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UMM African American Alumn

Charles (UMM 97'), Liz (UMM 99'), and I at a "Soul Food" Restaurant (a milie or so from the corner of Dorchester and 77 St. South in the South Chicago area) when I was visiting UMM Alums in the summer of 2000

Below are the results of a survey that went out before UMM' 03' Homecoming to UMM African American Alumns:

Address (will not be put in website):
City, State,-Country:
Year Graduated:
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here?
Did you meet these expectations?
How were you involved with A&O?
How did A&O impact you as a college student?
How does A&O impact you now on what you are currently doing?
What were the biggest challenges here?
What were the biggest accomplishments?
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God?
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job,mission trips, etc...)?
Any questions, comments, etc..?

...e-mail sent out on August 28th of 2003 to UMM Alumns in Christ to give some background information and tips to help current-future UMM student believers/non-believer come to a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ:

Name: Randon Gardley
Year: 2000
Major: I have majors in Psychology and Human Services. I also hold minors in Sociology and Political Science.
Occupation: Director of Outreach – U.S. Senate campaign of Barack Obama
How are you involved with political activism after UMM? Please check out my resume for details. I started as an intern with the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus through the Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Program. While there, I worked on two State Senate campaigns, in addition to handling press and legislative tasks. This is where I met my current boss, Illinois State Senator Barack Obama who is the Democratic nominee for United States Senate.
Contact (e-mail/phone) info: contact

Name: Tieree Smith
City, State,-Country: Batavia, IL 60510
Major: Speech Communication (Area of Concentration Mass Communication & Political Science)
Year of graduation: May 2001
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? To be apart of a community that would help me grow spiritually, emotionally, and professionally.
Did you meet these expectations? Yes and Maybe not
What were the biggest challenges here? My personal walk with Christ. Being without a Church Home, spiritual parents, spirit filled and lead close friends.... I didn't feel 100% connected with anyone on those levels aforementioned in Morris. I went to church because I knew it was right. God met me at the community church on many occasions but it was never home to me. I always felt like a returning visitor.
What were the biggest accomplishments? Selected Accomplishments: Mary Martyle Award 2000, WOCA V-President 1999-2000 *organized and facilitated a 3 hours workshop in Oyate Hall on intercultural communication break down between Women of Color. Meeting was attended by faculty, staff, and students of all races. *Co-Founded the Friday Night Worship in 1997. Friday Night Worship was originally ran by two athletic coaches filled with the holy ghost. God gave them leadership, He gave me a vision on how to structure the worship session, and release people like Keia Johnson to oversee it. *Co-Founded the BSU Gospel Choir along with Keia Johnson, Ryan Fair, and a host of the entering class of '97 on fire for God.
You have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? Always remember that the devil hates you and want to use you at all times. His goal is to deceive you and misuse you. If God placed you in Morris then it's because of His purpose and will for your life. As Christians we don't have time to take breaks, because the enemy is constantly moving. Seek God in all that you do. Ask Him to search your heart and remove anything that is not like Him. Whenever you're lonely, frustrated, or stressed know that God is your everything...He's your Provider, your Healer, your Friend, your Father, your Security, your Peace...He's everything that you need. He IS Alpha and Omega, He is Jehovahjireh, Jehovahnissi, Jehovahshalom...Hear this, we don't have time to backslide! There are too many souls to resurrect, including your own. So I say this, don't get off the train in route to your divine destiny. If those that wish to ride the train with you are not increasing your ministry then you mustn't let them on. As long as the conductor of your train is Christ...then you can do all things, over come anything, and realize that the loneliness you feel can be filled with the Love of Christ.

Northern Michigan University, located in the upper peninsula!

Name:Priscilla Coleman
City, State,-Country: Chicago, IL (now resides in Grand Cayman Islands)
Year Graduated:2002
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here?
Did you meet these expectations?
How were you involved with A&O?
How did A&O impact you as a college student?
How does A&O impact you now on what you are currently doing?
What were the biggest challenges here?
What were the biggest accomplishments?
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God?I am blessed to hear that people are being impacted by the move of God. I too and still receving the blessings of obedience from my days in Morris. All I can say to new students is, "When you feel as though you've been silenced by the wiles of the enemy, Praise Him even harder!" I know what it's like to feel like your goals are slipping from under you but, I also know first hand that just when I felt like I was down for the last time, God was right there.
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job,mission trips, etc...)?I am currently a in my second year of medical school (St. Matthew's University School of Medicine 4th Semester of Basic Sciences)and I am doing great--thanks be to God! God answers prayer. Keep in touch and let me know what is going on in Morris. I know God is doing a great thing! Keep Him lifted up!
Any questions, comments, etc..?

Name: Raziya Webster
City, State,-Country: Chicago Illinois
Major: Sociology
Year Graduated: 2002
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here? To graduate within 3 1/2 yrs
Did you meet these expectations? YES
How were you involved with A&O? general Member
How did A&O impact you as a college student? gave me something to look forward too. The Fellowship with the other students was what helped me get through rough times being away from home.
What were the biggest challenges here? Being in a rural town, 9 hrs from home, and having to stay there.
What were the biggest accomplishments? GRADUATION
Do you have any advice for current/future students that come to UMM-Morris, MN to help them grow w/God? When all else fails PRAY PRAY AND PRAY SOME MORE
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job,mission trips, etc...)? I am currnetly in grad school at the University of Chicago, and i teach Praise Dance to the youth at my church
Any questions, comments, etc..?

Jimmy Henderson, Class of 2005, from Chicago!

Other UMM Alumn Related Websites

  • Stephanie Chrismon, Commencement Speaker 2002

  • -Stud Poet
    *had the opportunity to do her "spoken word" (rap/poetry/ideological/talk/etc...) at Jazz Mines restaurant in downtown Minneapolis on 8/17/04. Also, was a featured speaker at UMM (CAC-friday evening event at TMC) earlier this school (04'-05') year, but I couldn't make it to both-sorry Steph!

  • Keia Johnson, a former resident of mine at Gay Hall II-III and was the 2001 Commencement Speaker

    Below are separte student organization's I was involved in when I attended UMM from 1995-1999. I met many diverse people in UMM when I got involved with different student organizations (culturally, religiously, etc..) Sadly to say, it does appear these links I set up are segregated. Explanation down below.....

  • UMM Asian Student Association Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM International Student Association Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM IVCF Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Morris Community Church Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Alumn's Overall Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Alumni Relations

    *Note: I'm not intentionally segregating each race. I'm actually distinguishing each student organization I was involved in with each former alumn's experience (each has a different question as each member came from a different background and went through a different experience here at UMM) with each organization. God has opened my eyes when I was an "involved" student at UMM and continues to do so after living here. Getting involved with various student organizations was a time of searching my identity, which I found it-in Christ-one of many God's children I think that is why it's been hard to leave "Motown"!

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