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Caucasian: Moldovan


Today (Nov. 18th 2006), I decided to write about the Moldovans I've met this year so far. The first one I met was Andrew, who came to one of the weekly Wenesday classes (Morris Literacy Project: ESL) earlier this winter with Tony (Bulgraria). He went to the bana with us at my associate pastor's house. I began to me a couple more throughout the year. One was at the college campus during the annual UMM Welcome International Students Supper at the China Grand Buffet (sponsored by Tom McRoberts, Center for Int'l Student Programs Director) late August. The second one is Vadim, who I finally got his name right last night during a farewell party for Ukranian friend/ESL student I've gotten to know.

Reccomended Resources



Father Abraham


  • CIA World Factbook
  • Moldova
  • Homes

    Another old Moldovan home


  • Country Watch
  • Language

  • Moldovan Language, from
  • Maps

  • World Atlas
  • Missions

    Ashley Preaching

  • Greater Europe Mission Christian Missionary Resource
  • Janz Team, profile on these Roman ancestors, which was the first site I found when "google"
  • Travel

  • Lonely Planet
  • Travel to Moldova
  • Wikipedia
  • Thank you for visiting UMMAlpha! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

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