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1. Volcor. 2.Bashal' Aran. 3. Cave Mushrooms. 4. Grove of the Ancients. 5.Maethystra. 6. Auberdine. 7. Ameth' Aran. 8. The Tower Of Althalakk.9. The Twilight Shore ( Length of left side of zone)

Talk to Whiteclaw (35,43) and get the quest ( For Love Eternal)

Get the travel point from Caylais Moon feather ( 36,45)

Talk to Wizband Crank toggle ( 36,44) and get the quest ( Buzzbox 411)

Talk to the innkeeper and make Auberdine your home.

Talk to Gwennyth Bly’Leggonde ( 36,34) get the quest ( Washed Ashore)

Talk to Gobber Blump ( 36,44) and get the quest ( The Family and The Fishing Pole) and ( Fruit of the Sea)

Talk to Barithras Moonshade ( 37,43) and get the quest ( Cave Mushrooms)

Talk to Sentinel Glynda Nal’Shea ( 37,43) and get the quest ( The Red Crystal)

Talk to Archaealogist Halee ( 37,41) and get the quest ( The Absent Minded Professor)

Talk to Thundris Wind weaver (37,40) ( Bashal” Aron) and ( Tools for Highborne)

Talk to Tharnarium Tree tower ( 38,43) and get the quest ( Plagued Lands)

Talk to Terenthis ( 39,43) and get the quest ( How Big A Threat)

Talk to Sentiel Elissa Star breeze ( 39,47) and get the quest ( The Tower Of Althalaxx).

Talk to Gershala Night whisper ( 38,43) and get the quest ( Researching the Corruption)

Go along the shore area ( 36,47) and kill Pygmy Tide Crawlers and loot 6 crab legs.

Go to (36,50) Click on the bones.

Equip a fishing pole and fish to get 6 Darkshore Groupers form the water.

Talk to Gubber Blump ( 36,44).

Talk to Gwenyth Bly’ Leggonde ( 36,34) and get the quest ( Washed Ashore)

Click on the buzz box at ( 36,46) and get the quest ( Buzzbox 411)

Go SE out of town on the road to ( 44,36) and talk to Asterion and get quest Bashal’ Aran.

Keep wild Grell for the earrings.

Talk to Asterlon again. Get quest ( Bashal”Aran) again.

Kill Satyrs.

Talk to Asterlon again.

While in the zone find a Rabid Thistle Bear and use your Tharnarim Hop item on it and take the bear back to Auberdine.

Talk to Thamarium Treetender and the quest ( Cleansing the Infected)

Go to ( 42,62) area and kill Writhering Highborne and loot 7 Relics.

At 9 42,61) click on the flame, and go back to Asterion ( 44,62)

Go to Blackwood camp at ( 44,84) to complete the quest.

At ( 35,83) talk to Prospector Remtravel and get the quest ( The Absent Minded Professor) again.

Escort him on his travel. Do not let him die. If you do delete the quest and try again.

Return to Auberdine

Talk to Thundris Wind weaver ( 37,40)

Talk to Archeologist Hallee ( 37,41)

Talk to Terenthis ( 99,43) and get quest ( How Big A Threat)

Talk to Thundris Wind weaver ( 37,40) and get the quest ( The Cliffsprings River)

Talk to Gwennyth Bly’ Leggonde.

Then go to the cliff spring river at (31,46) under the bridge by the waterfall fill your bottle.

Go to the shore at (51,21) and kill encrusted tide crawlers to loot 6 fine crab chunks.

Talk to Gelkak Gryromast ( 56,13) and get the quest ( Gryomast’s Revenge) Kill Raging Reef Crawlers, Kill forest Stalkers ( 58,13), and Murlocs by the boat in the water behind him to get the items he needs.

Return home to Auberdine.

Go South out of Auberdine on the road to ( 47,48) Find the red crystal in area ( 52,49).

Go into the cave at ( 55,33) Click on the Scaber stalks in the cave and the loot a death cap.

Go to Gelkak Gyromast and get the next quest. Go down the shore until you spot the robot mob. Click on him and lead him back to Gelkak. Kill him and complete quest.

At ( 41,31) click on the bones on the shore and get the quest ( Beached Sea Creature)


At area ( 40,28) in water and kill threshers to get the eyes.

At ( 41,28) click on the buzz box 411. Get quest ( Buzzbox 525)

To the right off the bridge by the cliff spring rivers jump off the bridge swim to the waterfall and fill your bottle in your inventory.

In area ( 41,61) look for Anaya Dawnrunner and kill her.

In area 9 40,81) kill Grizzled Thistlebears.

Click on the buzz box 525 ( 41,80)

Return Home.

Talk to Gwennyth Blly’ Leggande ( 36,45)

Talk to Gubber Blump ( 36,44)

Talkt o Barithras Moonshade ( 37,42) and get quest (Onu)

Talkt o Sentinel Glynda Nalshea ( 37,42) and get quest ( As the Water Cascades)

Talk to Tharnarium Treetender ( 38,42) and get the quest ( Tharnariums Hope)

Talk to Terenthis ( 39,43) and get quest ( The Lost Master)

Talk to Thundris Wind weaver ( 37,40) and get the quest ( Blackwood Corrupted)

Go to the Moonwell at (37,44) and fill the empty tube in your inventory.

Talk to Cerellean Whiteclaw ( 35,43)

Go out of town and talk to Onu ( 43,76) at the master’s glaive. And get the quest from him ( Master’s Glaive)

Go to the Master’s Glaive at ( 39,85) go back to Onu ( 43,76) and get next quest.

Then go back to the Master’s Glaive and clear the mobs around the table.

Click on the phial of scrying in your inventory then click on the bowl to get the quest ( The Twilight Camp) At ( 38,86) click on the book and get the quest ( Return to Onu)

Go back to Onu ( 43,76) Groove of the Ancients.

Kill moonshire sires in the area ( 42,79) and get 5 pelts.

At 52,36) take the path up to the cave at 9 51,37) Kill the Den mother.

Go to the blackwoods camp by the cliff spring river and at (52,36)

click on the barrel and at 9 51,33)

click on the barrel and at ( 51,37)

click on the barrel then click on the bowl in your inventory and then place it on your bar. Place the bowl by the bonfire in the camp closest to the river. And kill the mob and loot the box beside him.

Go back to Auberdine and get the quest (Mathystra Relics)

Go to the camp at ( 60,21) and loot the relics located at ( 60,21)

( 61,20)(61,19)(61,18) (61,16)(60,15)

Return to Auberdine

Talk to Tharnarium Treetender ( 38,43)

Talk to Terenthis ( 39,43) and get quest ( The Lost Master)

Talk to Thundris Wind weaver ( 37,40)

Go South on the road to 9 41,81) type /wave at Grimshaw.

Go SE stop in front of the camp. Now you can either fight your way in and use your invisible cape inside or use it now your choice. I used it now walked into the cave and talked to Volcor ( 44,81) and get the quest ( Stealth) Then run out. Pause a bit to make sure the quest completes.

Go back to the road. Keep going south until Astranaar. Get the travel point at (34,48) and fly back to Alburdine/Darkshore.

Talk to Terenthis ( 39,43)

Go East out of town to the red crystal at ( 47,48) click on it to complete the quest and get the quest ( The Fragments Within)

Go back to Auberdine

Talk to Sientiel Glynda Nal’Shea 9 37,43)

Fly to Darnassus.

Talk to Chief Archaelogist Grey whisper ( 31,84) Beside the temple of the moon. Zone Done