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May 22-June 21

Symbolic Sign: Twins
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Modality: Mutable
Compatability: Libra and Aquarius
Gemstone: Agate
Metal: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Trees: Nut-bearing Trees
Flowers: Lily of the Valley, Lavender, Maidenhair, Myrtle, and Fern
Foods: Nuts, Veggies that grow above ground(except cabbage), and Carrots
Animals: Small birds, Minah birds and Parrots, Butterflies, and Monkeys
Countries: Wales, Belgium, USA, Lower Egypt, Sardinia, and Armenia

Traditional Gemini Traits:
~Adaptable and Versatile
~Communicative and Witty
~Intellectual and Eloquent
~Youthful and Lively
~Nervous and Tense
~Superficial and Inconsistent
~Cunning and Inquisitive

~Playing music
~Speaking Foreign Languages

~The Same old Routine

Suitable Careers:
~Travel Agent
~Commercial Traveler
~Traveling Salesman
~Telephone Operator

Other Gemini Facts:
~If the Gemini native sounds a little puzzling to you, you're not alone. Few can fully understand the whimsical nature of this truly enigmatic sign. Now you see them, now you don't, and sometimes you'll see double. Gemini is the sign of the twins, remember, and you'll have to consider you're dealing with more than one personality. Within each Gemini man or woman is at least two people, sometimes more, and you'll have to learn to tell them apart if you are going to have any success at all in dealing with the capricious sign of the twins.
~You can expect June-born to exemplify the qualities of their ruling planet, Mercury. There is an electrical quality, an alert cheerfulness, especially in the eyes, which can make them some of the most engaging people you'd ever want to meet. Their mental alacrity is matched only by the quickness and eagerness of their movements, all bound up in an almost inexhaustible supply of nervous energy. You'll think their only speed is fast forward, but in the next moment, they'll be suave, cool and collected, endearing you with their wit and charm. On again, off again; up again, down again.