as the crowd cheers)

Edgebrook: The crowd cheering for Trek?

Timmons: I think they just hate Outlaw so much that they are cheering by default. Dumb fans, don’t know what they are doing

Edgebrook: Touché

(Triple Six is still moving quite slowly, but drops a fist across the forehead of Outlaw, then drags Logan to his feet)

Edgebrook: I am quite interested to see what kind of offense that the memory-less Trek comes up with

Timmons: I hope he forgets the whole Aloe thing

(Trek grabs the arm of Logan Outlaw, pulling him in before just about taking his head off with a nasty short arm clothesline)

Edgebrook: Finally some offense from the man to face Diesel Warren at Slamfest.

Timmons: I’m not impressed. Give the match to Jackson Dane or Jason Stallion, then we’d be in business!

(Somehow getting through the neck pain, Trek remains on the offensive, sending Logan into the ropes with an Irish whip, hitting a belly to belly suplex)

Edgebrook: Trek showing why he deserves to get that title shot, digging through the neck and head pain to get the job done so far

(Trek attempts to lock on another front face lock, but Outlaw counters with an ax handle smash to the back of Trek’s already hurt neck. The King of Aloe crumples to the mat as Logan looks pleased with himself)

Edgebrook: No mercy or pity from Logan Outlaw, he is looking to out and out destroy Trek at this point

Timmons: Good, the BJWC needs some more like him

(Logan is just stomping away on the back of Trek’s neck. He picks up the large Trek like a rag doll, grabbing him in a firemen’s carry before connecting with a shoulder breaker)

Edgebrook: It would seem odd to work on the shoulder, but that move once again jolts and presses together the bones in his neck

Timmons: I never knew Outlaw was this much of an in ring guy

Edgebrook: Learn something new every day dumbass

Timmons: Dumb ass??

(Outlaw allows Trek to slowly get to his feet, almost taunting Trek. When he finally does make it to his feet, Logan lunges and connects with a rolling neck breaker as Trek screams in pain)

Edgebrook: This is just downright disgusting

Timmons: No conscience from Logan Outlaw

(As Trek is clutching his neck in pain, with a demented look in his eyes, Outlaw applies a dragon sleeper hold, pulling back on the neck of Trek with all his might. Logan lets out a mad man scream as Trek appears to limp)

Edgebrook: This is unbelieveable, Trek is being taken apart piece by piece by the Riot champion

Timmons: Wow Jimmy, just wow

(Outlaw finally breaks the hold, drapes his arm over the top of Trek and extends his arm in the air, counting along with the ref)

Edgebrook: Cover!!
















Edgebrook: HOW??!?!?! How did Trek kick out of that??

Timmons: What is in his Aloe??

(Outlaw is livid, laying into Trek with kick after kick. Logan drags Trek to his feet, going for a kick to the stomach. Suddenly, Trek comes to, grabbing the leg of Logan and pulling him up into a firemen’s carry)

Edgebrook: WHAT THE HELL???

Timmons: This is amazing!!

(Trek has a wild look in his eyes, spins Outlaw…..)


Timmons: Un-FREAKING-beliveable!!!!

(Trek drops Outlaw jaw first over his shoulder and Logan drops to the mat, a glazed look in his eye)

Edgebrook: COVER!!!

















Edgebrook: TREK DID IT!! He continues his winning streak going into the big Heavyweight title match at Slamfest!!!

Timmons: Wow James, all I can, Wow

Edgebrook: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our main event.

Timmons: As Malice stated, it was time to get all these guys in the ring at once and get this settled once and for all..

Edgebrook: Dane and Stallion match up against Raven and Warren.

Timmons: Well none of these men require an introduction, so lets start the action.


Edgebrook: Raven and Stallion start things off.

Timmons: Stallion making the fast track to the top aligning himself with Dane.

Edgebrook: A little too fast if you ask me.

Timmons: Well he has the quick advantage on Raven as the two locked up, Stallion sent a knee to the midsection and is not wasting any time reigning blows into our Hardcore champion.

Edgebrook: Cyris is down in the corner as Stallion stomps him to the mat. The quickness of Kid Ego ends the attack as he flys into the ring and clotheslines Stallion from behind before the ref can admonish him.

Timmons: It may have stopped the attack from Stallion, but now that the ref is occupied, Dane has slipped into the ring and is working a serious double team effort into the already stunned Cyris.

Edgebrook: The more Ego yells about the injustice occurring, the more the ref tries to calm him and keep him in the corner, thus the more the double team effort hammers into Raven. Good god, ego, just shut up for crying out loud!

[After what seems like an eternity for Cyris Raven, Ego finally is resolved to shutting up, and the ref returns his attention to the match. Instinctively Dane realized this just in time to slip out of the ring.]

Timmons: Look at these guys, working like a well oiled machine in there.

Edgebrook: Stallion sends Raven hard into the opposite turnbuckle and follows him quickly with a splash.

Timmons: The bigger they are, the harder they fall James.

Edgebrook: Raven doesn't go down yet, but Stallion hits him with a running bulldog that keeps Raven on the mat.

Timmons: Quick tag by Stallion, proving these guys understand how to be a fundamentally sound tag team.

Edgebrook: Alright, we get it Mike.

[Cyris attempts to jump up and meet the oncoming Dane, but Dane spears his knee and topples the groggy Cyris Raven. Dane moves in on the knee as Raven attempts to protect it. A couple boots to the face bring his arms up and then Dane goes to work with some hard knee drops onto the knee of Raven.]

Edgebrook: Dane satisfied with the punishment he has delivered, executes a falling headbut to the midsection that looked seriously close to being a low blow.

Timmons: Dane tags, this team is flawless.

[Raven starts crawling to make the tag, but is stopped short by an elbow drop to the middle of his back. Stallion flips him over and delivers several stomps to the injured knee himself. He drags Raven to the middle of the ring and after some good measure elbow drops to the chest slips on a figure four leg lock. Raven rocks back and forth in agony as if he were doing his situp workout.]

Timmons: Several minutes into this match and we have yet to see any offense from the Core outside of a cheap shot by the paper champ.

Edgebrook: Look at the eyes of Raven, he is in some obvious pain. HE REVERSES IT!

Timmons: Dam, I spoke too soon.

Edgebrook: Stallion quickly grabs the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. Stallion limps over for a tag.

[Raven is up and Dane sends him to the ropes, Raven ducks a clotheline, tags his partner, and then gets caught with a flying shoulderblock by Dane.]

Timmons: Dane doesn't know that Raven made a tag. Look out Jackson!

Edgebrook: Dane goes to attack the fallen Raven but is met with an unexpected forearm blow to the kidney followed by a swinging neckbreaker.

Eimmons: Get in there Jason!

Edgebrook: Stallion attempts just that, but the ref catches him and the reigning champion continues his attack unfettered. Ego sends Dane to the ropes and delivers a textbook high cross body. With Dane on his back, Ego sits atop him reigning blows on him.

Timmons: Those are closed fists James.

Edgebrook: Our champ has a lot of frustration to take out on one Mr. Dane.

Timmons: It doesn't matter, it's illegal. And the ref is finally pulling him off. I'd like to say that I think the ref is doing an excellent job tonight.

Edgebrook: Ego sends Dane to the ropes and hammers home with a beautiful dropkick.

Timmons: How come everything your wonder boys do is text book perfect of beautiful. You havn't said a single word about the majestic teamwork of Dane and Stallion.

Edgebrook: Im not sure you used the word majestic correctly.

[Kid Ego with a twist a fate and he goes for a pin.]













Timmons: Jason Stallion in with a stomp to the head to end the count.

Edgebrook: Raven in quickly nailing Stallion with a clothesline then kicking him to the outside so that Ego can finish the pin.



















Timmons: Kickout by Dane, unbeleivable.

Edgebrook: Ego heading to the top rope to put the finishing touches on Jackson Dane.

Timmons: But the fast acting Jason Stallion runs over and rips one of his feet loose sending Ego down groin first into the metal support rod.

Edgebrook: The ref admonishes Stallion, but it is to no avail. Dane crawls to the corner and makes the tag.

Timmons: Stallion heads to the corner and begins to unload on the prone Ego.


Timmons: Right on Edgebrook, but in the BJWC we refer to that move as the HANGOVER!

Edgebrook: Oh yeah, I remember the memo. The ego of some of these presidents!

[Stallion with the cover!]
























Edgebrook: Cyris Raven in with a double ax handle to stop the count.

Timmons: When will these petty interference's be put to an end.

Edgebrook: You weren't complaining when Stallion did it.

Timmons: Speaking of Jason Stallion, he just nailed Raven with a missile dropkick.

Edgebrook: Raven back up and him and Stallion begin to trade blows. Dane sends Ego to the ropes, but Ego ducks and catches Dane spinning around with a superkick. Both men collapse.

[As the ref is forcing Stallion to his corner, Raven drags the fallen Ego towards his. As the ref turns around, Ego tags out.]

Edgebrook: Raven a ball of fire hits Dane with an explosive clothesline.

Timmons: There you go with the cool words for your favorite wrestlers again.

Edgebrook: Stallion comes in, only to catch one himself. Raven picks up Dane, POWERBOMB!!! Cover.....











Stallion back in the ring











Ego catches Stallion with a flying forearm!











Edgebrook: It's over. Raven pins Dane.

[The bell rings, but that doesn't end the fight. The four men continue to brawl.]

Edgebrook: This isn't over by a long shot. A great match by these four men, but it looks
like they will continue.

[ Cyris knocks Jackson Dane over the ropes when suddenly, the wrestlers are distracted
by the screen on the entranceway, which displays the Team NWA logo. On cue, Jake Cage
runs through the entrance with a singapore cane, he slides under the ropes and swings
the cane, striking Kid Ego in the back.]

Edgebrook: TEAM NWA! Team NWA is in the house, and they're going after the CORE.

Timmons: Well, its not really Team NWA, just Jake Cage...

Edgebrook: Still, Jake Cage and Jason Stallion are brothers...this makes things

[After giving Kid Ego a second shot, Jake is grabbed from behind by Cyris Raven. The big
man lifts Jake up for a chokeslam, but Jason quickly reacts with a chop block to
Cyris's left knee. Cyris stumbles, allowing Jake to break the hold and kick the giant
in the gut, setting him up for a huge Cage-Driver.]

Timmons: Did this guy just lift up Cyris Raven and drop him? That's his finisher, but
how did he ever hit it on a giant like Cyris?

Edgebrook: Well, he was recruited by Jesus Rodreiguez, so he's no slouch.

[Jake grabs the cane a second time and swings at Kid Ego, who ducks the shot but runs
into a spear by Jason Stallion. The BJWC rookie then picks up Kid Ego and drops him
hard with The Testimony, causing a collective boo to reign over the two brothers.]

Edgebrook: The two brothers are working together, did Jason jump ship after all?

Timmons: I...I don't know.

[With Raven and Ego down, Jake takes off his Team NWA t-shirt and steps out of the ring,
grabbing a house mic and staring down his brother as he stands by the rail, ready to
make his exit.]

Jake: Hey, know you're no better than I am, think about what you're passing

[He throws the shirt in the ring at the feet of his brother, than Jake makes his exit
through the crowd. Jason picks up the shirt and rolls it up into a ball, staring down
at it as he steps out of the ring and walks up the ramp way with Jackson Dane.]

Edgebrook: What will Jason do? Will we have to wait to find out??

Timmons: This CORE-Team NWA war is getting uglier by the day!

OOC: The dark matches were due to lack of rp'ing. I didn't want to delay the card for them either.


Main Event: Malice
Trek / Outlaw: Kid Ego