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Opening Ceremony

President: (Gives rap of the gavel signaling officers and members to stand)We are the Minnesota Family, Career, Community Leaders of America affiliated with the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. Our objective is to help individuals improve personal, family and community living.

Officers: Our objectives focus on individual growth, preparation for family life, careers, leadership and action toward a better world.

Members:As we work toward the accomplishment of our goals, we develop leadership qualities, learn cooperation, take responsibility and give service.

President The ________ chapter of the Minnesota FCCLA is now in session. Let us repeat out creed:

We are the Minnesota FCCLA members.
We face the future with courage and hope.
We work toward personal growth, community involvement, preparation for family, employment and world-wide brotherhood.
Through leadership development, we become, we become aware of the multiple roles of men and women in today's world
As energetic youth, we STRIVE to realize our potential and the impact of our decisions.
We face the future with courage and hope.

President: You may be seated.

Closing Ceremony

President(Gives the rap with the gavel as a signal for all to stand.)We are challenged to accept the resposibility of making today's decisions that affect tomorrow's world. Let us repeat our creed.(All members repeat creed as above.)
President: This meeting is now adjourned.