The Genesis Cheats
I hope y'all know whats on this
Sonic The Hedgehog
Level select:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right at the title screen. A chime will
confirm correct code entry. Hold A + Start to begin game play.
All Chaos Emeralds:
Enable the "Level select" code. Select the "Bonus
level" option on the level selection screen. Obtain the
Chaos Emerald, reset the game, and repeat the process until all
of them are in your possession. Allow the game to continue after
obtaining the last Chaos Emerald to start in the Green Hill Zone.
Debug mode:
Press Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right, C, Start, then hold A at
the title screen. Continue to hold A until game play begins.
Screen coordinates will appear instead of a score and the number
of objects displayed will appear instead of the time remaining.
Use one of the following controller actions to enable the corresponding
debug code. Note: This code may only be enabled on the first
version of the game.
Object transformation
Press B during game play to change Sonic into a game object.
Press A to change into a new object. Press C to place an object
on the screen. Press B again to revert back to Sonic. Note: The
type of object that may be selectable will vary from level to
Sonic is, by default, invincible in debug mode.
Slow motion
Pause game play and hold B.
Pause game play and press A.
Frame advance
Pause game play and press C.
Crazy Sonic:
Hold A + B + C during demonstration mode for force Sonic to run
into objects and act strangely. Note: This may also be done during
the ending sequence after completing the Final Zone.
Bonus points:
Complete Green Hill Zone 1-1 or 1-2 in 29 seconds or less to
receive 50,000 bonus points.
Unlimited lives:
Collect the extra life at the very bottom of Green Hill Zone
- Act 3. Accumulate 100 rings to obtain another extra life. Collect
a third extra life located at the top of the loop-the-loop. Intentionally
lose a life and repeat the process.
Control ending sequence:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. Press B when Sonic is
running with the animals at the end, then turn back into Sonic.
You can nowcontrol yourself.
Hint: Special Zone
You can almost always have the Special Zone entrance open (the
giant ring next to the sign at the end of level Acts 1 and 2)
by not losing your rings. If you do lose your rings, when you
pass a checkpoint, intentionally die, then continue through the
level without losing any rings. This works about 80% of the time.
Hint: Easy Emeralds:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. At the beginning of the
level, create 50 rings and have Sonic collect them. Then, take
Sonic to the end of the stage where you the giant ring. In the
special stage, turn Sonic into an item and bring him to the end
of the stage where the emerald is located. Turn him back and
he will immediately get the Emerald. Repeat this until you have
all six.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Level select:
Use the sound test selection on the options menu. Choose sounds
19, 65, 9, and 17 (in that order) and press C after each selection.
A chime will confirm correct code entry. Press Start. Hold A
and press Start when Sonic and Tails appear at the title screen.
Toggle Tails or Miles:
Press Up(3), Down(3), Up at the title screen. A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Alternately, press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4).
Extra continues:
Enable the "Level select" code. Use the sound test
selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 1, 1, 2, and 4
(In that order) and press C after each selection. Highlight the
"Player Select" option and press Start.
Super Sonic and Tails:
Enable the "Level select" code. Use the sound test
selection on the options screen. Choose sounds 4, 1, 2 and 6
(in that order) and press C after each selection. Music will
confirm correct code entry. Select any starting level and collect
50 rings. Sonic or Tails will turn yellow and can run at super
speed, jump twice as far, and become invincible to enemies and
spikes. The total number of rings will decrease during super
mode. Your character will revert to normal when the ring total
reaches zero. Note: Super Sonic or Tails can still drown, be
crushed, and fall into bottomless pits.
Alternatively, enable
the "Level select" code. Then, press Start and hold
A. Press Start when the title screen appears. Then, play songs
1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 to activate debug mode. Then play 3, 4,
1, 2, 6. Create 50 rings in debug mode. Jump, make a item box
as Super Sonic, and jump on it. Get hit and change back into
Super Sonic.
Enable the "Debug
mode" code. Create and position a "Transfer Box"
monitor. Hit it while as Super Sonic. You lose all your powers
but stay yellow. Tails looks the same but has invincibility,
with little stars flashing around him. To regain Super Sonic,
allow yourself to get hit, then press B to turn into a ring and
place at least 50 rings on Tails. Press B to exit debug mode
and jump to become Super Sonic with Super Tails as a follower.
Better Super Sonic:
Enable the "Level select", "Debug", and "Super
Sonic" codes. Select a stage with Tails in it. Get over
fifty ings, then jump. Create two teleportation boxes, spin,
and hit both of them. The screen should flash. You should now
be Super Sonic surrounded by stars, but will not be invincible.
Get ten or more rings and jump again. Sonic will morph to a better,
invincible, Super Sonic.
In the level select
screen, go to the sound test and enable the "All Chaos Emeralds"
and "Debug mode" codes. Choose a level with only Sonic
in it, then hold A and press Start. Collect fifty rings, jump,
and turn into Super Sonic. Wait until your rings are almost all
gone. Then, create two teleportation boxes and roll through both.
This will make a gold Sonic that has stars around him. He has
all of the powers of Super Sonic but will not cost any rings.
After this, do not get an invincibility box, this will take away
his powers. And if you get more than fifty rings and jump, he
will turn into the normal Super Sonic with stars around him.
Super Sonic in Death
Egg zone:
Enable the "Level select", "Debug", and "Super
Sonic" codes. Go to the Death Egg zone and turn yourself
into a ring. Multiply yourself until there are 50 or more rings.
Collect them and jump to become Super Sonic.
Super Sonic animation:
To play the Super Sonic animation repeatedly, enable the "Level
Select" code, the "Debug Mode" code, followed
by the "Super Sonic" code. Go to any level, and any
Act (except the single Act levels -- Death Egg, Sky Chase). Complete
the Act with more than 50 rings. As the score begins to add up,
press B, turn into an item, then press B again. Sonic will do
the animation for turning Super Sonic and then return to normal.
Press B followed by B again and he will do the same thing. You
can continue to do this as long as the score continues to add
White Sonic:
Enable the "Super Sonic animation: trick" and pause
when Sonic starts to do the animation. If done correctly, he
should be white, If not, hold B to enter slow motion until he
turns white.
Pink Sonic:
Enable the "Level select", "Debug mode",
and "Super Sonic" codes. Collect over 50 rings and
transform to Super Sonic. Press B to enter debug mode, scroll
to the bottom, then press B again to exit debug mode, If done
correctly, you should die. Quickly press B again and go to some
land. Find something that will take all your rings away (spikes,
etc.) and you will turn back to blue Sonic. Collect 50 rings
or over and transform, and Sonic will turn pink, then yellow.
To see this happen more slowly, repeat the trick and press Start
to pause game play. Keep pressing B button to see it in slow
Hyper Sonic:
Run forward in Oil Ocean, Act 2 until reaching the green jet
springs. Jump on the very last spring and hold Right. Sonic will
hit a group of spikes before becoming stuck in the side of the
wall. Jump out to transform into Hyper Sonic. In this mode, Sonic
can run faster and jump farther than Super Sonic, but is not
Invisible Sonic:
Enable the "Debug mode" code and start the game. Press
B during game play to transform into an object. Repeatedly press
A until you transform into a big white machine. Paste it several
times until about 17 machines are created. After that, hit them.
If done correctly, Sonic will be invisible.
Sonic Spinball
Level select:
Press A, Down, B, Down, C, Down, A, B, Up, A, C, Up, B, C, Up
at the options screen. Enter one of the following controller
actions to start at the corresponding level.
Level 2 (Lava Powerhouse)
Hold A and press Start.
Level 3 (The Machine)
Hold B and press Start.
Level 4 (Showdown)
Hold C and press Start.
Multi-ball stage:
Collect all the rings on a level and use the gate that appears
to be a large shining ring.
Unlimited lives:
Locate the barrels in the Toxic Caves stage. Jump in a barrel
and move toward the wall opposite the emerald. Jump out of the
barrel and intentionally lose a life while returning to that
barrel. Sonic will seem to die twice before re-appearing at the
start of the level. The phrase "Launching Extra Ball"
will appear allowing unlimited lives to be accumulated.
Kill yourself until
you have one life remaining. Then, locate the barrels in the
Toxic Caves stage. Jump in a barrel and move toward the wall
opposite the emerald. Jump out of the barrel and intentionally
lose a life while returning to that barrel. Sonic will seem to
die twice before re-appearing at the start of the level. :"Game
Over" will appear, but you still will be able to play. Also,
there will be no number of lives displayed where it normally
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Level select:
Quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4), after the Sega logo fades and Sonic starts to appear, and before the screen flashes white. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Press Up and highlight the sound test option on the title screen and press Start. Pause game play and press A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance.
Debug mode:
Enable the "Level Select" code. Hold A, then press Start when selecting the desired level. Press B to change into an object in the level, C to copy that object, and A to change the object.
Bonus stage:
Enable the "Level select" code. Enter the sound test screen and play song 01 and 0F.Highlight level 2, hold A and press Start.
Random start:
Enable the "Level select" code. Select a level and begin game play. Pause game play and press A to return to the level selection menu. Choose another level to resume start in a different area. Note: Sonic may resume game play inside an object and crash the game.
All chaos emeralds:
Enable the "Level select" code. Highlight the "Special Stage" level and press C + Start. Collect the emerald, press A + Start, and repeat the procedure to collect all the emeralds.
Night game:
Enable the "Level select" code. Highlight a level and press C + Start.
View animations:
Enable the "Level select" code, then press B + C.
Super Sonic:
Enable the "Level select" and "Debug mode" codes. Activate the debug mode keep changing the item until you see a box with an ''S'' on it. Create that box jump on it to become Super Sonic.
Information in this section was contributed by ds3mgarg.
Extra lives:
Set off the first alarm on the first level of the Launch Base Zone. Wait in the middle of the alarm and perform Spin-Dash attacks on the Flybots. The value of the Flybots will eventually increase to 10,000 points as they continue to attack. Accumulate points and lives at this location.
Extra lives:
Enable the "Debug mode" code and start a game with Sonic and Tails. Press Down + Jump (Spin Dash) then press B to turn into an object. Turn into an enemy and place him on Tails. He will still be Spin Dashing. Your points will soon double and you will get lives every second, or depending how fast, you place the enemy by pressing C. Once you have enough lives, turn back into Sonic by pressing B again. This is much faster than setting the alarm off in Launch Base Zone. Note: This works with any other Sonic game that has debug mode. More compact enemies work better than the larger ones. For example, in Aquatic Ruin, the Fly is much more efficient than the Grounders.
Information in this section was contributed by MiraiKid.
Sonic And Knuckles music:
In the 2nd Zone and 3rd Act, before fight Dr. Robotnik, allow your character to almost drown, then put your head back up in air (touch the starpost but down jump in it).
Information in this section was contributed by Matt.
Hint: Quick Goodies:
At the start of Angel Island, kill the monkey in the tree and jump on the first gray rock to reveal a bumper spring. Bounce up into the tree, and using the bumper spring hidden in the tree, bounce left to land on the moving platform. The platform will take you to a ring bonus and lightning shield power-up. Using the spring in the tree again, bounce right to land on ground with spikes and a RhinoBot. Jump past these to collect the fire shield. When this is collected, Sonic can use the fire dash attack by pressing C(2).
Hint: Bonus Stage (Gum Ball machine):
Enable the "Level Select/Sound Test" codes. If you try to select the "Bonus" option in that screen, you will find that it will not work. Instead, press Start on the third selection down from the "1P vs 2P" options. In Act 2 of that option, you will be taken to the bonus stage. To quit, pause and press Start. Note: After several tries on the bonus stage, the title may glitch and display "DOILUS STAGE" instead of "BONUS STAGE". If you quit after this happens, the sound test menu may go off the screen, and any options that were previously at the bottom of the screen will be at the top, and look out of place.
Hint: Mental Sonic:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. Press B + C during game play. Sonic will go mental, and dash about on the spot, turn upside down, and do other stunts. This can also be done with Tails.
Hint: Super Tails:
Enable the "Level select" code. At the title screen, highlight "1 Player" and press Start. On the data select screen, choose to play as Tails. When Tails appears on screen, press Reset. Highlight "Sound test" and press Start at the title screen. Select a desired level and press C + Start. When the game starts, you should see Tails on screen. Turn Tails into an object by pressing B. Keep changing objects until you see a box (you should see an "S" in it) by pressing A and press C to place it. Turn back into Tails and jump on the box to become Super Tails. Tails will look strange and he cannot be hurt from Badniks and Energy Ball Attacks. He can still be squashed and drowned, though, so be careful on the Icecap Zone. You will have to do this at the beginning of each Zone. Also, Dr. Robotnik can still hurt him at the very end of Launch Base Zone-Act 2.
Hint: Strange Sonic and Tails:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. In Launch Base Zone Act 2, complete the game. When Sonic or Tails jumps toward you, press B to turn into an object and then press B again to turn back into your character. You can control Sonic or Tails in the background for a short time. However, they will look like robots.
Hint: Run in air:
Enable the "Debug mode" code. When you will finish a level, quickly press B to transform into a object and paste the Super Sonic monitor (a monitor with a S) into the air. Hit it, and Sonic will run in the air.
Hint: Many rings:
On Act 3 of the Icecap Zone, turn into a ball at the end before you reach Robotnic and fly off a ramp onto a purple trampoline. Look up to see a large number of rings. Bounce high enough to find another whole set of rings. Go to the right far enough to find a big ring.
Glitch: Metal graphics:
On the first level, when going through the tunnel to the part with the blimp, enable the "Debug" code. Go back through the tunnel. While in the middle, the graphics will glitch to look like metal.
Glitch: Tails with spinning head:
At Hydrocity Act 2, find the first place that you see the blue and purple spinning thing that moves up and down. Have Tails as player two zoom up and land on it. Have Sonic wait until it goes up and down a few times, then have him zoom and land on it. Wait a few seconds to see tails come down with a spinning head.
Thats it for right now... |