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Frequently Asked Questions

Please help us, If you have a question that is not answered that you would like to ask us, feel free to e-mail us.

Q - "what is a venture capital investments club?" A - It is an association of like minded venture capital investors that combine their resources to discover, talk about and participate in "Private Placement" investments.

Q - "Why is MMG networking individual investors?" A - The obvious answer is to increase your buying power.

Q - "How does the MMG staff profit?" A - The MMG staff will profit only when a MMG member profits. MMG administration office is typically compensated with 7% of the back profits on every successful investment. This keeps the staff motivated to work hard for you .

Q - "Does MMG impose dollar minimums on club investments?" A - No.

Q - "What kind of services will I receive as a member?" A - You will receive complete due diligence from MMG.

Q — "How long does it take MMG to review an investment?" A — Approximately 90% of all investigations fail the basic evaluation within the first two weeks. The remaining 10% take anywhere from two months to a year. Less than 2% of all the private placements reviewed for our members pass the club's criteria. The longer it takes MMG to investigate an investment, the higher the probability of finding an excellent opportunity.

Q — "Do members ever want to work together and buy investments?" A — Yes, when MMG come across an investment that passes the clubs criteria and there are enough members that want to buy, MMG helps members form an investment-buying group to purchase the investment.

Q — "If I join, do I have to participate in everything MMG offers?" A — No, MMG is not an advisor of invetments and will not tell you how to invest your money. MMG is an informational investment club of hundreds of investors, like you, working toward venture capital opportunities.

Q — "Do members receive group discounts on investments?" A — Unlike investors working with just their money, MMG members pool their funds to create an economic force that can fund a complete project. This gives us group-buying power to both assert a discount and empower the group to negotiate our own terms.

Q — "What does MMG charge to review potential investments?" A — Yearly Dues, then you can submit as many requests as you would like.

Q — "What you say makes sense, so why haven’t I heard about this before now?" A We don't Know, but if you’re going to enter the high risk - high revenue gamble that is private investing. It only makes sense to allow yourself the opportunity to succeed by having complete due-diligence preformed. While no one can guarantee success at least your odds increase.

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