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Native American Indian Alumn

City, State,-Country:
Year of graduation:
What were your expectations of UMM before coming here?
Did you meet these expectations?
What were the biggest challenges here?
What were the biggest accomplishments?
How did you get involved with CNIA?
What activities did you participate in and outside of CNIA during your time at UMM?
Do you have any advice for current/future CNIA students that come to UMM-Morris, MN?
What's life like after UMM for you; what do you do now (eg. family, job, etc...) that your experience in CNIA/UMM is helping you do right now?
Any questions (eg. to be added to this questionnaire), comments, etc..?

*Note: If you were not involved with CNIA, please answer these questions as best as you can from your Native American Indian background as many students that read this would like to identify with you regarding your common heritage.

Below are separte student organization's I was involved in when I attended UMM from 1995-1999. I met many diverse people in UMM when I got involved with different student organizations (culturally, religiously, etc..) Sadly to say, it does appear these links I set up are segregated. Explanation down below.....

  • UMM Alpha & Omega: African American Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Asian Student Association Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM International Student Association Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM IVCF Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • Latino Alumn Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Morris Community Church Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Alumn's Overall Questionaaire Feedback
  • UMM Alumni Relations

    *Note: I'm not intentionally segregating each race. I'm actually distinguishing each student organization I was involved in with each former alumn's experience (each has a different question as each member came from a different background and went through a different experience here at UMM) with each organization. God has opened my eyes when I was an "involved" student at UMM and continues to do so after living here. Getting involved with various student organizations was a time of searching my identity, which I found it-in Christ-one of many God's children I think that is why it's been hard to leave "Motown"!

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