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Sunday Night Showdown

[The camera fades in as the building is going nuts. The place is a sellout, and the fans are ready for war.]

Denny: Welcome everyone to Sunday Night Showdown!

Prince: The home of Team ELITE!

Denny: Would you stop. Anyway, speaking of them, we have a huge six man tag main event, with them taking on Demetrius Burrell, Dusty Griffith, and Johnny Lightning.

Prince: That is huge!

Denny: Well, first though, let's go to the ring, for our opening bout!

DT: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our opening bout!

[Dope Boyz hits and out comes Heatwave. He stands in the entrance and just smiles, looking around, before going to the ring. The fans boo heavy, as they know his past very well.]

DT: Coming to the ring, weighing in at 247 lbs, from Miami, Florida, here is Heatwave!

[He finishes gloating a bit and slides into the ring, and just chills in the corner opposite from the entrance.]

[Jockin Jay-Z hits and out comes JC Mason. He smiles as he gets a mixed reaction from the fans.]

DT: Coming to the ring, weighing in at 260 lbs, from Baltimore, Maryland, here is JC “Gateway” Mason!

[He gets into the ring and pulls on the ropes, getting lose.]

Denny: Here we go Prince!


[Heatwave and Mason tie up, as neither can gain a advantage. They push off and just kinda size the other up. They go in a second time, and Mason goes behind Heatwave, and trips his legs up from under him. He goes to drop a elbow but Heatwave rolls out of the way and drops a knee to the back. Mason pushes him off and gets to two feet, and the two lock up a third time.]

Denny: Neither wants to give the other the advantage here.

Prince: Mason sure is showing that he's not just some new face, and is not intimidated by Heatwave at all it seems.

Denny: At least he has his head on, because one slip up and....

[During the tie up, Mason pushes off and charges in with a shoulder block, but Heatwave goes under the shoulder, keeps momentum and comes off the ropes as Mason turns, and hits a jumping shoulder block of his own.]

Denny: One slip up and Heatwave will take over.

Prince: Looks like you spoke a bit too soon.

Denny: He's so quick Prince, it's crazy.

Prince: Hey, he's no slouch dammit.

Denny: Wait, your on the Heatwave train now.

Prince: Choo choo Denny.

[Heatwave now moves in for the kill, feeling the advantage like a pit bull. He picks Mason up and hits a side slam, then follows up with two back breakers. He puts the knee into the lower back of Mason, and pulls the body in half. Mason though is somehow able to keep his momentum going and rolls to his back, and kicks Heatwave in the face, causing him to let go of the limbs. Mason rolls up and catches Heatwave, landing a inverted atomic drop, then follows with a ddt.]

Prince: Ouch!

Denny: Gateway now back on top.

Prince: Neither wanna loose Denny.

[Mason gains his composer back and gets back onto his feet. He lands a few rights to the jaw, but Heatwave won't go down. Mason decides to hit the ropes again, and charges, but Heatwave runs right after him. Mason comes off the ropes, stops and turns around in confusion, and Heatwave is right there coming off the same set of ropes with a huge clothesline.]

Denny: WOW!

Prince: I don't think I've ever seen somebody follow another off the ropes and land a lariat like that.

Denny: I think Heatwave might be ready to get outta here Prince!

[He picks up Mason, and lands a huge t-bone suplex, dropping Mason right on his dome.]


Prince: ZING!





DT: Here is your winner, Heatwave!

Denny: Great match right there Prince, a perfect way to start us off tonight.

Prince: I'm into Heatwave, this guy has that killer instinct.

Denny: Don't forget about the impressive showing by JC Mason as well, as he took Heatwave to the limit.

Prince: Honestly I'll admit I think we will be seeing more of these guys in PPW.

Denny: That's for sure.


[Backstage, Derek Shanahan is sitting behind his desk, looking over some paper work when a knock is heard at his door.]

Shanahan: It's open.

[The door opens to reveal Daniel Corey, Chris Butler and David Lawrence of Team ELITE entering. Corey and Butler are in their gear while DL is in blue jeans, a white plain polo and white sneakers. Butler and DL take seats while Corey stays standing.]

Shanahan: What can I do for you boys?

[Corey scoffs at the use of 'boys'.]

Corey: Shanny, we got some bad news for you. Your main event isn't going to be so special tonight.

[Shanahan stops looking at his paper work and peers up with a questioned look on his face.]

Shanahan: Why's that? And where's Rowell by the way?

[DL chimes in.]

DL: C.J. is home sick, Derek. He faxed us a doctor's note to the hotel this morning, man. I guess he's got the flu.

[Shanahan chuckles.]

Shanahan: The flu? Our champion is calling out of work with the flu?

Corey: We figured you'd think we were lying if we said he's been struck with the ebola virus. But we're not liars, Shanny. But we have a solution, dude.

[Shanahan shakes his head in disbelief.]

Shanahan: Don't call me dude. So, what's your solution?

[Corey puts both hands down on the desk and looks Shanahan in the eyes.]

Corey: DL has volunteered to team with us. Now, before you get all jumpy, he's been trained by C.J. himself. He's just got health issues.

[Shanahan decides to chime in again.]

Shanahan: What kind of health issues?

[DL stands up to respond.]

DL: Sports asthma, Derek, I have sports asthma. But I promise you I'll be fine. I'll sign any waiver you want, as long as you don't have to cancel the match.

[Corey stands back upright.]

Corey: We can still compete at the same level with or without the champ.

[Shanahan shakes his head.]

Shanahan: Fine, whatever... just don't have an attack and get rushed out of my building, capiche?

[All three members are now standing and getting ready to leave the office.]

Corey: Sure thing, chief.

[The three men leave as Shanahan goes back to looking over his papers.]


Denny: Well you gotta be kidding me.

Prince: What, Champ is sick, what can ya do?

Denny: That is a joke. Let's get back to the ring.

[We come back and Jacky Williams is already in the ring, warming up for his match.]

[Full Effect hits and out comes Aaron Vasquez. He tosses the rag off his face and paces hard, all business.]

Denny: This guy is one man I do not want to meet in a dark alley.

Prince: I would, I love the guy!

Denny: I see.

DT: Coming to the ring, weighing in at 220 lbs, hailing from Queens, New York, he is Aaron “Chico” Vasquez!

[Vasquez slides in, and just stares down his opponent.]


[Vasquez and Williams lock up and Vasquez just tosses him aside. He charges in and before Williams can make it too his feet, he is destroyed by a huge right foot, splitting his left eyebrow open. Vasquez just laughs as he tosses him into the corner and begins to pound on him with rights, trying to do more damage.]

Denny: This is uncalled for, the ref needs to step in here.

Prince: I think Vasquez has finally snapped here Denny.

[The ref finally pulls him off as he smirks, and charges in with a elbow now to the eye. He grabs Williams and throws him to the mat, before lining him up. At the point Williams gets to one knee, Vasquez is already in motion and about takes his head off with his roaring elbow.]

Denny: BLAP!





DT: Here is your winner....AARON “CHICO” VASQUEZ!

[Vasquez just stares into the camera with a smile, still pinning Williams.]

Denny: This guy is sick.

Prince: Yeah well we know that part of this rage is all pointed at one Big Bad Cortez, who has decided to step his nose into the K9's biz the last two weeks, so maybe he should back off a bit.

Denny: Who knows. Folks we will return in a minute.


[We come back from commercial as we see Deontre Jackson already in the ring, awaiting his opponent.]

[As the opening chords to Casket's Carcass hit, JJ Halme comes storming through the curtain. Leena Saari in tow, waving a Finnish flag proudly in the air. A chorus of boos and a few "USA" chants echo in the building. Halme stops just short of the ring, glaring at Jackson and grinning ear to ear.]

DT: Coming to the ring, weighing 104 kilos, from Tampere, Finland, he is JJ HALME!

[No fade, the music just stops. JJ, without taking his eyes off Jackson walks up the ring steps and eases his way through the ropes. The crowd has turned to an eerie silence at this point.]

Voice in the crowd: Halme's gonna' kill you!

Denny: That wasn't very nice.

Prince: Don't hate the fact that Halme likes to destroy anything and everything in his way Denny. He's just that kinda guy.

[The referee signals for the bell. Deontre and Halme go to meet center ring. Jackson lunges for the tie up but Halme stops and brings up his right knee, catching Jackson right in the jaw. He drops like a sack of potatoes and Halme covers him.]

Denny: WOW!

Prince: I think he killed him!

[It's a three count and this one is in the books. But it appears that Halme's not finished. He grabs a nearly unconscious Jackson by the neck and rolls him up so he's on his knees. Leena enters the ring with the flag and a mic at this point and gets right up close to Jackson's face.]

Leena Saari: Never call a Finn a Swede, perkele!

[She drops the mic and spears the butt end of the flag right between the eyes. Blood instantly squirts out of the now gaping sound on the bridge of Jackson's nose. Just as Jackson grabs at the wound, Halme clasps his hands around his face and locks on Surman Suuhun!]

Prince: Oh yeah!

Denny: Get him outta here ref!

[The bell rings like crazy at the request of the referee. He finally threatens to overturn the match if Halme doesn't release the hold. He does, but forces Jackson's face down into the mat one last time.]

Denny: This is sick, let's take a commercial break!

[Leena waves the Finnish flag high overhead. Halme stops and stares at it with a smile on his face. The crowd is booing thunderously all around him. Deontre Jackson is still bleeding a pool of his own DNA onto the canvas as we cut to a commercial.]


[White Knuckles hits and out comes Aaron Williams. With the typical gloating on his face, he just makes motion to everyone that once again, it's his night for the taking.]

DT: Coming to the ring, weighing in at 200 lbs, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, he is “Simply Amazing” Aaron Williams!

Denny: Cocky as ever Prince.

Prince: Yeah but you gotta like the confidence.

Denny: You also gotta like this.

[As he gets into the ring, Sound of Madness hits and out comes Big Bad Cortez. The place is electric as the slaps some hands and makes his way to th ring.]

DT: Coming to the ring, weighing in at 273 lbs, from Miami, Florida, Big Bad Cortez!

Denny: This guy is actually very nice if you talk to him Prince.

Prince: Zing to that one!

Denny: Why?

Prince: I wouldn't be caught dead talking to him, duh!

Denny: But he's a gentlemen.

Prince: And a walking corpse once the K9's get a hold of him.


[Williams walks right up to Cortez and gets in his face, just jaw jacking. Cortez just shakes his head for a minute, as Williams is now tapping his chest with his pointer finger. This though, is not smart.]

Denny: Not good.

Prince: Yeah I don't think you should do that to the big man.

[Williams begins to yell to him that he is Simply Amazing, and does one more point. To this, Cortez picks up Williams from under his arms, and tosses him half way across the ring. Williams crashes hard and stares in confusion.]

Prince: Ouch!

Denny: Yeah that looked bad.

[Williams dusts off his tights to show that he's not phased as he gets back in his face. Cortez picks him up, but while in the air, he kicks him square between the eyes, in which Cortez drops him onto his feet.]

Denny: WHOA!

Prince: It was like David and Goliath!

Denny: Sure was Prince, right between the eyes with that kick.

[Williams now begins to showboat as he yells at the fans, then charges in, but is caught by Cortez who lifts him high, and finishes with a gorilla press, causing Williams to cringe in agony.]

Prince: This guy has come to play.

Denny: Well it doesn't help that Aaron Williams thinks that he is bigger than life, and Cortez for that matter.

Prince: Gotta start somewhere I guess.

[Williams now begins to plea with him, as Cortez hoists him onto the top rope now, but without hesitation, Williams gouges the eyes of Cortez, and flies off with a kick to the throat, finally dropping the big man.]

Prince: He doesn't look like he's gonna stop anytime soon here!

Denny: This is true, Williams is going back upstairs now.

[He jumps off at Cortez, but without any hesitation, he slams heads with Williams, then grabs him by the neck, lifts and slams him to the mat.]


Prince: No way around that one!




DT: Here is your winner, BIG BAD CORTEZ!

Denny: Big win tonight for Cortez.

Prince: That should send a message to Vasquez.

Denny: Speaking of messages, we need to go backstage, I guess something is going on!


[JJ Halme back in his street clothes walks down a narrow hallway. Leena Saari a couple feet out in front. But the interesting part is the man next to him. None other than PPW newcomer, Heatwave. Their conversation is muffled by the sound in of the crowd awaiting the next match.]

Voice: Hey Halme!

[Derek Shanahan comes storming up from the rear as the two men turn to face him.]

Shanny: Heatwave, Leena if you could excuse me a moment I need to have a word with JJ here.

[Heatwave and Leena don't budge. Heatwave peers at the man who signs his check over the top of his glasses. Leena smiles and giggles lightly. JJ just stands there, stone faced.]

Shanny: UHG! Whatever! Look, you can't keep pulling this crap! Last week you put Chris Kaladaro in the hospital, this week.... Who the hell knows what kind of medical condition you left Deontre Jackson. Fact is JJ, this behavior can not, and will not be tolerated in PPW. I need my roster active and above that, I need them healthy. I need to run a business here and I can't have you going around putting people out of action. So if it happens again....

[JJ reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out two things. One of them being a pair of eye glasses. He tosses them on his face and the other item becomes clearer. His contract.]

Shanny: JJ.... I swear to you.... I will tear that thing up and put you on the first flight back to Finland if you cost me another talent like this. Do we have an understanding?

[JJ waves the contract as if mocking him.]

Shanny: Just get the fuck out of my building.

[JJ just grins before Shanahan turns and storms off cursing up a storm. In a fit of rage he kicks over a stack of chairs. Pan back to JJ, Heatwave and Leena.]

Leena: Well he's nice.

JJ: He's in over his head.

[The three of them turn and continue out of the building, joking all the while about the confrontation.]


[David Lawrence is standing in front of a full length mirror, dressed in navy blue trunks, knee pads and boots. His blonde hair is spiked up and he is definitely nervous.]

"This is my shot, my one chance. Nobody ever gave me a shot. Who hires a six foot tall, one hundred fifty-five pounds stick finger like me."

[DL slaps himself in the face to pump himself up.]

"Little does everyone known I've been training with C.J. Rowell for a year now. I'm about to make myself world reknown in one night."

[He slaps himself again.]

"I'm with Team ELITE and I need to prove to them I'm a team player. If it means putting the boots and tights on, I'll do it."

[He reaches into his gym bag that on a folding chair and removes his inhaler. Shaking it in his right hand, he looks at himself in the mirror once more.]

"This is my time."

[DL takes a shot from the inhaler and walks off.]


DT: Ladies and Gentlemen! This is your Sunday Night Showdown.......MAIN EVENT!

[We Aint hits and out comes Team ELITE. Corey is running his mouth as usual, while Butler takes his cool approach. The third though is a lot more hesitant, but ready for his debut.]

DT: Coming to the ring, at a combined weight of 673 lbs, they are the team of David Xavier Lawrence, Chris Butler, and Daniel Corey.....Team ELITE!

Prince: My boys!

Denny: Of course.

[Butler goes in through the ropes while Corey slides in. DL takes his time, but gets in finally.]

[Indestructible hits and out shoots Demetrius Burrell from the curtain. The place erupts as he turns, and out comes Dusty Griffith and Johnny Lightning. The place is going ballistic at this point, seeing the three hero's to the place, stand as one to take down the enemy.]

DT: Coming to the ring, at a combined weight of 734 pounds, they are the team of Dusty Griffith, Johnny Lightning, and Demetrius Burrell!

Denny: And my boys Prince.

Prince: Whatever. They don't have a chance.

[Burrell high fives the two of them, and charges to the ring. Lightning smiles and pats Dusty on the shoulder and follows. Griffith keeps his same pace, but gets in through the ropes instead.]


[The bell sounds as Lightning and Butler are the first two in the ring. They circle for a moment and tie up, with Butler shoving him aside. He flexes at Lightning and smiles. Johnny gets back up and comes in, as the two tie again, but he's tossed again. He turns and looks to his partners for a minute, then goes back in for a third, but ducks under and drop kicks his knee, chopping him down to one base of balance. He comes off with another to the chest of Butler, then a third by coming off the ropes with impact, this time causing Butler to fall to his back.]

Prince: C'MON!

Denny: That's the smarts right there showing that anything can happen.

[Daniel Corey begins to freak on the apron and calls for the tag. He slaps Butler who is near the corner now and gets in, and begins to tell him to get out and let him handle it. As he is yelling though, DL begins to yell to turn around. Corey tells him to shut it as he takes a step back, and can't go any farther.]

Denny: This is gonna be good!


[Corey reaches over his head to find out that the man who stands six feet just like him, grew three inches.]

“Ahh piss!”

[Corey pouts and turns around, as Dusty Griffith is standing there. He cocks back his right arm, but Corey falls over, and tags in DL.]

Denny: Uh oh, here comes the highlight of this team Prince.

Prince: Hey he can fight, I saw it with my own eyes.

Denny: Oh yeah, what the hell was he fighting anyway?

Prince: The rapper on his burger, that thing was putting in work for a minute.

[Griffith chuckles for a moment and just shakes his head. He looks over to Burrell who wants in now.]

Denny: At least it's a little closer in size here.

Prince: There both a hundred pounds soaking wet.

[Lawrence looks ready, but Burrell just smiles, as he walks up to him, giving him the option to still tag out. DL just shakes his head, and slaps Burrell in the face. Demetrius smirks and rubs his chin, confused as to his strategy.]

Denny: WOW!

Prince: I....uh....yeah I'm not sure what to say actually.

[He shakes his head and points to have him tag out, but DL says no again, and slaps him harder this time, beat red in the face. Burrell turns to his partners and they just smile. He turns back to DL and before he can get his shot, Daniel Corey is in his face with a huge elbow to the mouth. Burrell drops and in comes Griffith. Corey trucks out and Griffith is in follow mode. The two sprint now back up the isle, as Corey is running for his life.]

Prince: This is where you get outta dodge!

Denny: Griffith is on the track team or something, he's keeping pace.

Prince: It's like the fat kid chasing the guy who took his lunch ticket.

[As the two almost make it to the entrance, they are both cut off and dropped.]

Prince: Holy!

Denny: Lucky Luke and Papes just laid out both of them with right hands to the face!

[Griffith more down to one knee, while Corey blinks looking to the lights. The K9's now mount the two, and begin to hammer fist down with rights and lefts. Butler and Lightning both make eye contact now in the ring, and hop off the apron to help their partner in the beating. They are met half way, as the brawl continues.]


Prince: I LOVE IT!

Denny: Look, Griffith is on his way now!

[Dusty grabs Papes from behind pulling him off Lightning and begins to pound away at him. Luck though pushes Butler aside for a second and begins to help his partner now. By this point we catch the sixth man flying into the mix, as Corey charges down the isle and just does his best Air Jordan jump into the pile.]

Denny: Daniel Corey is airborne!

Prince: I don't know who or what is winning this thing.

[Before it can get too crazy, security comes from the back to split it all up. Two to one, security to wrestler, as they are all taken one by one to the back. The fans boo as we look back at the ring now, as we see DL just looking over the ropes, watching this all happen. Burrell though is still standing behind him. He taps his shoulder, causing DL to turn around. Burrell slaps the hell out of him for earlier, and boots him in the midsection, before turning him around, and hitting his flip piledriver, right into the center of the ring.]

Denny: F-BOMB!

Prince: Poor David!

[Without a need to add the numbers, three it is.]


DT: Here is your winners, the team of Dusty Griffith, Johnny Lightning, and Demetrius Burrell!

Denny: What a chaotic show Prince.

Prince: I'm pissed, ELITE lost.

Denny: Well bound to happen when your leader catches the common cold.

Prince: I hope he gets better Denny.

Denny: I'm sure he's not even sick.

Prince: Bull, CJ Rowell would never lie!

[Burrell gets right up in the camera man's face, and smiles.]

“Rowell, you can run all you want, but March 29th is just around the corner. I will take my belt that you screwed me....”

[Before he can finish, the man blasts Burrell in the face with the camera.]

Denny: What the hell!

[He tosses off the hat, and rips off the black stash, as we see it's our champ.]

Prince: ZING!

Denny: SON OF A!

[Rowell just laughs, as Burrell is out cold. He tosses the camera aside and lifts up his lifeless head.]


[He tosses it back onto the ground as the screen fades out to end the show.]
