Native Indian Americans


Aaniin-Hello in Ojibwe! I can't remember my first actual experience with Native American culture. I guess growing up in the St. Paul Public school system was probably my first time in the classrooms or pow wow events we attended.

Going to UMM was probably the most significant educational-cultural impact. UMM has roots of this unique culture as there was a Catholic Indian School before this campus. In fact, one can tell with the names around the college campus: Turtle Mountain Cafe (Student Center's cafeteria), Oyate Hall, etc... Also, the Cultural Native Indian American (UMM student organization) group sponsors an annual Pow-Wow each spring, which other area Indian reservations participate.

I've been to camps that has focus on reaching out to the Native American people with Morris Community Church, which I've been able to pull up some of the following resources down below. For example, I went to Hungry Horse-Glacier National Park in Montana in the summer of 2002, which I learned more of other tribes (eg. Black Feet) other than the familiar ones in Minnesota (Ojibwe, Dakotah, etc...).

I've talk to some Native American Indian Christians, which they share the importance of not condemning ancient cultural customs (eg. pow wows). They can be a "vessel" in relating-reaching to these people. One I met at the "Ethnic Harvest 03" conference told me we need to embrace the different ethnic cultural heritage:

Ethnic/Indigenous Music is a pwerful tool in reaching a group of people
-ex. drum at the boys and girls club in contrast to the popularity of rap

*Above is some text I got from a worksheet that got passed at a workshop on "Ethnic/Indigenous Music" by David Innerebner (Native American Indian Christian, who travels all over to speak on this topic) at "Ethnic Harvest 2003" in the Twin Cities.

Personal Testimonies:

  • Power to Change Testimony

  • Reccomnded Resources

    Native American Indian Alumn


    College Campus

  • CNIA, Circle of Nations Indian Association-UMM Student Organization
  • History
    -Otter Tail County Museum in Fergus Falls, MN

    UMM Connections


  • Circle News, a native american news and arts monthly newspaper
  • *got this at the annual Pow Wow they do every year at UMM


  • Wilma Mankiller, November 5 2003

  • Wilma shared about the need of more respect for Native American Indian women and her experience working for the rights for her Cherokee "family" and Native American Indian family overall through the values of the collectivist culture.


    Current News

  • Mdetawakan Sioux Oyate Wins Court Case (10/27/04), from US Courts

  • I first heard of this shooting last night while I was at work (group home), which I was very dissapointed and turned it off. I would later hear about the seriousness when I went home after work and had a long prayer for this situation the following morning with folks from my local church. I decided to do some "google" search=>

    Related Links:
    -Current News Coverage
    Seeking answers in shooting rampage John McIntyre, Star Tribune March 22, 2005 REDLAKE0323
    "The shooting ramapage by Jeff Weise, a 17-year-old student at Red Lake High School, on Monday killed his grandfather and his grandfather's wife and seven more people, at the school. "
    -Red Lake Nation's History
    F.B.I. says “foul play suspected” in Red Lake shooting death (12/01 Maquah, )
    -School Shootings
    School Shooting Map
    A Time Line of Recent Worldwide School Shootings, not just a problem in the U.S. (from


  • Sulekha, classified for Minneapolis
  • Ministries

  • Eagles Wings, serving youth
  • Wiconi International

    Below is a shared experience that I thought was an awesome personal testimony from Wiconi's founder:

    Background & History of First Nations Ministry Christianity -- The White Man' s Religion For many Native people, the gospel of Jesus Christ has not been good news, but bad. It is tragic that Christianity is seen as a threat to their cultural identity and traditional way of life. Jesus Christ Breaks Barriers As a Lakota born on South Dakota's Rosebud Reservation, Richard Twiss knows first-hand the hatred toward white people many Native people feel. He even went so far as to participate with the American Indian Movement (AIM) in the 1972 militant takeover and forced occupation of the offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, in Washington D.C. Today, however, Richard Twiss is a different person. "I am grateful to God that, like you, I have also experienced the inner transformation Jesus Christ produces in those who love him. As a Native man, I know the Spirit of God can break through the strongest lies that still keep our people separated from Christ." Challenges In the midst of the rich heritage and potential for First Nations people, there exist centuries-old obstacles and challenges. Less than 5% of Native people have a vital relationship with Christ. Many of our people suffer an alcoholism rate 10 times that of all other ethnic groups in the U.S. combined, teen suicide six times the national average, highest rates of unemployment in the land, severe economic hardships, and an average life expectancy for Native men of 47.


  • Famous Daves" Native American is an enrolled member of the Chippewa and Choctaw tribes and is the founder of Famous Dave’s of America, recognized as one of the Hottest Restaurant Concept’s in America by Nation’s Restaurant News"
  • Nation



  • Mainstream Hollywood Actors with Native Ancestry

  • Johnny Depp Fan Site


  • Indian Hills Community Church, located in a Native American Indian community in Lincoln, Nebraska

  • *met Matt, a church attendee, who was visiting his friend Heather (friend of Sunny's) in Morris at Common Cup on Tuesday, March 15th of 2005

    Ethnic/Tribe Focus

  • Cherokee NationOklahoma based
  • Lakhota Sioux, South Dakota based

  • Sioux Nation: Lakota & Dakota
  • Salishan, from Wikipedia

  • *met Malee from Spokanne, WA
  • Federally Recognized American Indian Tribes, from indiancircle
  • Gospel Tips

  • How to Minister to Natives, from Fern Cloud Chief Eagle
  • History

  • American Indian Bigographies, from
  • Lewis Clarke's contacts w/50 tribes, a PBS link
  • Native Americans, history
  • Tribal Index, 80 western native american tribes historically documented in 20 volumes
  • Languages

  • Native American Indian Tribes & Languages
  • Miscellaneous

  • Christianity-X, Native links
  • Movies

  • Skins, story on Pine Ridge (post Sitting Bull or Custard battle)

  • Reviews: (1-native arts)

  • Smoke Signals
  • Music

    Broken Walls: Sing to the Mountains

  • Red Cloud, hip-hop artist from California

  • *performed in Morris' Common Cup Coffeehouse as part of the first week of classes celebration for the local college campus-UMM. I met him for the first time at a youth-outreach event called, "See You At the Party" in Alexandria in Dec. 31s of 2003.
  • Amazing Grace, an Cherokee National Anthem (see Negro Spiritual) sang during the "Trail of Tears"
    "This hymn was written in 1779 by John Newton who, until his early 20's, was an unbeliever. A decade later he had become a devout preacher. The tune was known as "an early American Melody" and became a favorite of the Cherokees. It was sung on the Trail of Tears and can be considered the Cherokee National anthem."
    Related Sites:
    Cherokee, from Wikipedia


  • Native American Spirituality, article
  • Restaurants

  • Hard Rock Cafe

  • Hard Rock Cafe sold to Native Americans, from CNN-Money (12/7/06)
    " The Seminole tribe of Florida to pay $965 million to Britain's Rank Group for restaurant and casino business."


  • Oglala Lakota College, in South Dakota
  • Global


  • Aboriginal Awards, from Turtle Island Network
  • Culture Specific Ministries, Division for Congregational Ministries of the ELCA
  • Native Web, resources for indigeneous cultures around the world
  • -Language

  • American Indian Language Resources, from Osaka University in Japan
  • Media

  • Indian Life, newspaper reaching for Jesus Christ
  • Missions

  • China Trip Report 1999, from Wiconi Int'l
  • Gospel Resources for Native Americans, an Ethnic Harvest link

  • Books & Video References:

    "Brucko", by Bruce Olson
    I had the privilege to read this for a missions class thay my local church held each Sunday morning before church service one year when I was still in college (1999?)
    Pocahontas: The True Story of an American Hero and Her Christian Faith
    Andy Holmes,James Conaway / Hardcover / Ballantine Books, Inc. /
    October 1995

    MOVIES: Wounded Knee, Squanto, Dances with Wolves, Runner-Native American, Smoke Signals

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