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Asian Indian



"Est 8:9 Then were the king's scribes called at that time in the third month, that [is], the month Sivan, on the three and twentieth [day] thereof; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded unto the Jews, and to the lieutenants, and the deputies and rulers of the provinces which [are] from India unto Ethiopia, an hundred twenty and seven provinces, unto every province according to the writing thereof, and unto every people after their language, and to the Jews according to their writing, and according to their language."-Esther 8:9

Namaste-Hello (Hindi)! Welcome to the Indian Outreach Homepage. I would love to come to the second most populated nation in the world some day. I've been inspired to visit this nation after the past famous humanitarians, like Gandhi and Mother Theresa, who were inspired by teachings of Jesus to reach the poor and "least of his people". My only knowledge of this nation has been from books, movies, missionaries from my local church and other churches I've visited, and people I've met so far at UMM

Sal posing with 2 ladies dressed in Asian Indian outwear at the Festival of Nations in 1997

UMM Student Experience in India
by Elizabeth Waller (06')
*met at the Int'l Student Country Fair on Nov 2006

"Even though I consider myself a natural writer, there is no way I can fully explain the experience I encountered in India with my Side By Side crew. It was absolutely amazing. The girls at the boarding school we stayed at made me so happy. I can�t really describe the emotions I went through during my time there, but the girls made me genuinely happy. I always had a smile on my face while I was there, and it was never forced, either. I have never felt that true of a happiness before in my entire life. When I was with them, it was like nothing else in the world mattered.
My trip started out with training in Minneapolis July 9. After a few days of preparing for culture shock, projects we would be doing, the food we would eat, and the language barrier we were about to encounter, my group of eight was ready to leave July 13. Two days later, we arrived in India.
When we arrived in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, we got to experience Indian traffic, which, if you�ve been to Mexico and experienced that, imagine the traffic ten times worse! There is enough room for maybe four lanes of traffic, but instead there are more like six lanes of actual cars/bikers! And everything is so close. You stop what seems like only two inches away from vehicles or bicyclists in front of you, and you also drive that close! Eventually, though, we did get used to the traffic and thought it was kind of amusing, especially when we were on the wrong side of the road and there was another car approaching us rather quickly while we were passing someone, but yet neither car moved. They drive like that all the time, so we learned to trust our driver.
After spending a night in a women�s Christian hostel in Chennai, we ventured four hours south to reach the Danish Mission Boarding Home for Girls, which was our home for two weeks. The school is for grades 6-12, and the girls that attend there are from the poorest families and lowest castes, yet they have the strongest faith and are so full of love and joy. From the minute we walked on campus, you could just feel the love and excitement of the girls. It was so welcoming!
For the first week of our stay, our schedule consisted of teaching the girls English in the morning for about 45 minutes, three hours of painting the chapel that we were preparing for the girls to use, having three hours after lunch to relax, and then having two hours of interaction time with the girls. During that time, we introduced and played games with them, such as volleyball, catch, and jumping rope, taught them American songs and dances, hand-stitched coin purses, and also had the opportunity to just talk with the girls and learn some of their culture.
During our second week at the home, the girls were testing, so we didn�t get to spend quite as much time with them. We didn�t have English class in the morning with them, and we were also done working on the chapel, so we took a lot of day trips and visited other schools run through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM).
One of the day trips we went on occurred the first Sunday we were in India. The manager of the home, Sujatha Stephen, brought us to her church in nearby Cuddalore, where we performed a song for the congregation. It was touching, because we sang �I Have Decided to Follow Jesus,� which is a folk melody from India, and the Indians, even though we were strangers and didn�t speak their language, started singing along and smiling. Their faces just lit up when we were singing that all dressed up in our sarees, which is a very common outfit for Indian women. It only lasted a couple minutes, but the memory of it will stay with me forever.
After church service was over, we headed toward the hills to stop and see the ruins at Gingee Fort from the time kings and queens ruled the country. The rest of the day we went to different people�s houses that were in charge of getting the chapel done, as well as going to a Hindu temple, which was definitely interesting. (Approximately 80% of Indians are Hindu and less than 3% are Christian.)
Our other main day trip was actually an overnight venture to another LPGM sponsored school in the Kalrayan Hills. The kids at the school did a program for us after we arrived, consisting of lots of acrobatic parodies. We also went to the Bay of Bengal and to nearby Pondicherry to go shopping in some of our free time.
Some of the most amazing things I experienced during my short stay in India were the willingness of people to give and also the girls� faith at the boarding home. All of the natives we dealt with were so willing to give, even though they have so little. They know what is really important in life and live by that.
One thing that really touched and impressed me about the girls' faiths came when I was just talking to one of my special friends, Rozariyo, before breakfast. It was only a couple days before we were going to leave, and she was dreading our departure just as much or maybe even more than me. She said she was going to be sad when we left, and that she would cry, and I felt the same way. She told me, though, to be careful and have a safe trip home, and she said that she would pray for me. There is no good way to describe the meaning of that to me in words, but it was so sweet.

Elizabeth and Rosariyo
Also, one of our crew members got really sick over a period of three days, and whenever she would go outside to get some fresh air, the girls would go up to her and say, �I pray Jesus for you.� I can�t imagine how it affected her, being the recipient, but just hearing about it amazes me. They are so open with their faith, which is hard for a lot of Americans.
Our last weekend in India was spent with some girls from the boarding home we stayed at as well as students from other schools who met for a Junior Ministry camp. Even though we didn�t understand anything unless someone translated for us, my group did everything the campers did and had a fun time.
After the camp got over with on our last Sunday in India, we headed back to Melpattambakkam to the boarding home for the dedication of the chapel we worked on. In the past, the girls had only been able to attend church once a week, due to them sharing a church with the community and the vast number of students (650). So, the chapel we helped provide is a very big deal to them.
Leaving the girls at the school after the dedication was one of the hardest things I�ve ever done. I didn�t want to leave; I wasn�t ready. It didn�t help matters, either, when all the girls were crying. My Indian friends were crying and even girls I didn�t know came up to me crying. It was incredibly difficult.
Our last two nights were spent at a hotel in Pondicherry, where we were able to go downtown and do some shopping. That is where we also got to experience an Indian taxi ride. I was scared, at first, but it was actually really exciting after you got in and got used to it. Their taxis are like three-wheeled golf carts! They are cool.
Before leaving on August 3, we stopped at a beautiful church in Chennai where Jesus� disciple Thomas is said to be buried. It also has a museum on site with paintings, information, and replicas of St. Thomas during his discipleship.
August 4 my group, as well as the other Side By Side crews who traveled to Belize, Kenya, and Tanzania, arrived back in Minneapolis for two days of debriefing. August 6 we had a closing program open to friends and family so they could learn more about our experience as a whole.
My time in India was short, but it changed me in many ways. It is an experience I would encourage everyone to have**, and I also hope the community is as supportive of anyone else in the future that may opt to go on a Side By Side trip as they were for me. I would like to extend my deepest thanks to all of those who supported me through prayer, donations, and Calvary�s Easter breakfast and made it possible for me to have the experience I did. It was truly amazing!

*If anyone is interested in sponsoring a child�s education through LPGM, you can log on to their website at The cost is $200 a year, which is only $17 per month.

This evening (Monday, April 2nd of 2007), I met Chandani (through Monster Job. com) and she taught me how to say thank you in Hindi-shukriya!

Reccomended Resources

Good News (Hindi)


-Pastor Julius Miller at Our Redeemers Lutheran Church in Hancock, MN is from India!
"My parents were born in Bombay, India, of Anglo-Indian heritage. Some of our ancestors were English missionaries who came to India in British colonial times. (That's why my last name is Miller). Our Indian ancestors were high-caste Hindus from Bombay and other parts of India. The British missionaries who came to India concentrated on evangelizing the higher castes first, thinking that the lower castes would then follow. But it didn't work: the Hindus who converted to Christianity were cut off from their families. Because of our faith and our mixed ancestry, people like us were, to some extent, outcasts in India. I grew up in the Anglican faith. English is my native language; I also speak Hindi and Marathi, which is the official language of Maharashtra State, the commercial center of India, where Bombay is located."

Growing up in Bandra: Bombay had been a Portuguese colony, and Bandra was a largely Roman Catholic section of Bombay. The economy was fishing, and they also raised a lot of pigs in Bandra. The most common last name was "Pereira," and they had a saying, "If you throw a stone in Bandra, you hit a Pereira or a pig!"
The houses were very close together. It's a tropical climate, and everybody's doors and windows were wide open all the time, and people played music - loud! American country music and rock and roll were popular. I grew up listening to Jim Reeves, Kenny Rogers, Ray Price, Marty Robbins. (Elvis Presley was my mom's favorite.)
I went to school at St. Aloysius, a private Roman Catholic school near my grandmother's house. In Liberia: After I graduated from high school, I went to Liberia to help my uncle, who was a missionary. I worked as a lay missionary in Liberia until 1979, when political unrest forced me to leave.
Working in India's largest slum: After returning from Liberia, I went to college at Bhopal University in Central India. (You might remember Bhopal because it was the site of a catastrophic industrial accident at the Union Carbide chemical plant; thousands of people died.) I earned my undergraduate degree in accounting and business management.
As a student, I also worked as a bookkeeper for the Christian Institute, a non-profit charitable organization that helps poor people in one of Asia's largest and most desperate slums - Dharavi, just outside Bombay. After college, I remained with the Christian Institute as a community worker. I worked in Dharavi for ten years, eventually becoming program coordinator for the Christian Institute. At that time, more than 500,000 people lived in Dharavi, a swampy wetland that flooded in the monsoon season. Families lived in tiny shacks; there was no clean water, no electricity, no sewers or garbage collection, no paved streets, filth everywhere. When it rained, the streets flooded with sewage and people had to walk through it; I have done that. This must be like hell: The Christian Institute's work was supported by churches around the world, and people from these churches often came to visit us and see our work. I remember a Presbyterian minister who came to visit. He was an African-American and after I took him on a tour of Dharavi, he said, "I have imagined what hell would be like, and this place looks like hell to me." But for me, it was everyday life: this was how people lived.
What I learned in Dharavi: I learned a lot about myself and my religious faith by working with the people of the slums. I grew up in a middle class Christian home, and we gave thanks that we had food on the table and good shelter. In Dharavi, I sat in homes where the family had no food to eat; the children went to bed with water and a little handful of rice, while I went home to a good meal. I asked myself why the God I believe in - a God who says he loves everybody and has come to save us - why would a loving God allowed this suffering?
Yet, for the poor people who lived in the slum, this was not a question they asked. Rather, they had a strong perspective of the afterlife. They said, "I know where I'm going. All that I don't have here, I will have there. I know I live in a sinful world, but God will take care of me in the end." As middle class people, we feel God only loves us if we make it in this world. But the poor people I worked with gave me a different perspective: God's measure of success is not here in this world. Finding my calling: I left India in 1990. I had relatives and friends in this country who invited me to come and sponsored me. When I first got here, I lived with my cousin and her family in New Jersey, and worked as a hotel desk clerk. It was in this country that I began to feel that I had a calling to the ministry. I wanted to share my faith story, tell how God has protected me, helped me, guided me; and I wanted to encourage others in their own faith journeys. When I told people that I had decided to go to the Seminary, they thought I was nuts. You're in America, they said, the land of opportunity: you can make money!

At the Seminary: I attended the Seminary of the Church of Lutheran Brethren, a small, conservative Lutheran church headquartered in Fergus Falls. Although I grew up in the Anglican Church, I had been exposed to Lutheran theology at the Swedish Theological Institute, in Jerusalem, Israel. I discovered that Lutheran beliefs were close to my own, especially the belief that we are saved by God's grace alone." -from Morris Sun Tribune (November 2004)

Taste of India in Morris


My friend here shows her hand with Henna for the first time!

Related Sites:
-Belly Dance Henna Homepage, also known as Mehndi

*you can borrow this for FREE at the Morris Public Library:

  • Monsoon Wedding


  • discover India in Minneapolis, from
  • Restaurants

  • Indian Restaurants & Cafes in the Twin Cities, from Twin cities Dining Guide


  • South Asian Student Association Conference
  • Media

  • Little India, circulation throughout the country
  • Music

    Sonicflood: Cry Holy - With Lyrics (scenes from India)

    making of this video, from with scenes of India



    Children Singing Praise Songs

    "We stayed with these children during our mission trip to India. They get up every morning at 5 AM for devotions which include singing."

    Gospel Resources

  • India Gospel Resources, ethnic harvest
  • Entertainment

  • Bollywood Online
  • Bollywood, movies from Bombay, India
  • Mirabi Films, committed to tell stories that are rarely told
  • Planet Bollywood, entertainment reviews
  • Media

  • Deccan Chronicle, focussing on the Andrah Pradesh region
  • Hind Times
  • Missions

  • Day Star

  • Entrevista sobre Misiones en India

    "Pastor Gustavo Melo siendo entrevistado por el canal de television DayStar en los Estados Unidos"
    *see Latino
  • Gospel for Asia, sponsor a native missionary!
  • Maximum Missions-3 wk. internship
    Road to Reality,-3 wk. internship
  • Heart of the Father Ministries, Dr. David Nichols had a crusade in Yemmiganur, Andhra-Pradesh in Southern India
  • *has done crusades in Morris too!
  • �UNITED CHRISTIAN WORSHIP CENTRE, Hyderabad, Andhra-Pradesh of South India (e-mailed me down below)
    Yahoo sites: our church guestbook, travel to hyberdad-southindiatourism
    From : pastor sunil bommal Sent : Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:58 AM
    To : Subject : Greetings from India!

    Bear one anothers burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ completely.

    Galatians 6:2
    Dear Brother in Christ,

    Loving Greetings to you in the most holy and precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    We praise God for you all, I heard about your noble selves working for the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    We praise God, for this great opportunity to introduce my self as a pastor of the �UNITED CHRISTIAN WORSHIP CENTRE, Hyderabad, of South India. We are earnestly praying for you and for your blessed Ministry in these last days. Dear Brother, We have (Nine) 9 Pastors in our fellowship working by faith only. We don't have any support from anywhere. We purely depend on Lord's hand.

    With great spiritual burden for soul winning we are doing house visitings, and

    �Open air evangelical meetings�,
    �Pastors and Lay leaders Teaching Seminars� (training the locals) at different places,
    �Establishing Churches� in new places,
    �Teaching Bible Cell Home groups�,
    �Distributing Tracts, Gospel leaflets, and Gospels,
    �We are starting literature of Gospel Library and to show the love of Jesus Christ in acts.

    Our Vision is to teach, train and equip the local Pastors and Christian Leaders to build effective churches and reach the unreached. By conducting �local pastors and leaders teaching seminars� for 3 days where at least 100 to 150 Pastors will come and learn the Word of God. At the same time provide them food and some good Christian material.

    And conduct �Open Air Evangelical Meetings�, preaching the message of Salvation and Deliverance to needy and hurting people. And also teaching the church believers separately in the mornings during the meetings.

    And also working for the Lord's kingdom in the rural area and unreached places and by giving Education, Medical aid, Distributing the clothes and supporting to people of Old age, Widows, and Orphans. Preaching the Gospel of our Lord to the poor and needy people and specially Children. We would like to join with you for the extension of our Lords kingdom. We would like to start many happiest activities for the Glory of the God. We need your prayerful encouragement, and also your fellowship & Leadership and involvement. Our sincere desire is that we also embrace with your God-given vision and opportunity and become one with you in seeing God�s full purposes and plans worked out in both of our lives.

    What we are praying to God is this :
    First : Since this type of Ministry cannot be achieved by one man. we are asking the Lord � For this ministry to be accomplished we need your support to work along with us. This cannot be a one man�s show.
    Second: we need you as a great servant of God to come and teach in these �Local Pastors Meet�, and teaching to the congregations.
    Third : we need your great advice, help and support for the extension of His Kingdom.

    As we said before this can not be done by One man, we are praying that God would work in your spirit as He does with ours.

    With regards, waiting for your gracious and kind reply prayerfully,

    The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit, brothers
    Gal 6:18

    In His Vineyard affectionately,
    Rev Sunil Bommala

    From : pastor sunil bommala
    Sent : Saturday, September 4, 2004 10:25 PM
    To : "Salvador Cruz" Subject : Praise the Lord !
    Dear friend Salvador

    Greetings in the most beautiful name of our Lord Jesus

    Thank you for your gracious reply. I do not have any of my own website for my Organization, I would greatly appreciate and grateful if you could make us one website for our Organization / church, let me take the liberty of introducing my ministry to you, we are a non-profitable organization with 9 pastors working in more than 30 (villages / towns / cities) of Andhra Pradesh, South India.

    One of our ministry is in doing teaching seminars for the Local Christian Leaders / Pastors / believers / youth and the teachers who are in the ministry of teaching to the children so that they can be more effective in the Ministry.

    And we do PACT (Planting a Church Team) where we go to different new villages / towns and we purely preach the salvation of Christ.

    We also do 3 to 5 days 'Open Air Evangelical Meetings', which we conduct in a open ground, where 1000 and more will come attend in these meetings where most of them are from other religions and we preach them about what Jesus done for us on the Cross (Salvation, Healings and Deliverance), from last many years we have witnessed many coming forward to receive Christ as their Savior, many Healings and Deliverances from the demonic oppressions.

    At the same time we do teachings on different Biblical topics to the believers and youth of the church in the day time.

    We also do charitable deeds like 'Bore Well Water Project', digging 'bore wells' in different villages, helping the poor children, and widows and old people thru giving them food and clothing.

    Would you like to come some time to India and be a part of what God is doing thru our Ministry. We will be highly honored to receive you in our Ministry.

    You can also support our ministry, support a child, Bore Well Project or a Pastor. Please let us know about your opinion to us.

    God bless you richly and abundantly

    in His Vineyard Rev Sunil Bommala

    From : Pastor Sun
    Sent : Thursday, November 25, 2004 1:04 AM
    To : Subject : Our recent missions report

    Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus Colossians 1 : 28

    Dear brother Salvador Cruz

    Greetings in Jesus Name, Sorry for bothering once again, I know you are very much busy, As I was waiting for your kindest reply to my last mail I thought of sending you my recent missions report.

    on 20th and 21st of this month we have been to a place called 'Macherla', This Macherla is 200 kms away from Hyderabad, and we went by bus, One of our pastor 'John Wesley" with his family is staying and doing the ministry at this 'Macherla'. And we had a very wonderful time of exploring of the 'Divine Word'. On Saturday we had 3 hours of teaching sessions and on Sunday I preached in the service and there was a very good response, God moved very wonderfully and many were blessed. Many came forward for prayers as they were suffering from different kinds pains in the bodies and surprisingly most of them were suffering from back pains and knee pains, When I asked them after I prayed most of them said they got healed, 'All Glory to Jesus' .

    For Teachings nearly 150 people came and we had a great time of worship and Word. Some have expressed the desire to have some more meetings like this. We taught them on 'Holy Spirit and on Faith. They all were very much excited, we saw their faces glowing as if some light is inside when they came to talk to us personally after the meetings were over.

    Approximately 70 leaders and Word seeking believers that wanted us to come back again and again and do a Bible Teachings seminars. They expressed their desire to be equipped well in the Word which is very much our desire to do and it is our God given goal and vision. The Pastor is also very much after us to do the teachings like this again and again at least once in 15 days. Please pray about this matter. Our present situation does not allow us to do so, please remember our poor and humble ministry in India in your personal prayers.

    And may be you can plan for some time to come and participate in this ministry and can teach to our pastors and leaders or may be you can take part in 'Evangelistic evening Crusades' and help us to build better churches for the Glory of God.

    I am sending 3 photos of the meetings at Macherla waiting for your reply, reply soon

    Yours in Christ
    Pastor Sunil Bommala

    Asian Tsunami 04'

    From : Pastor Sunil Bommala
    Sent : Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:28 PM
    To : "Salvador Cruz" Subject : very heart breaking

    Dear Sal :)

    Greetings in Jesus Name, The recent Tsunami sea earthquake has made a lot of damage and loss to many of the families, many became homeless, lost their loved ones, and many are hospitalized, lost money and no food, the Government and some volunteer organizations are doing their best to help them out. 15 people who stay at Hyderabad went to Nagapatnam, in which a total family has been perished in this natures disaster. All the sea costal places has been affected very badly, the estimation is more than 50,000 that have lost their lives, The city where I live is Hyderabad which is in the central land, and we in our city do any have any effect of this Tsunami sea earthquake. Our orphan children 37 of them they stay at a village which is very near to the sea shore (machilipatnam), They are safe by the grace and the goodness of God. we are praying for these people that have lost their loved ones and homes and everything that they have. It is very heart breaking as a child was left alone in a span of time where he lost all of his family members (father, mother, brothers and sisters). There are such many heart breaking stories, please do pray for them, If only we had enough resources to help them, we could have truly helped these people.

    God blessings be upon you
    your friend in Christ
    Pastor Sunil Bommala

    Tsunami reconstruction

    "After the tsunami killed over 10,000 people, India rejected aid from foreign governments, arguing it has the resources to cope with disaster relief. But long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation is expected to cost 2 billion dollars, and New Delhi has asked the World Bank and Asian Development Bank for assistance."

    South Asian Relief Opportunities:

    -OMS' Evangelical Church of India quick to respond to tsunami needs, Oms International, church planting focus from Mission Network News
    Mission Opportunities: Tsunami Aftermath Relief Trips Tsunami - India, from
    "Truckloads of UNICEF water tanks being delivered to survivors of the Asian tsunami in India's Tamil Nadu state. As basic as they seem, these plastic tanks will provide clean drinking water to thousands of children and families. They will also help keep disease at bay in the overcrowded relief camps. Credits: Producer:Dan Thomas "

    -Short-Term Missions Trip to India, with teen missions international


  • Languages Spoken in India, from
  • -Hindi
    -Telegu, spoken in Andrah Pradesh


  • Indian Newspapers Online
  • Movies

  • Bollywood

  • Music

  • Parada, Indie-pop
  • Missions

    *from Fill the Void Ministries
    "Mat 10:42 And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward." "JESUS"

  • Shadows of Death: Part 1, from Travel the Road
  • Youth With A Mission

  • *Chennai
    Mission India

    "a Youth with a mission Discipleship training school team reaches out to the people in great nation of India. God certainly is on the move in India and 1 billion people do not know about jesus here. i was our honor that the Lord used us to speak the gospel to 6,000 pwople and minister salvation to around 100 people. The Church in India is Blowing up as nationals grow in there passion for God and an internal missionary mmovement is underway. it was our plesure to preach, teach, disciple, comfort, listen to, counsel, love, and make friends with the people of southern India. "


    From : prabhu kumari
    Reply-To : "prabhu kumari"
    Sent : Tuesday, September 7, 2004 10:32 PM
    To : saldapal@
    Subject : awaiting for reply

    Dear Brother
    My loving greetings to you in the most highly exalted name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And my father. Gods richest blessing be upon you forever. I am pastor s.prabhu kumari came from a devotive christan family. I am existing in the same path. Due to my strong Impulse I trained up as a pastor and I settled in the very noble profession that is in gospel service. Actually I laid my stress on the outreached places. My desire is to carry on the value message of god to all of our interior places. Among this task I properly assisted by my co-gospel workers. Now my task on out reached areas is on cordial and godly lines. You kindly pray to god in extending of our task according to him. Now I am narrate you about the orphan system. And I explained you on the existing conditions of orphan children in India. Here such these orphans are increasing day by day at a rapid rate. Because of their family disorganized conditions in the lapse of their beloved parents, and due to the disaster conditions of natural calamities, these orphans are generation on geometrical progression. Here these groups of victims called as "parking boys." , "Young rashvels", as "poison". Generally parking boys shall pass on their time at public places, like bus stops, railway stations and at some enterprises centers like petrol bunks. They struggled entire day for their owners, where they are accustomed with insufficient food. The young rashvels shall wonder on stress where they are starring for days in a week. The poison shall work in the fields of the landlords. But they are existing with quite Discontent towards their Diane needs, With such background these helpless buds are becoming as habitual criminals. As a mater of fact nowadays in India these victims are becoming as powerful criminals and anti social elements. Lack of proper family treatment, and at the dissatisfied conditions 0f their dairy needs, they are mounding like this. Of course it is one of the contemporary problem of our society. On seeing the practical conditions of them every human being shall feel sympathy at them. For sometimes these orphan children are competing with dogs at the dustbins. During the feasts of wealthy people. Here on our territory every person shall glance of his or her bitter and panic conditions, but nobody shall come forward to host them. It is the most disgraceful feature on the humanity in this world. Now computers and high technologies are developed are satisfactory ways, but no pity is coming from this sophisticated society towards these helpless victims. Really I pitted much on their existed conditions, and I proposed and planned to start an orphanage for the upliftment of the such helpless children according to the scripture James 1:27. Being a Christian I used to take my personal decisions according to Bible. It states that "Religion that is pure and undefiled before god and the father is this to visit orphans and windows in their affection and to keep oneself unstained from the world" James 1.27. These words impressed me much, where I decided to take the responsibility of such helpless children. Now it is running on cordial lines as per the grace of our Almighty. My funds are already exhausted. Now I am quite helpless by financial. In fact for some times I am unable to provide full pledged food at least. These kinds some nights wakeup suddenly they cry and weep for food. But I am sustaining with penniless conditions. If I go to my Church people in offerings any assistance, they are also existing under financial frustration. So I am in dialomo in operating our orphanage. I am praying to go in order to acquire any heavenly support from any side. Since all these days I am searching for a heavenly person like you in order to look into the need of our orphan children. I believe that God had kindly chosed you for our task on my territory, and I am in storing belief of that our orphan kids may kindly be benefited at your majesty. Little support extended by you shall save the lives of our orphan children, and it shall be the heavenly blessing for you. You kindly look into the arising need of me on behalf of our orphanage. You graciously pass on this message to all of your friends and people those who working along with you. You try to support us on our arising need. At least you kindly inform me the address of some other heavenly person, so as to obtain the necessary support. Our orphan children are heartily sending then love and kisses to you. When I talk to them about this letter, they prayed to in tears so as to motivate you by God on their need. You never forget of our orphan children. They shall be grateful to you on your kind support.Finally I state that being a devotive and dedicated Christian I am quite accountable in the Court of our mighty heavenly God. Until my blood is red I never louse of my firm faith in God. Now I am concluding this letter by thanking you in the prestigious name of our Lord Jesus. I, our orphan children, and our church people are all prayerfully, and hopefully awaiting at your gracious reply in the matter. My Christian love shall be open your forever.

    Your in His services
    pastor s.prabhu kumari

    Related Links:

  • Indian Preacher Seeks to Rescue Children Orphaned by Tsunami Disaster, from Charisma News

  • "Paul's Charity City, a children orphanage near Hyderabad, India, is considered the world's largest children's home. Funded largely by Cincinnati Reds owner Carl Lindner, GPI ( established the home in 2000 and it currently houses approximately 1,000 orphans.
    Born in Andhra Pradesh, India, Paul didn't cancel plans for a crusade this weekend in Andhra Pradesh, which suffered casualties. "It's an incredible opportunity to preach the gospel like never before," Paul, 41, told CharismaNow. "God can absolutely use this situation to bring more people into His kingdom than ever before from these countries."


  • Mahatma Gandhi, official site

  • Related Links:
  • Mother Theresa of Calcutta, from

  • Mission of Mercy
    Related Sites:
    Nobel Prize
    Mission of Mercy, Calcutta, from
    "Two Canadians travel to Calcutta, India. They visit the Mission of Mercy, find the final resting place of Mother Teresa and discover other sights of interest."
    "(August 26, 1910 – September 5, 1997), was a Roman Catholic nun who founded the Missionaries of Charity and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work. For over forty years, she ministered to the needs of the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying in Kolkata (Calcutta), India."


    -Name of Allah
    Ex-Muslim Christian Missionary murdered by Islamic Militants

    "A missionary(Former muslim) in India who was brutally murdered by Islamic militants.

    Personal Testimonies

  • Satyajayathe, personal testimony tells how a man who was born an orthodox Hindu came to accept Jesus.
  • Religion

    Did you know in the story of Naamun-2 Kings 5 of Christianity's Bible: Old Testament, he had to wash himself 7x in the river to be healed. However, the real source of his healing was from God, not the river-it was an act of obedience!

  • Hindusim, from Leader U
  • Sports

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  • Last over of the India vs Pakistan 20 20 Final - Must See


    I am India

    "This film is a journey through emerging India," the fastest growing free market democracy in the world". It celebrates the relentless spirit of the people of India, who through their karma give it a place amongst the leading economic nations of the world. Conceived and produced by Bharatbala Productions (BBP) for India Band Equity Foundation (IBEF"

  • Lonely Planet, travel info
  • -Maps

  • Andhra-Pradesh, map of assembly constituencies
  • District Map

  • -Tenali
    "Tenali is known for its rich cultural and literary legacy. It has produced many famous poets, theatre artists, scholars, actors and academicians. Because of its contribution to literature, theatre, films and education, it is called as Andhra Paris. Tenali has contributed a major share of artists to Telugu stage drama. "

    "This girl was born deaf and dumb. The father of this little girl went to many hospitals seeking help for his daughter but found none. This man found out miracles were happening at our Pastors' Conference in Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India and pressed through the crowd to get to the front. After learning of the situation I cast a deaf and dumb spirit out of her in the Name of JESUS. Praise GOD, she was completely set free. "
    Bangalore (Kannada)
    The Holy Spirit at Work MILLIONS in India saw miracles -13

    Gurrapu Thanda
    Americans Dancing Traditional Dance In India

    "During The Crusade of Benny Hinn January 2005 more than SEVEN MILLION people attended the meetings in India (Bangalore, Kannada ). And MILLIONS accept Jesus Christ, THE HEALER as their LORD and SAVIOR."


  • Maps of India
  • 101 Ways to Change the World
    "We believe every single person has the power to make a tremendous difference in our world. Too often we're just not sure what to do, how to help, or how or where to get started. These 101 ideas will propel you to get started, and then guide you as you move forward. No matter where you live; how much money you make (or don't make); whether you are healthy or sick; whether you are young or old; whether you are busy or have a lot of free time - YOU can make a difference! Take a minute and watch our exclusive flash movie. THANKS! You'll never be the same!"
    *With God's help!

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