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Get your kids talking

This is just a list of questions to start your kids talking to you. Not that you are not smart enough to think of questions yourself, or anything. I actually made this list for myself to use, and keep a record of what my kids say at different ages. I thought it would be nice to look back at them some day and see if they changed much. Kids Questionaire

1. What do you like most about school?__________________________________

2. What do you like least about school?__________________________________

3. What is your favorite subject?_______________________________________

4. What is your least favorite subject?___________________________________

5. What would you change if you could?_________________________________

6. What was the most interesting thing you did this week?____________________

7. What was the most boring thing you did this week?_______________________

8. Did you learn anything special?______________________________________

9. Did anything funny happen this week?_________________________________

10. Is there anything else you would like to say?____________________________

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