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MariJayn Duchene BFA, 1144 Ottawa Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55118-2008
E-mail: • MariJayn • 651 457 4376



2002 – Sumasil Foundation Grant for Mac G4 Laptop - OpusArts LLC


1998 – 02 Redevelopment of OpusArts, LLC.; Re-creation of Portrait, Graphics, Animation and Fine Art Portfolios lost in studio abroad, 1986 - 1998:
(under construction)
(under construction)

1986 - 02 Diabetics/Disabled Anonymous, Non Profit Support Group and Alliance,
providing volunteer, free, advocacy for disabled and senior members in crisis:

•Volunteer Founder
•Volunteer Paralegal and Advocate, inclusive extensive
experience with Probate, Torts, and Disability Law.
•Coordination of Volunteers, Fund Raising, and Administration

1982 - 86 Revlon International, London, England:

•Organization of in store promotions: Ultima II and Revlon
•Work with staff make up artists, at on site promotions in major
department stores e.g. Harrods
•Portrait Artist: created hand drawn, color portraits in pastels
colored pencils, after a make over, as a “free gift with
purchase” offer for customers with purchase of Ultima II or
Revlon products

1969 - 86 Self employed as freelance artist, London, England:

•Graphic Design for Print
•Specialty sign painting
•3D Animation, Stop Motion

1975 - 86 United States Embassy, Speaker's Bureau, London England:

•Speaker on American Culture and Art
•Travel throughout the United Kingdom and Europe
1966 - 67 Curtis 1000, St. Paul, MN:
•Letterhead, Corporate Identity and Logo Design
•Illustration and Air Brush
•Creative Visuals to Finished Art Work

1967 - 86 One Woman and Group Fine Art Shows in Holland, England, and the USA


•Fine Art: Painting in Water Color and Oils, Drawing in
Markers, Pencil, Colored Pencil and Pastels

COMPUTER SKILLS: Macintosh G3 and PC and knowledge of programs

•Adobe Photoshop
•Adobe Illustrator
•Adobe Streamline
•Adobe After Effects and Premiere
•Adobe Go Live Cyber Studio and Live Motion
•Macromedia Dreamweaver
•Adobe Image Ready
•Macromedia Director 7
•Macromedia Fireworks
•Macromedia Flash 4
•Macromedia Freehand 9
•Metacreations Ray Dream Studio
•Microsoft Office


1998-2001 Completed Independent study:

•Web Delivery/Programming

1980-82 London College of Printing, London, England. Certification in Typography
and Graphics:

•Typographical Design
•Production Techniques

1972-2002 Honorable Society of Gray’s Inn, London, U.K., one of the four Inns of Court,
re: training and Professional Standards for English Barristers:

•Legal Studies
•Life Member

1965-69 Minneapolis College of Art and Design. B.F.A., 1969:

•Major Painting
•Minor, Printmaking
•One year of study in Holland, at Atelier 63, Haarlem, nr.

LANGUAGES: Fluent, read and write, in English and French

TRAVEL: Multi cultural experience and travel throughout Europe and the Middle East from 1976 through 1986

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Marketing, Gardening, Feng Shui, Writing, and Children’s


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