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Local and State Facts

Our local chapter has 11 members, as listed on the homepage, we meet in the morning of the second Tuesday of every month to discuss chapter projects, STAR events, meetings and fundraisers.

Minnesota FCCLA is divided into eight regions that have two meetings a year: fall meeting, and midwinter meeting. There are a total of 4,092 FCCLA members in the state of Minnesota, spread through 150 chapters statewide. Our chapter is in Region 8.

The members from our chapter attend these region meetings, and at the midwinter meeting we do STAR Events, and enter competitions such as the talent competition, for the chance to earn a Gold and go on to present or perform at the state meeting. Every so often, a Gold is earned at State for a chance to go to the National Meeting.

Our chapter also works together with the State and National levels of FCCLA to complete State and National projects such as The Jamaica Project and Peace It Together/STOP the Violence.

For more information on these and other projects, click here.