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Ansolme Bailey descendants 1st through 3rd generations

Descendants of Anselme Bailey ŠAll rights reserved. No part of these pages may be reproduced in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher,except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.
Generation No. 1 1. ANSELME1 BAILEY was born 1604 in Gloucester Co, Eng. Notes for ANSELME BAILEY: first 2 gen from-James Millard. 697526-0104100082611. 7350 Estes St., Arvada, CO, 80005, Date 9 Dec 1999 (Pedigree Resource File disc 9-pin # 611466) (I have not proven these 2 gens-Donna) Jun 2003 Child of ANSELME BAILEY is: 2. i. WILLIAM2 BAILEY, b. 1621, Gloucester Co, Eng. Generation No. 2 2. WILLIAM2 BAILEY (ANSELME1) was born 1621 in Gloucester Co, Eng. Child of WILLIAM BAILEY is: 3. i. ANSOLME3 BAILEY, b. Abt. 1650, ; d. Abt. 1688, Surry Co., VA. Generation No. 3 3. ANSOLME3 BAILEY (WILLIAM2, ANSELME1) was born Abt. 1650 in , and died Abt. 1688 in Surry Co., VA.
He married ELIZABETH ? Abt. 1670 in Isle of Wight Co, VA. She was born Abt. 1650 in unknown, ? England,
and died Aft. August 20, 1714 in Surry Co., VA. Notes for ANSOLME BAILEY: #6-updated Mar 2004 Researched & compiled by Genealogy Specialist, Donna Beers 453 NW 171 Rd, Warrensburg, MO 64093. (10th great-granddau) I started working on this line in 1970 and in 2010 still working on it! Maybe someday it will be completed.
As of now I am trying to find the England Baileys. ***PLEASE NOTE***If you use any part of this line PLEASE give the researchers listed with their family credit
for the work they have done. Thank you, Donna Beers. 1. Ansolme may have came from Wheatenhurst or Elmore, Gloucestershire, ENG (Name of Ansolme, Anselm, etc was common in this shire which includes Bristol. Name not found elsewhere.) 2. The 1st listing I (DB) have found on Ansolme is from "Bristol to America" (Ansell Bayly to John Driver, 5 yrs-VA-10 Sep 1661-Bristol Registers)per; Donna Beers 3. Thomas Ward & wife Anne, sell to Anselem Bayley 100 Acres in L.P. on Virgos Creek, 09 Oct 1682. John Lear Ar. Allen.
Will & Deed Book 1. Boddie, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight. p 592. 4. Is in Titables from 1680 to 1687 Lawnes Creeke parish, Surry Co, VA. 5. Surry Militia 1687 ******************************************************************************* Isle of Wight Co, VA, Bk 1661-1701, p 137. 17 Feb 1675, Appraisal of the estate of Robert Middleton dec'd. presented by Anselm Bailey.
Appraisal by: William Oldis, RICHARD JORDAN SR, Tristram Knowles, William Bradshaw. Rec. 17 Feb 1675. ******************************************************************************** WILL Surry Co,VA-1688 p72a,73 Reel 2: All children under age sixteen 1st=1st son: John, when he comes of ye age sixteen, my negro boy, Harry and bay mare about 5 years old,
named Sib, with her increase, two cows and calfs, two sows and two barrow-between two and three years old
and my shortest gun. 2nd=2nd son: Ansolme Bayly, the one half of my land or thereabouts being divided from ye Plantation I live on.
Nineteen acres or thereabout on ye south side ye road. I also give my 2nd son, two cows & calves, two sows,
and two barrow betweens two & three yrs old and my longest gun all to be delivered to him at sixteen yrs of age. 3rd=dau: Joan, one feather bed, rug and pair of blankets and a bay mare filly, to be delivered to here when she comes
to ye age of fifteen or is married. 4th=sons: Walter, Robert and William to each of them, three thousand pounds of tobacco, when they come
of ye age of sixteen years. 5th=dau, Eliz, two sows and two burrows between two and three years old and I oblige my son, John to pay her a mare
between three and four yr, sold when she comes to age 15 or is married. 6th=I give my loving wife, Eliza, the Plantation where I now live as long as she remains unmarried together with all
the rest of my estate, but from immediately after her marriage or death, I give my Plantation to my eldest son, John. I do also appoint and ordain my loving wife, Eliza and my son John, Executor and Executrix of this my last Will
and Testament and I do appoint: Robert Caufield and Arthur Allen to be overseers or Exe-intrust. Ansolme Bayly (mark) ********************************************************************************* Notes from Thom Bailey: The origin in England of Ansolme Bayly is not shown in any of the records as yet located all that can be found
is evidence he sailed from Bristol in Gloucestershire in western England to Virginia probably in 1661. "Bristol to America". He came as an indentured to a John Driver who presumably paid his passage. No record of a head right claim has been found.
From the data available a case can be made that Ansolme was from Gloucestershire not Necessarily Bristol. Examination of records in England for the 1500's and 1600's finds the name Anselm Bayly and variations widely present
in Gloucestershire but seemingly absent elsewhere in England. A number of Anselm Bayleys in the Gloucestershire record
have been assembled into a pedigree but the pedigree appears to incomplete to identify if Ansolme or his family is present.
Further work is needed on this pedigree and preparation of pedigrees for other Bayly families in Gloucestershire in the
1500's and 1600's to try to identify Ansolme and his parents. There are of course other Baylys who came to Virginia
from Gloucestershire in the record. The second line of evidence for a Gloucestershire origin is the name Driver. The Driver family were landholders
in Gloucestershire, not titled but freemen, of some position. The Drivers were related to at least one Bayly family.
In this Bayly family, same pedigree as the one mentioned previously, the name Anselm appears. On or before
26 October 1662 or possibly even before 1657 a Giles Driver immigrated to Virginia to Isle of Wight County and took
up farming. Giles was a nephew of a John Driver of Gloucestershire and it seems likely the John Driver that
Ansolme was indentured to. Not surprisingly in 1682 after Ansolme would have served out his indenture,
admittedly long after, he bought land in Isle of Wight suggesting he might have been living there all along. A likely
scenario has Ansolme working on Giles Driver's farm(s) in Isle of Wight from 1661 until his indenture expired in 1666.
The Driver connection added to the Anselm Bayly name in Gloucestershire makes a strong case for Ansolme Bayly coming
from Gloucestershire. Interestingly in 1689 another Anselm Bayly appears in Virginia this time in New Kent County. His name appears in a
head right to a Henry Waring. As far as known these are the only two Anselm Baylys who immigrated to Virginia in the
1600's and may be more correctly to America in the 1600's. This Anselm's origin and his descendants are both unknown
but the name suggests a Gloucestershire origin. In looking at the Gloucestershire record one will have to look for two Anselm Baylys who immigrated, one in 1661
and another in 1689. Conceivably these two Anselms could have been related in Gloucestershire. Notes for ELIZABETH ?: ELIZABETH_?_ In most early records Elizabeth is listed as WARREN, but I have do not have any proof of this.
It has never been proven as of Jan 2003 (Donna Beers). She may of come from England, like Ansolme. Elizabeth first married Ansolme Baley, who was a footman in the Surry County Militia. Seven children of this marriage.
Second marriage to James Boyce. Two daughters from this marriage, Mary and Sarah Boyce. Mary Boyce b. abt 1690,
married bef Oct 1712, Northampton Co, NC to her stepbrother Samuel Tarver. Samuel Tarver is said to have been killed by Nottoway Indians. It is Samuel and Mary Traver's seven sons to whom many
Tarver researchers trace their roots. Children of Samuel & Mary TRAVER; 1.Andrew, 2. Thomas, 3. Samuel, 4. James, 5. Jacob, 6. Benjamin,
7. John (may have Daus also) Elizabeth \?\ Bailey Boyce, had married third-Thomas Traver about 1711. ****************************** Surry County, VA Court Records, transcribed with the original spelling. What follows are brief abstracts of miscellaneous court records related to Elizabeth \?\. In most early records Elizabeth is listed as WARREN, but I have do not have any proof of this. Surry County, VA Court Records Pt -Jan, 1682-Pt.1691 Bk 4 Pg.676 - The Last Will & Testament of Anselene BAYLY Pved in Court by the oath of Tho. ? WHITE & Ni. PASFlELD & a
Pbate granted James BOYCE who married Eliz. his wife the Extx. therein named. Whereas by the last Will & Testament of
Anselene BAYLY deced he hath given severall Legacies to his seven Children & James BOYCE who married Eliz. the Exx.
of the said deced. Comeing into Court and tendering to the Court the Estates of John, Anselene, Jeane and Elizabeth
Orphans of the said deced. Mr. Robert RUPPIN is requested and appoynted to dispose of the said Orphans Estates to such
Pson or Psons as he shall finde fitt who are at the next Court to appeare and give security for the same; And the said
BOYCE also offering that he would keepe ye. Estates of the other three orphans of the said deced. and give Security for
the same, vizt: Walter, Robert? & William & Mr. Robert CAUFEETLD & Wm. CLARY Entering themselves security for the said
BOYCE's due paymt. of the said three orphts. Estates according to ye. Will of their Deced. Father they are accepted &
Ordered that they give Bond accordingly. Pg.692 P: 1688/89 - Grand jury sworn for July and January Courts: included Mr. James BOYCE Pg.695 7?br. 24th. - Eliza. wife to Cha. SAVAGE appearing in Court & freely & voluntarily relinquishing her Rt. of Dower
of in 7 to a Pcell of Land sold by her said Husband to ,Ja. BOYCE It is therefore admitted to Record. Pg.701 - Michael IZARD acknowledging in Court to have reced. of James BOYCE six thousand pds. of tobo. & Caske belonging
to Walter & Robert. BAYLY Orphans of Anselene BAYLY deced. and Jno. BARNES & Edward TAYLER Entering themselves security for
the said IZARDS due paymt. of the same to the said Orphans they are accepted and ordrd. that they give Bond accordingly,
and that the sd. James BOYCE be discharged from ye. same. Pg.722 - James BOYCE one of the Grand jury who failed in ,July Cort last to appeare and give in his presentments as
he ought having been summoned to shew cause why he did not appeare and now shewing now lawfull Excuse is fined one
hundred pds. of tobacco to be pd. the use of this County according to Law with costs als. Exo. Surry County Va Court Records: Pg.13 - 9ber 7th. 1691 Capt. Robert RANDALL appearing in Court & acknowledging a Deede of Sale of a Parcell of Land to,
James BOYCE to be his reall Act 7 Deede, -rt is admitted to Record. Pg.18 - James BOYCE appearing in court & acknowledging a Deede of sale of a Parcell of Land sold to William GRAY to be
his reall Act and deede It is admitted to Record. Pg.19 - Eliza. wife to James BOYCE appearing in Court & relinquishing her Rt. of Dower of in 7 to a certaine Parcell
of Land sold by her said Husband to Wm. GRAY to be her reall Act & Deedee It is admitted to Record. Pg.20 - Win. GRAY & Tho: BAGE presenting themselves security for Ja. BOYCE his due payment of three thousand pds.
of tobo: & Caske to Mn: Orphan of Anseline BAYLY deced. they are accepted and Ordered to give bond accordingly,
and the said BOYCE having at a Court held for this County May the 7th. 1689 caused Michael TZARD to appeare in Court, and the sd. Hichaell then giveing security for the Estates of Walter & Robert
BAYLY Orphans of Anseline BAYLY deced., which he acknowledged he had in his Custody, whereby it appeasrs the said BOYCE
had fully discharged the bond Entered into (is struck through) past by Mr. Robert Caufield (deced. (is struck through))
(since deced.) & Wm.: CLARY fox the said three Orphans Estates, the said bond is therefore declared void. Pg. 22 - Mr: WATKINS is appointed surveyr: of the Highway from the old field on the upperside of wareneck Mill that
goeth by his house till it meete with the former used Roade from Wareeneck to the Stoney Run, John VINCENT, Fra: SOWERBY,
Richard ROSE, Tho. COLLIER & James BOYCE Plantations are appointed to containe the persons to keepe the sd. Roade in good
and sufficient repair and forthwith to make it a sufficient roade for Horse and foot. Pg.36 - JANRY 1696/9- March 1698/9 James BOYCE power to Nicho. SMITH proved in cort. by the Oath of Eliza. BOYCE is
admitted to Record. Nicho. Smith by .Virtue of a power from James BOYCE appearing in Cort. and acknowledging a Deede
of Sale of a P:cell of Land sold by ye. sd. James BOYCE to Wm. WARREN to be the said BOYCEs reall Act and Deede,
It is admitted to record. Eliza. wife to James BOYCE appearing in court and relinquishing her Rt. of Dower of in & to
a Pcell of Land sold by her said Husband to Will. WARREN, It is admitted to records. Pg.214 - March 1698/9 Elizabeth BOYCE being presented by the grandeur for fornication, It is ordered that the Sheriffe
summon her to appeare at the next Court to answr. the same. Pg.219 - Mrch 1698/9 Elizabeth BOYCE who was presented by the grandjury for fornication and summoned to appeare at this
Court to answr. the same being called to come forth and not appearing It is ordered that the sheriffe take her into his
custody and there detaine her untill she shall enter into bond with good and sufficient security for her appearance at
the next court to answr. the said presentmt. Pg.224 - JULY 1698/9 Elizabeth BOYCE haveing been Presented by the grandjury for fornication appearing in Court and
confessing the fact It is therefore ordered that she pay the fine imposed by an Act of Assembly made at James Citty in
the yeare 1696 entituled an act for punishmt. of fornication and other sinns and offences wth. cost of suite asl. Exon. Pg.249 - persons fined - 7th Mar 1696. for fornication; Eliz. BOYCE. It you find any errors, please contact: Lotus Dale Cirilo at, or at PO Box 2035, Tyler, Texas 75710-2035. This came from Will of THOMAS TARVER Written 13 Dec 1711. Probated 20 Aug 1714. Surry Co., VA. Will Bk.6, Pg.125. Thomas Tarver's Will Legatees - Daughter-in-law, Christian Baly. Mentions Ann Warren. Son, Samuel Tarver Wife, Elizabeth Tarver. Makes son Executor. Wit: Robert Bayly, Thos. Waller. Att a Court at Southwrark for the County of Surry August 20th 1714 This day appeared in Court the above named John Allen & did acknowledge the above aforesaid Specified Contents to be
(??) which is ordered to be recorded & is recorded by J.Allen cc. In the name of God Amen the Last Will & Testament of Thomas Tarver being sick in weak in body but of perfect since
& memory do revoke & make void all other wills & Declare this my Last Will & Testament in the manner and form following. : I bequeath my soul to god hoping by the mercy of Jesus Christ my Savior to have everlasting Salvation. : I bequeath my body to the earth to to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors as shall be heretoafter
named & what worldly estate as God hath bestowed upon me I bestow & give as followeth my funerall charges & just debts
being (illegible] : I give my whole estate of (what?] nature or kind forever only live [Ewes?] and lambs I give to my daughter-in-law
Christian Baly & : only to Ann Warrin all the rest of my estate goods & chattells : [illegible] to Imp (illegible] I give be equally divided between my son Samuel Tarver & my loving wife Elizabeth Tarver : only the large brown [chest??] I desire my son Samuel may have it [belonging to??) his mother her other Effect : I appoint my son Samuel forever my whole & sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament bearing Date December 13th 1711 Signed and Declared the presence of us Robert [Xhis mark] Baly Thomas Warren, 7r. NOTES Thomas TARVER is said to have m. (1) before coming to America; her name is not known. He married (2) a widow, Elizabeth (?)
Bailey Boyce, proven by his will 1711. Boddie-SVFII:24. His son, Samuel, married one of Elizabeth (?)'s daughters of her
marriage to James Boyce. 'The TARVER Families' from "Tarver Family Papers' in the Georgia State Archives, Dept. of Arch. & History, indicates
Thomas TARVER is thought to have come from Wales or England to Surry Co. Va, arriving in America before 1687. He is on the list of 1688 tithables in Boddie colonial Surry - an adult. Thomas NICHOLSON is tithed with Thomas TARVER on
10 June 1694 in Surry Co. He was again tithed alone in 1698. In 1702, he is tithed with his son, Samuel TARVER,
in Southwark Pa., Surry Co. Thomas Tarver is claimed by many researchers to be the immigrant ancestor of all TARVER lines, arriving in Surry Co.,
VA in 1687 from Wales. This long tradition possibly is inaccurate. Cavaliers and Pioneers does not indicate the name TARVER
in Virginia prior to 1665, although a Tarver may still have been in Virginia. One William TARVER recd a grant of 100 acres from Gov. Will Stone in 1651. William TARVER's wife arrived St Mary's Pa.
abt 7 years after William. I have found no further records for these Maryland TARVER'S. It is possible that the Maryland
Tarver's are of the same family, but the connection is not proven. More research is warranted. Researcher for the TRAVER line: If you find any errors, please contact: above copied just as it was from the records. Lotus Dale Cirilo at, or at PO Box 2035, Tyler, Texas 75710-2035. Children of ANSOLME BAILEY and ELIZABETH ? are: 4. i. JOHN4 BAILEY, b. Bet. 1673 - 1676, VA; d. Bet. November 18, 1712 - May 28, 1713, Isle of Wight Co, VA. 5. ii. ANSELM BAILEY, b. Bet. 1674 - 1679, Isle of Wight Co, VA; d. Bef. October 1759, Surry Co, VA. iii. JANE BAILEY, b. Abt. 1680, VA; d. Bet. 1713 - 1714, Surry Co, VA; m. (1) WILLIAM WARREN, Bet. 1696 - 1701,
Surry Co, VA; m. (2) JOHN LAUGHTER/LATHER, Bet. 1703 - 1709, Surry Co, VA; b. Abt. 1676; d. Abt. 1709,
Surry Co., VA. *********************************** Notes for JANE BAILEY: 4. Jane Bailey (Ansolme1) was born about 1680 in Isle of Wight or Surry Co., VA and died in late 1713 or early in 1714
in Surry Co., VA. She married first William Warren possibly between 1696 and 1701 in Surry Co., VA. William was born
in 1699 and died between June 1701 and 1702 in Surry Co. He was the son of Thomas Warren and Jane __?__, widow of John King.
Possibly Jane King's maiden name was Allen. Jane (Bailey) Warren married second John Lather between 1703 and 1709.
John was born about 1666 and died in early 1709. Children of Jane Bailey and William Warren: None proven. Children of Jane Bailey and John Lather: None proven John Lather had to have been married prior to marrying Jane (Bailey) Warren. The woman may have been Hannah Thompson.
John was tithed on their plantation from 1682 thru 1686. Samuel Thompson of that plantation was one of his Will executors.
He named his daughter Hannah. He brought three step-children to marriage with Jane Bailey: i. John Lather could have been born bef. 1693. Married Bet. July 4 and July 18, 1716 Jane (Thomas) Collier daughter of William Thomas and Elizabeth Bramley and widow of John Collier who died early in 1716. John Lather died Abt. 1727. John and Jane had one child Martha born bef. 1720 who married ___?___ Andrews. Martha Andrews had at least two daughters, Rebecah and Priscilla both born before 1741. Maybe same Andrews family as David Andrews, Jr. who administered Jane (Bailey, Warren) Lather's estate in 1715. ii. Henry Lather could have been born bef 1693. Not traced, nothing is known of him. May have gone to Brunswick Co., VA and eventually died in NC. iii. Hannah Lather was probably born Abt. 1693 and died bef. 1761. Referred to as Hannah Every in her father's 1709 Will, she most likely married John Avories born Bef. 1677 and died 1761 or 1762. They had 8 children, 6 girls and 2 boys. Footnotes: B.C. Holtzclaw believed that William Warren and Jane Bailey had two children, William Warren gifted in Robert Bailey's
1712 Will and Ann Warren gifted in Thomas Tarver's 1711 Will. There is no evidence for this in these Wills or elsewhere.
It seems more likely this is William Warren son of Thomas Warren Jr.'s and Ann Warren is the wife of Robert Warren.
Robert Warren was born about 1667 and died 1721, he was the son of Thomas Warren and Jane __?__ (widow of Jane King)
and brother of Jane's husband, William. The William Warren in Robert Baileys Will written Oct 1712 that he calls "cozen" (aka nephew) is probably William Warren
[b. 1688 and d. aft 1751] who married Jane Davis. This William was son of Thomas Warren, Jr. and Elizabeth __?__.
Thomas Jr.was brother of Jane's husband William making him a nephew to Robert Bailey. The Surry Tithes contain a Henry Lather possibly born about 1672 based on appearance in Tithes in 1688. This might be
John's brother. Too old to be his son Henry and too late to be his father. ******************************************** Notes for Jane Bailey Info from Thomas Bailey, In the 1709 Will of John Lather he identifies his wife as Jane, no maiden name, and his children as John, Henry, and
Hannah Every(Avery). John Lather/Laughter or Lawter was born before 1676 and died between January 26 and March 7, 1702.
His father was probably Henry Lawter who died before 1676 June 13 in James City County. A Hew Lowther's Inventory is
recorded in Surry also in 1676. I don't know if they could be one and the same. John's mother's first name could have
been Hannah as he named his daughter Hannah. A witness to the 1709 Will of John Lather was William Warren. A William Warren appears as a beneficiary and is called
Cozen in Robert Bayly's Will 1712. Jane Bayly Lather died in late 1713 or early 1714 apparently a widow having not remarried. Her estate was inventoried
in February 1714. A David Andrews, Jr administered the estate and thought by some, because of this, to be her husband.
I think not. Jane was identified as Jane Lather in the 1714 Inventory not as Jane Andrews. David died between 1714
and 1716 as there is an Inventory for his estate dated 1716. ******************************************* Notes for JOHN LAUGHTER/LATHER: Will prepared January and probated March 1709. See Marriage Note in Jane Bayly. The name Laughter takes the form of Lather, Lother, Lawter, Lowther, and Laughter,
according to Judith Shoulars Hetherington ( and Lawter website (
I assume is was pronounced "LAW TUR". The Wills in Surry use the name Lather spelling so that is the spelling I have
adopted. The only record, other than Robert Bayly's Will, that I could find of the name John Laughter is the 1704/5
Rent Roll of Virginia. Marriage Notes for JANE BAILEY and JOHN LAUGHTER/LATHER: place most likely Surry Robert Bayly's Jane's and John Lather's Will in Surry John Lather Will of 1709 identifies his wife as Jane and his children as John, Henry, and Hannah Avery in that order.
Samuel Thompson and William Thomas were appointed overseers. This William Thomas was probably father of Jane Thomas
who would later marry son John. Birthdate of Hannah assumes if married to an Avery in 1709 she was at least 16 years
of age and born in 1693 or earlier. iv. WALTER BAILEY, b. Bet. 1677 - 1681. Notes for WALTER BAILEY: Southampton County, Virginia Deed Book 1 - 1749 to 1753 200 acres on the south side of Deep Branch adj. the mouth of Mill Branch and Long Branch, S: WALTER (WB) BAILEY, W: CHARLES (signed) BRIGGS, THOMAS (signed) RICKS, and CHRISTOPHER (signed) POSSER v. ROBERT BAILEY, b. Bet. 1678 - 1683, VA; d. Bef. October 1712, Surry Co, VA. Notes for ROBERT BAILEY: IGI-VA (unmarried) Southampton County, Virginia Deed Book 1 - 1749 to 1753 Pages 502-503 Robert Bailey Drury Davis Pages 502-503: ROBERT BAILEY to DRURY DAVIS dated 9 Aug 1743 (sic) 100 acres adj. THOMAS DAVIS, SAMUEL BLOW, and Long Branch (part of 250 acres to sd. ROBERT from the NOTTOWAY INDIANS), S: ROBERT (signed) BAILEY, W: SAMUEL (signed) BLOW, WILLIAM (signed) SIMMONS, and SYLVANUS (signed) STOKES ======================= Pages 7-8 Walter Bailey Robert Bailey Pages 7-8: WALTER BAILEY of Surry Count to ROBERT BAILEY dated 7 Aug 1749 ====================== Will-Surry Co,VA 1671-1870 Bk2 p279 ********************************** WILL of Robert Bailey, Surry Co, VA-04 Oct 1712. "My mother, Elizabeth Tarver", a horse, at her death, to Sister, Sarah Boyce, horse, chest, dishes, etc. Sister, Mary
Tarver, dishes, etc., To Samuel Tarver, a gun now at his house. To Benjamin Bailey, my brother Anselm's son: to my
brother Anselm Bailey, clothes. To Brother, Walter Bailey, horse, pistol and holster. To Sister Jane Laugter, corn and
a bed and furniture. To John Inman, chest & clothes. Cozen William Warren, jackets, corn. To Capt. Holts's son, Thomas,
5lbs. that Capt. Holts owes for corn. Brothers, Anselm and Walter Bailey, Exers. 04 Oct 1712. pro 18 Mar 1714. Wit.
John Tooke, Thos. Waller ************************************** vi. WILLIAM BAILEY, b. Abt. 1685, VA. Notes for WILLIAM BAILEY: The only record of William is in the Will of his father Ansolme Bailey 1688 Surry Co., VA, He gifted son William three
thousand pounds of tobacco when he reaches age sixteen years. The next Bailey Will is that of William's brother, Robert. Written October 1712, Surry Co., VA. In his Will are the
names of two of his four brothers, Anselm and Walter. He does not mention John and William. Brother John may not have
been gifted because he was dying. He prepared his own Will in November of 1712 and died before May 28, 1713. John's Will
mentions none of his brothers though two, Anselm and Walter, and may be three, Robert, were still alive. Examining the Surry Tithes over the period 1668 thru 1700 the name of Ansolme and his sons, Anselm Walter, John, and
Robert can be found in a number of years. William's name is only in the 1702 Southwark Parish tiltable, with his
brother Robert. His brothers all stayed in the area of Surry and Isle of Wight and left records but of William there is no more trace.
What I suspect happened is that William died abt 1702.(note per Thom Bailey Dec 2000) vii. ELIZABETH BAILEY, b. Abt. 1686, VA.
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