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Kenyan Outreach


I really got to known a Kenyan for the first time when I went to UMM. It was a lady I met (down below) during my first or second year at UMM, who then transferred to the UofM-Twin Cities campus. After that, there has been more that would come from this country.

Edith (Eldoret, Kenya) and I after ISA's Fashion Show/Dinner in 1997

I've learned more about Kenya when I was watching the local news (Twin Cities) on Mt. Kiliminajaro, which I believe is the tallest mountain/highest elevation of all of Africa. This local news channel did a documentary of some people from Minnesota that climbed this mountain for some "cause" (?).

I continue to meet Kenyans all over the state. One time I was in Minneapolis for "March for Jesus" several years ago. One of the speakers after the march was Kenyan, whom I had a chance to get his contact information. This Kenyan shared how God is bringing the "nations" to our very state of Minnesota, which has become a harvest for the nations. This is where I first heard that Minnesota sends the most missionaries overseas than any other state in the U.S.! Another Kenyan-Minnesota contact was just recently as last week (10/3/03) in Joy Christian Center in St. Cloud, MN. I went with a couple of close friends from Morris to attend this bennefit concert for a local ministry (Christo Vive International) that reaches out to "physically challenge" youth locally and globally. One of the performers in this Heart of the City sponsored event was several area Kenyan int'l students from St. Cloud State University. They beautifully-interactively sang-taught Swahili to us as they got the farily sized crowd that night moving off their fee forwards, backwards, sideways (left-Kushoto and right-Kulia), down (Chini), and up (Juu ).

MCC Missions: Kenya Trip

Neil, overseer of Outfitters for Adventure, will be leading 2 others to Kissi, Kenya (by Lake Victoria in west central coast of t he continent) on March 2004. Please start praying for them and the particular group of people in Kenya they'll be ministering/equipping now!

more details of trip later...

Kenya Group

2005 Trip

Neil, overseer of Outfitters for Adventure, took a new group Wednesday, March 9th. They left the Twin Cities airport for a long plane ride. This years group consist:

-Tim Mitchell of Morris Community Church
-Matt of Harvest Community Church (Fargo)

Right before they left, Tim was getting some help by Ron Neiland to put some eye glasses together. They will be distributing some donated eye glasses to folks that need it. Also, they will be distributing boxex of Bibles. Ron was scheduled to go along with this 2005 team, but had to backed out due to some "homework" he needed to finish. However, his wife Jan has been helping run a fundraiser to help sponsor an orphanage in Kenya. The 2005 team will be planning to stop over at the orphanage they've been supporting from back home in America. Stay tuned for current updates on their 1+ week mission trip here....

2004 Update on Trip

From : Patrick
Sent : Monday, June 28, 2004 2:05 PM
To :
Subject : Announcements Monday June 28th

Reach Out to Orphans in Kenya Our pilot program to support ten orphans in Kisii, Kenya, is underway.
The goal is to financially enable families in Kenya to support an orphan in their home. These are families connected with the Kenya church that Neil visited who would otherwise lack funds to take another child into their homes.
Neil and the team traveling to Kenya next March will visit each family and orphan at that time to assure that the support is being administered properly.

Several people have shown interest in participating in Reach Out to Orphans in Kenya, and some have already made a financial commitment. There is still plenty of opportunity to participate. If you would like more information or are interested in sponsoring an orphan by giving $15 per month (or $180 for the year), please contact
Jan Nieland.

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 11:44 AM
Subject: trip to Kenya short report

Dear Family-
The trip to Kenya was very fruitful. The team that I went with, Phil, David, and Dan were very supportive and greatly encouraging. The folks there responded to them very favorably. We were among a small group of churches in an area where there was basicly no electricity and water hook ups. Most water was carried on their heads from wells, springs and streams. We took bucket showers and used flashlights at night. They used lanterns in their houses and churches. Two of the churches still hold outdoors services year round under trees.

Kennedy and James have about 8 churches and began to work together 5 years ago. Within that network of churches (none of whch had more than 100 people) there were about 70 orphans who need placement (due to AIDS killing their parents). None of the pastors had wheels of any sort so we at least got bikes for the 2 overseers before we left.

It looks like our connection with Kennedy and James was very successful and even though they were not Spirit-filled they were quite enthusiastic about hearing about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and worship. I got home last night after 44 hours on the road. All our "girls" were there at MSP Airport to meet us (a wonderful surprise for David and Dan who thought they would have to wait till their arrival in North Dakota). I was too tired to even take a sauna last night even though I had planned for it on the plane.

Thanks for all your prayers.
Bless you- neil

From : Patrick
Sent : Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:11 PM
To :
Subject : Announcements

Dear Ruth-
We are in Kisii for the first time today after arrival last monday. We have been having a very fruitful time. all of us are healthy and enjoying the company of Kennedy and James.

We are spending the afternoon in Kisii and Tabaka (where the soap stone carving takes place).

I totally see this as a God trip. I have many photos to share with you. Sunday is not that far away....
I love you- neil

pps- It is about 80F here- I see you are at 27 degrees- eat your heart out. The sauna has been good training for here!

From : Neil
Sent : Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:50 AM
To : "Jim
Subject : Fw: from neil

I have received two messages from Neil while he is in Kenya, as well as a message from Laura Guchera's mom. Laura lived with us for 2.5 years while attending UMM, and her parents in Nairobi met Neil and the others and brought them to stay at their home the first night. Their neighbors waited up for them, even though the plane arrived late. The neighbors brought food and sang songs of welcome so the guys could have a traditional Kenyan welcome celebration. Then they asked Neil to speak. That must have been a little difficult in the throes of jet lag, but I'm sure he managed.

In Neil's first message he said that he and the others have been well received by the churches they are visiting. Kennedy works with other churches and wanted his leaders to have teaching, so they meet with the leaders as well as with the churches in larger groups. This message was waiting for me when I got up this morning.

To: Neil Thielke
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: inquiry

Dear Ruth,Katie,Crystal and jenn,

We have arrived safely.The territory is similar to Chiapis,Mexico as is the living situation.the people have been very receptive to our teaching,and have been most hospitable.

the food is great.We are 45 minutes from town,with no internet access.

Since we are so remote,this may be the only correspondence until our return.

Serving the Lord in Kenya.

Neil,Phil,Dan and David.


-Continue to pray for the Baptist church Neil and Outfitters equipped and encouraged
-Neil is looking for someone to head the "Need for Eye Glasses Drive" to work with Jeff Hauger on putting together easily "homemade" eye glasses (using magnifying glases and wires)
-Need of 150+ Bibles to equip and be sent to them!
-Organize a orphan coordinator for a particular individual that a woman asked Neil for help...

Picture of Kenyan Orphan

Reccomended Resources



"Cosmas Salamba is preaching in Morris Community Church, 211 E 6th St., Tuesday May 1st at 7pm (He will also minister in Fargo Monday night at Harvest Church and in Grove City Victory Church on Wednesday) He grew up in Kenya and currently pastors in Nairobi. He has been used by God to heal the sick. Neil got acquainted with him while on his last missions trip. Cosmas accompanied Dan Eastvold (UMM Alumn 01'->Bethany's (missionary in Ireland father from Little Falls, MN) to Kenya.

Report from Evening (Monday, May 1st of 2007):

Well, it was an awesome evening! We began with some praise & worship music and then a guest visit share from Dan & Vicki E. The main speaker, as a vessel from God, was Cosmos. He shared many cool stories (names are culturally originated from time of birth, crusade where people that practiced witchcraft (more down below) came to the Lord Jesus) from Kenya and stories (e.g. Moses-Book of Exodus) from the Bible that can impact our lives....

" 9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."-Philippians 2:9

Cosmos does some "storytelling"
Lifting our hands to God and praying as a church family for one another.

It seems like many or even everyone was specially touched by God in a unique and individual way. I was chatting with a friend who told me he was hurting in a certain part of his body. When Cosmos invited anyone to come to the front to get prayed for healing, he didn't come up. Later on, Cosmos felt moved by the Holy Spirit to call my friend up to get personally prayed for-wow! After the service, our pastor invited anyone to share (like "Victoria"-means Victory! from Monica-UMM Int'l Student from Malawi and people got physically healed) any stories and several shared!

For me, I personally got touched by my faith! It just went back a step higher because seeing God moved like this evening just helped me remember what He can do anytime as He did earlier in my life (e.g. Alpha&Omega-Friday night campus fellowship group). Let's not just keep this as a one-night experience, but share (there is power in "Jesus' name" with others and make it an everyday experience ya'll! Amen?..Halleluah!

*note: when Cosmos shared about the importance of our names and the meaning, I thought about the sermon/message this past Sunday at MCC. Pat, pastor, shared about "identity" ("Identity theft" was a theme of a leadership conference down in the cities that leaders from MCC attended this past weekend) and how we can't let the "enemy" steal our true identity in Christ.

My local church will be sending some folks to Kenya in March of 2004 for a discipleship training work.

Reach Out to the Orphans of Kenya, from Outfitters for Adventure
Photo Gallery of 2006 Trip Neil with Matt, Rick (and son)



  • CIA World Factbook
  • Embassy of Kenya, in Wasthington D.C.


  • Swahili Bibles
  • Education

  • Kenya Page-U Penn African Studies, more on this country
  • 1 Up Info, on Kenya
  • Geography

  • Map of Kenya, by Tim and Lara Beth's Kenyan Page
  • Map of Kenya (by region), from go2africa
  • Government

  • Government of Kenya
  • History


  • History of the Flag, from
  • Kenyan History, form Kenyaweb
  • Language

  • Travel Lang, Swahili
  • Miscellanesous

  • Info Please
  • Wikipedia

  • "Cushitic-speaking people from northern Africa moved into the area that is now Kenya beginning around 2000 BC. Arab traders began frequenting the Kenya coast around the 1st century AD. Kenya's proximity to the Arabian Peninsula invited colonization, and Arab and Persian settlements sprouted along the coast by the 8th century. During the first millennium AD, Nilotic and Bantu peoples moved into the region, and the latter now comprise three-quarters of Kenya's population. In the centuries preceding colonization, Kenya was part of the east African region used extensively by slavers from the Muslim world to find slaves. Initially these slavers came mainly from Arab states, but later many also came from Zanzibar (such as Tippu Tip). The Ameru tribe of Kenya originates from slaves escaping from Arab lands some time around the year 1700.
    Swahili, a Bantu language with many Arabic loan words, developed as a lingua franca for trade between the different peoples"


  • Cosmos Salamba, Kenyan preacher

  • Related Resources:
    Annual 07' Regional Missions Conference, in Somerset, WI (
    Chege Outreach Ministries Int’l Contact Joshua & Hannah Chege; P.O. Box 186; Fremont, NE 68026; 402.753.0563; KENYA [Met him through my local church when he shared his persecution experience back in Kenya at IVCF in the Fall of 2000
    Floju Academy Oprhanage (HIV residents) in Nakuru, Kenya Contact: John Wachori [Met him at March for Jesus 7/01-Minnneapolis]
  • Lover Mercy, Recently Noel was given a mandate by the Lord to feed, clothe and shelter the poor of the earth through the Love Mercy organization.

  • *referred by Assists article on IHOP 24/7 Prayer
    Martz's Crusades Has held crusades in Kitale, Kenya. Contact: Bobby & Ronda Martz; 23321 Hwy 301; Parkton, NC 28371; 910.858.3683. [Met Bobby through a Regional Conference, by local church attended in 2000
  • Outfitters for Adventure 04' Kenya Trip encouraging the churches in Kissi
  • Serving in Missions-UK
  • YWAM Africa: East, field offices in Kenya
  • Others:

    -Webuye, Kenya (local church e-mail from this city)

  • Pastor Gideon & Evelyn Mudenyo from Immanuel-Ministries of Rockport, Texas
  • Kenya 2001: Webuye, from Harvest Church
  • Religions


  • Is witchcraft alive in Africa? Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 July 2005, 14:25 GMT 15:25 UK

  • Witchcraft is widely practised in some parts of Nigeria Would you turn to him for help? Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
    "In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time. Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband. However, the practise has negative sides - mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch. Do you believe in witchcraft? What is its role? What does your religion say about it? And how do you feel spiritually towards it? Would you like it banned? Do you know a witch? This debate is now closed. Thank you for your comments. ..." I don't believe in witchcraft but I know it exists. These guys have powers that can really send a chilling feeling down your spine! Among the Banyores of western Kenya, we have got a group of old men who can make rainfall! We have got groups known to purchase thunder and lightening to strike enemies/opponents to death.
    These guys exist and one shouldn't underestimate their capabilities. Most influential people in our society visit witches in darkness or during the wee hours for consultation or treatment. Whether a born again Christian or strong Muslim believer, you can't dismiss witchcraft.
    - Job Egalaha, Kenya
    "What does modern man call witchcraft? Witchcraft can take different definitions depending on whom, when and where it's being defined. However, all forms of witchcraft have something in common which are magic powers beyond human conception. Having said that, witchcraft is as old as mankind only that it has played different roles in our lives at different times and still plays a role in modern life.
    In the biblical times, we read about Simon...
    [Simon the Sorcerer
    9Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, 10and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, "This man is the divine power known as the Great Power." 11They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic. 12But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. 13Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw.
    14When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. 15When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had simply been baptized into[c] the name of the Lord Jesus. 17Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
    18When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money 19and said, "Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit."
    20Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 22Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin."
    24Then Simon answered, "Pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you have said may happen to me." 25When they had testified and proclaimed the word of the Lord, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages.-Acts 8]
    ... the great witch. As to whether it should be banned or not, of course there are some aspects of it that are repugnant to modern justice systems which should be outlawed. Even in the western world, there are aspects of witchcraft that haven't been eliminated."
    - Charles Michira, Kenya"
    "Witchcraft is truly alive in Africa; not only in remote villages but also in the wealthy suburbs of Kenya. One need not look far to see signs, advertising witchcraft services, which include promises to ensure you get a job, get pregnant, ensure your husband sticks to you, or even attract a new one.
    Most "wagangas" as witchdoctors are commonly referred to in East Africa, hail from Zanzibar and even those from other regions claim to hail from the area, since they are reputed to deliver. Though witchcraft is not spoken about, it is very alive and desperate people spend their life savings on the promise of the realisation of their dreams."
    Christine Wamuyu, Kenya


  • Lonely Planet, profiling Kenya
  • Magical Kenya, destination site
  • Victoria Falls, a favorite attraction highlighted by africaguide
  • Tribes

  • Africa Kenyan Tribes, from kenyacolors
  • Tribes of Kenya and Sudan, various links
  • Travel

  • Lonely Planet, where is Kenya?
  • Videos

  • Reel Kids Adventure: The Stolen Necklace, from YWAM Publishing
  • Thank you for visiting UMMAlpha! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

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