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Bailey/Baillie Surname Origin

Baillie, Bayley, Baley, Baly, Baily, Bellie & other spelling
variations all appear to stem from the old French-Norman
word baillis for administrator, official or steward which in
turn goes back to the latin word balivus with a similar
meaning. Persons who took that surname were non-royal
Mayors, Judges, leaders of troops, constables etc. The
first known was, Brithwin Brucellus, the village leader of
Battle Abbey, named for the Abbey built by William the
Conqueror to celebrate the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

The spelling of Bayley became common in England as well
The family of the author's Mother used the Bayley spelling
in West Riding Yorkshire but two sons of that line, James &
Richard of Rowley, Essex County, MA used the Bailey spelling
in the mid 1630s.

The bailey is also the inner courtyard of a Norman motte
& bailey castle. The motte being a mound on which
the keep was built & the bailey an inner courtyard where
the peasant's housing & workshops were situated. The
person in charge of the inner court yard and/or of the
laird's troops was called a bailey. The Celt word for
village was baile, bally in Ireland,which likely have the
same Norman origins. It is believed that most, if not all,
Baillies took their names from the occupation of their
ancester as did their English Bailey "cousins". Old Parish
records contain the names of many Baillies whose
unlettered ancestors allowed Parish clerks misspell their
name as Bellie or Belly. This was the case for the author's
great grandfather & several of his children including the
author's grandfather although previous generations used

One version of the Scots Baillie surname origin purports
that, during the reign of King Edward the first, a young
bailey of Staffordshire killed his Lord in a dispute turned
into a deadly duel. The victor was said to flee across the
border into Scotland & took the name Baillie. Legend has
it that Sir William Baliol changed the name of his son Sir
William to Baillie in order to escape the "tender mercies"
of the English King after King John Baliol of Scotland
was defeated by the English, deposed to languish in the
Tower of London. Most Baliol lands were forfeit.

Another associated "legend" has it that the wife of Sir William
Baliol was the illegitimate daughter of Sir William Wallace
(Braveheart) & Marian Braidfute. The son of Sir William
Baliol was said to be Sir William Baillie of Hoprig who,
according to many historians, was the first Baillie whose
name appears in known records. The first appearance was
as a juror in a 1311 (or 1312) inquest regarding forfeit
lands in Lothian. In 1315 he was a witness to a charter by
John de Graham, Lord of Albecorn. He was knighted in
1357 & received a royal charter to the Barony of
Lamington (sometimes called Lambiston).

The Bailies of Ireland were said to originate when a son of the
Lamington, Lanarkshire line emigrated & dropped an "L"
in the spelling of his name. During the reign of Queen
Victoria, Mr. Baillie Cochran an MP (Member of
Parliament) for the Isle of Wight took it on himself to
revitalize the village of Lamington, over a fifty year period
from 1838. The Episcopal Chapel, "Holy Trinity", was
part of that building process. Lamington is often called
the "Home of the Baillies". In recent years the Biggar
Museum Trust, Moat Park, Biggar, ML12 6DT, started a
campaign to renovate the "Holy Trinity" & an 800+ year
old church, Saint Ninians on whose grounds many
generations of Baillies were buried.

Thanks to Frank Baillie
1693 Rooseveit Ave SE.
Port Orchard, WA 98366
for this great article.

References: 1, 3 & 4 WERE available via Barnes & Noble (1-800-242-6657)
(1) Collins "Scottish Clans & Families Encyclopedia" by George Way
ISBN 0-00-470547-5
(2) "The Bailey Family" by the American Genealogical Research
Institute of Arlington, VA" 1972 ISBN unknown (Xerox copy help by
Donna Beers & author of Baillie surnames above)
(3) "The Surnames of Scotland" by George Black ISBN 1-874744-07-6
(4) "Scotland & Her Tartans" by Alexander Fulton ISBN 0-8317-7717-6

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