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Thailand Outreach



To: LAMP/Fritz Cobrado
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 6:45 PM
Subject: The Impact of the Media in Thailand

Youth Gatherings 2004 & The Bangkok Call 22 - 26 June 2004 Chiangmai Thailand Bob Fitts will not be able to come to this conference because he needs to take a break and need to be refresh, but the show is still go on. We have Daniel Kikawa, Sonic Edge band,Jesus Revolution band and Mark Rife to do the worship seminar. Please pray for this conference. The Bangkok Call 27 June 2004 Huamark Soccer Stadium Bangkok

Thank God for all the church leaders in Bangkok that see the important of the young people. I was questioned by many of them why we have to do this open air worship for the youth but after meeting up with some of them thing was sorted out. As you know that young people has lots of energy and if we do not use them in the way of the Lord, it can be end up like those 100 young people in south Thailand that died because the deception from the enemy. God is raising up young people in Thailand and it is our responsibilty to guide them and give them opportunities to serve God. Please continue to pray for the committee that arranging this gatherings.

Asian Tsunami Post-Christmas 2004 Disaster Relief

Koh Phi Phi tsunami volunteer's perspective

"One volunteer's experience working on Koh Phi Phi, Thailand, for the months following the Asian tsunami"

Related Sites:

  • FRIST, REID, COLEMAN AND DAYTON LEAD BIPARTISAN DRIVE ON CAPITOL HILL TO ASSIST IN RESTORING THAI FISHING ECONOMY DEVASTATED BY TSUNAMI Senators urge Senate members and staff to consider American Refugee Committee’s Fishing Boat Project, from U.S. Senator Norm Coleman
  • Thai student's good times, sad times Brian Williams, Associate Editor

    By Brian Williams
    Sun Tribune

    The 2005 graduating class of Morris Area High School will include Orachoon Boonyakiat, exchange student from Thailand.
    It’s been an exciting time for her, but Orachoon’s year in the U.S. comes at a time of great tragedy for her country. The tsunami of late December took a great toll in terms of human life.
    “It was a pretty sad thing for the Thai people,” Orachoon said. More than 5,000 people died in Thailand when massive ocean swells, powered by an underwater earthquake, swept southern coastlines. More than 3,000 others are reported missing.
    Many victims were foreigners vacationing at the area’s renowned beach resorts. Orachoon’s family was not directly affected, but she noted that the disaster was made especially acute on the famous Thai beach of “Phuket” by the fact that the wave arrived in daytime, when so many people were milling around.

    “They didn’t know the danger,” she said, “because there was no precedent. They just couldn’t believe it.” Her name is pronounced OR-a-shoon BOON-ya-kiah. She is staying with the family of Allan Saugstad and Pastor Cheryl Matthews, who reside on West Fourth Street overlooking Lake Crystal.

    Morris Sun Tribune (Saturday, Janurary 29th 2005

    Related Sites:

  • Phuket Gazette
  • Phuket Travel

  • Reccomended Resources



  • Swatdee Thai Restaurants, location directory in Minnesota
  • Services

  • Lao Center


  • CIA Factbook

  • "A bloodless revolution in 1932 led to a constitutional monarchy. In alliance with Japan during World War II, Thailand became a US ally following the conflict. Thailand is currently facing separatist violence in its southern ethnic Malay-Muslim provinces."

  • Thai American Young Professionals Association, linked from Asians in America Project


    FATHER'S LOVE LETTER IN THAI - Allan Rich vdos



    MESSAGE FOR THAI PEOPLE (Thai subtitle English) - Allan Rich

    "MESSAGE FOR THAI PEOPLE (Thai subtitle English) -"


  • Info Please

  • "Formerly called Siam, Thailand has never experienced foreign colonization. The British gained a colonial foothold in the region in 1824, but by 1896 an Anglo-French accord guaranteed the independence of Thailand. A coup in 1932 demoted the monarchy to titular status and established representative government with universal suffrage.
    At the outbreak of World War II, Japanese forces attacked Thailand. After five hours of token resistance Thailand yielded to Japan on Dec. 8, 1941, subsequently becoming a staging area for the Japanese campaign against Malaya. Following the demise of a pro-Japanese puppet government in July 1944, Thailand repudiated the declaration of war it had been forced to make in 1942 against Britain and the U.S."

  • Wikipedia

  • "The country's official name was Siam (Thai: สยาม; IPA: [saˈjaːm], RTGS: Sayam origin unknown) until June 24, 1939,[3] and between 1945 and May 11, 1949, when it was changed to Thailand by official proclamation. The word Thai (ไทย) is not, as commonly believed to be, derived from the word Thai (ไท) meaning "freedom" in the Thai language; it is, however, the name of an ethnic group from the central plains....


  • Four Square Int'l Missions

  • Jesus Revolution Thailand Outreach 2007

    "Filipino youth changing the spiritual atmosphere in Thailand"
    Thailand Summer 2007 Mission

    "A team of 6 young adults and one leader from Riverside Vineyard Church went to Nakhon Sri Thammarat, a city in Southern Thailand, to train and equip the Thai church in revival ministry. This fun, shor... more >>
    A team of 6 young adults and one leader from Riverside Vineyard Church went to Nakhon Sri Thammarat, a city in Southern Thailand, to train and equip the Thai church in revival ministry. This fun, short video documents some of their journey. Thai believers were encouraged and trained, the lost were saved, the sick were healed, and those oppressed by demons were set free. Yay God"

  • YWAM

  • YWAM-Thailand

    "A video that documents a mission trip by YWAM to Thailand."


    Thai Pastor's Testimony

    "A pastor from Bangkok shares his testimony and video of Thailand."


  • Lonely Planet
  • Tourism Thailand
  • Thank you for visiting UMMAlpha! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

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