Monday, February 6, 2006
Well, after nearly 2 years, I have finally come back to this web site. It has been an intense couple of years. I'm going to give you a short summery of what has happened and hopefully be able to do a better update soon.
We got married on June 13, 2004, as planned. It was a wonderful and amazing time. I will do a page just to update how everything went.
My sister Mindy had her baby on October 15, 2004. His name is Isaac Matthew Landin Pedersen. He is amazing.
After battling a lot of health problems, Mike's father passed away on April 18, 2005. That has been a very trying thing, and I am thankful that we were already married when it all happened.
In June, we bought a new house in Monticello. It needed to be remodeled because the previous owner trashed it. We have put a lot of work into it, but it is beautiful now! We love it here.
The baby thing hasn't happened quite yet, but we trying to be patient. We're enjoying our time together as just the two of us!
I think that is all I'm going to write for now, but check back soon and hopefully I'll get some photos up and things!Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Hey, all! Welcome to my new web site. It was too hard to redo my old web site, so it is time to start a new one.Life has been crazy the last 3 years since I last updated my old site.
I have 4 nephews now, and another one on the way. My sister, Mindy (& Shawn) had Noah on May 26, 2001 and then had Ethan on December 27, 2002. Coming soon, Baby Pedersen #3, November 2004. My brother, Mike's wife, Danielle, had Andy on May 29, 2001 and then had Jonny on April 25, 2003 (you can check them out at Mike's Web Site). I love my nephews very much! They are all so unique and so much fun.
I moved home from Willmar in December of 2001. I started hanging out with my cousin Mariann a lot more when I got home. She had gotten married just before that to Adam Hansen. They introduced me to a guy named Mike Mohrman on January 25, 2002. We went to dinner and a movie, "I Am Sam." We really just clicked very quickly. I fell in love with him almost immediately. In July of 2003, Mike took my for a trip out to Maria State Park and asked me to marry him. We are planning a wedding on June 13, 2004, in Fruita, Colorado at the Colorado National Monument. We can't wait! I know it will be the most amazing day of our lives. I will give all the details as the wedding day gets closer!
I went to the doctor yesterday for a physical and stuff. We were talking about how I've been trying to loose weight and stuff for the wedding, and have been having a hard time doing it. We talked some more and he thinks I have something called polycystic overy syndrome. I don't know a ton about it, but I will explain it more once I know! I do know that if we hadn't found it early, we would have a really hard time getting pregnant. So hopefully the prescription he gave me helps with everything. Anyways...I think that is all for now. Thanks for caring!
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