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Congergational Church

Historical glimpses into the records of the earliest Congregational work at Stewart revealed that, as early as 1883-1884, the Rev. Pascoe preached in the little frame school house in the northeast part of town. Devotional services continued to be held there and at the Liberty Hall for four years. These services were for the Protestant families and were attended by all denominations.

On July 6, 1887 a meeting of the Church Council voted to organize a Congregational Church and Society of Stewart, which was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds.

The Church was erected in 1888 on the corner of Lots 1A, block 7, which was located across the street from the former public school, or our park today. The lots were donated by Dr. Stewart and Mr. J.F. Jackson. Building costs of the church were defrayed by aid from the Congregational Union. Several Congregational Churches donated articles of church property, such as hymnals, Bibles and communion services. At the time of its dedication, September 9th, 18S8, it was free from debt.

Some of its early faithful workers were the Sugdens, the Eynons, the Dunlaps, the Cayotts and the Grinnells.

The Choir was soon organized from its members and continued for many years.

Sunday School Classes were held for its youth. Delightful Christmas programs by the children were enjoyed by the church members. The Congregational Ladies Aid was very active throughout the year. As in all small towns and small churches, the Ladies Aid helped financially in the support of the church with bazaars and suppers.

Rev. James Earl and Rev. H.E. Dalrymple were two of its many pastors who supplied spiritual guidance and performed all the pastoral acts of the church. Many of the early founders saw their children and even grandchildren baptized and married in this Church.

It was the first Congregational Church in Minnesota to have confirmation classes. The first class of ten were instructed by Mrs. Henry Wick and the second by Mrs. Louise Larson.

The Church grew in size with the years and on October 30th, 1938 celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. A morning church service was held in the church with Rev. Dalrymple giving the sermon. The music was furnished by the Congregational Choir of Glencoe.

An Anniversary dinner was held in the Community Hall, with Supt. G.A. Lippert as Toastmaster. A Vesper service followed, conducted by visiting ministers and choirs.

The officers at this time were: Trustees, Louis Larson, F.M. Senescall and W.N. Cayott; the Clerk was Mrs. P.L. Schmitz; the treasurer was Mrs. John Hoe ft; the organist was Mrs. Charles Schmitz (Gladys); and the Chorister was Mrs. C.J. Schmitz (Frankie); The Deacon, J.H. Eggert and the Sunday School Supt. Mrs. John Hoeft. Mrs. C.J. Schmitz was General Chairman of the Anniversary Celebration and Mrs. Mary Nutter gave the Church History.

As time went on the membership grew smaller as the young people moved to larger cities. In 1960 the few remaining members united with the Congregational Church at Brownton with Rev. Campbell as Pastor.

In 1967 the church property was purchased by Mr. Vince McGraw. He built a lovely modern home on the property. Later he sold the home to the Dennis Albertson family. They sold it to the Herbert Doerings and they sold it to Jesse Jaeger who is the current owner.