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Asian American: ASA 1996-1997

Rollerskating trip to Alexandria, MN

Basketball night at the P.E. Annex

Volleyball night at the P.E. Annex

-UMM Homecoming (Fall)

Cotter Family (Professor Cotter volunteers to get pie thrown at his face for ASA Fundraiser)

"Open Mike" during Talent Show at Edson Auditorium

ASA Valentine Dance at Oyate Hall-Student Center

Suprise Birthday for ASA member after one of the regular meetings at MRC 205

Speaker from California

Mixed Blood Theatre group hangs out with ASA after the show at Karls (now Common Cup as of 9.26.03) Coffee Shop

Activity time before "picnic- food time at Pomme De Terre

Hanging out in the shelter at the end of the year picnic

Malik Shabbaz and Lue Her (97' Graduate)

Congratulations Lue Her on your 97' Graduations

This page is dedicated to Lue 92'-97', who not only was a leader amongst Asian American students, but the whole campus-community of Morris, MN. He was picked to be commencement speaker of his class when ge graduated in 1997. He goes on to be leader after college, as I was privileged to be present when he received an Alumni Distinguised Leader Award in the Fall of 2002 during UMM's Homecoming

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