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Lucky & Lucy
Buyers' Pages

Posted below are pics and information that the buyer of
Puppy 4, Litter 5
have shared with us.

Litter #5
Born 09/22/06

Puppy #4 - Male
Closter, NJ


Please Bookmark Our Site And Keep Checking Back.

Our shelties and chow chow are part of our family, well loved and very socialized. We have a large fenced yard for our dogs to run and play in, and our dogs have access to dog houses and our garage. In our garage is a fenced off area with an insulated, heated nesting box for Lucy's pups; however, her winter litters have typically spent most of their upbringing inside our home. Sabra has a separate, two-room house for raising her pups. Our dogs frequently visit inside our home for love and play with our family.

Lucky & Lucy

Nikole & Lucky

Corteney & Lucy

For More Information, Please Contact:

Jo Witt
P. O. Box 102
Kandiyohi, MN 56251-0102

(To Email,
Click Below:)

Jo & Girls

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