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Planning and Leadership

A big part of FCCLA involves leadership and planning. Just like the background on this page, most FCCLA members are bold and original. There are a few different processes and plans that involve this concept...

The Planning Process

1. Identify Concerns
2. Set a Goal
3. Form a Plan
4. Act
5. Follow-Up

Adventures in Leadership
A process for youth leadership development

Identify a concern: What do you care about? What needs doing in your community?

Research and plan solutions: Plan possible solutions. Use the Planning Process.

Network: Link up with caring adults, career role models.

Act by doing a project: Do something!!!

Demonstrate about your project: Do a star event, community or classroom presentation.

Challenge For Recognition
We challenge individuals and teams to learn and to "do something"!!!

~~Together: We challenge chapters to accomplish projects together.

~~Class: We challenge classroom teachers to utilize programs as curriculum tasks and connections to graduation standards.

~~Individually: We challenge individuals to accomplish projects and activities as self-directed learners.